How long can we depend on china?

I don't think most people are going to view these laws as an attempt "to fuck over trannies." I think they are going to view it as an attempt to prevent a 13 year old child from doing something permanent that he may very likely regret when he gets older.
Condemning every older or health compromised male to low test levels and poor health, libido and quality of life..... such a logical reaction. We ask know how well Americans vote constantly against their own self interests to a detriment. Reactionary populist politics and an extremely uneducated voter base. What could go wrong?
Real research labs that i have been to do not store their powders in their freezer. Condensation can happen there. Labs store their powders for the most part in a controlled cooler room away from light. Moisture is probably the biggest reason for damaging powders followed by heat. It does not take much to keep powders safe. I have stuff that is 10 years old at least and have not had an issue with quality.

Condemning every older or health compromised male to low test levels and poor health, libido and quality of life..... such a logical reaction. We ask know how well Americans vote constantly against their own self interests to a detriment. Reactionary populist politics and an extremely uneducated voter base. What could go wrong?

I think you may have misread my post, I am the biggest proponent of HRT around.

My point was that a 13 year old child is not old enough to make a permanent life altering decision based upon what may very well be body dysmorphia. If an 18 year old wants to transition that is another matter.
There is no transition. You cannot become the other gender with current technology and all the hormones in the world. This shit just needs to stop ✋️. Mental illness is mental illness. Allowing people to mutilate their bodies due to a mental illness is wrong. At 12 or 100.

Translate it urself. this was what happened that caused the crackdown
I don't think most people are going to view these laws as an attempt "to fuck over trannies." I think they are going to view it as an attempt to prevent a 13 year old child from doing something permanent that he may very likely regret when he gets older.


Condemning every older or health compromised male to low test levels and poor health, libido and quality of life..... such a logical reaction. We ask know how well Americans vote constantly against their own self interests to a detriment. Reactionary populist politics and an extremely uneducated voter base. What could go wrong?

Real research labs that i have been to do not store their powders in their freezer. Condensation can happen there. Labs store their powders for the most part in a controlled cooler room away from light. Moisture is probably the biggest reason for damaging powders followed by heat. It does not take much to keep powders safe. I have stuff that is 10 years old at least and have not had an issue with quality.

I think you may have misread my post, I am the biggest proponent of HRT around.

My point was that a 13 year old child is not old enough to make a permanent life altering decision based upon what may very well be body dysmorphia. If an 18 year old wants to transition that is another matter.

There is no transition. You cannot become the other gender with current technology and all the hormones in the world. This shit just needs to stop ✋️. Mental illness is mental illness. Allowing people to mutilate their bodies due to a mental illness is wrong. At 12 or 100.
December 2, in Cixi, Zhejiang Province, a first-year boy due to anxiety resistance to physical development, through the network to learn that some drugs can relieve this anxiety, it began in July, long-term use of estrogen prescription drugs secretly bought in pharmacies.

  Parents Mr. Wang said that there are three pharmacies selling drugs to children, but only one admitted. Now the child has breast development, sexual organ atrophy and other phenomena, and the emergence of serious drug dependence, because the pharmacy should not be free to sell prescription drugs to children, has complained to the relevant departments.

  At present, from the Cixi City market supervision department learned that, after a preliminary investigation, a pharmacy involved in this incident has been filed, other cases are under further investigation and evidence.

  Junior high school students buy drugs privately and eat for several months

  Mr. Wang told reporters that his son is 13 years old and is in his first year of junior high school. "At the end of last month, the child's performance at school is a bit abnormal, reluctant to go to the toilet, the teacher after checking, found that he had a lot of hormonal drugs in his desk." This discovery surprised Mr. Wang, and only after he pursued the matter did he learn that the child had secretly purchased spironolactone tablets, progesterone and estradiol valerate tablets (trade name supplement Jiale) at a pharmacy since July this year, and had been taking them in excessive doses for a long time, and was now experiencing serious physical and psychological problems.

  "Only after we pressed know that the child's body began to develop, there are some physical changes, but he is very resistant inside, so through the network to find out that some drugs can relieve his anxiety, eat after the body will be comfortable, go to the drugstore to buy drugs." Mr. Wang said, but these are prescription drugs, without a doctor's prescription can not be sold casually. "The child is only 13 years old, usually wears a school uniform, the sales staff of the pharmacy actually sold him the drug, and more than one pharmacy!" Mr. Wang was very angry.

  It is understood that estradiol valerate tablets are prescription drugs for post-menopausal menopausal symptoms to make up for estrogen deficiency. Spironolactone tablets, on the other hand, have an androgen-suppressing effect. "After we found out the problem, we immediately took the child to the hospital for a checkup, and it has been found that the child has breast development and shrinking sexual organs, which made us all crack up!" Mr. Wang said that the child also has serious psychological problems, irritability and self-harming tendencies, and academic performance has also fallen off. The child's mother, Ms. Li, recently had to take time off from work to take care of the child.

For more than four months, Mr. Wang's son has purchased a large number of prescription drugs from pharmacies. From the interviewee
  More than one pharmacy has sold drugs to children

  Mr. Wang told reporters that they now know from the child's mouth that he bought these drugs in a total of three different pharmacies. But because they were all purchased by cash and left no proof, only one pharmacy has admitted to selling the medicine to the child, while the others refuse to admit it.

  "An adult to buy cold medicine, are required to ID registration and address. Do pharmacies not know what is prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs? Is it possible to sell such hormone-based drugs to children at will!" Mr. Wang said that the child has now developed a serious drug dependence, "My child is considered ruined!" He told reporters that he had previously negotiated with one of the pharmacies and asked for compensation, but the other side refused, which made him even more angry.

  At present, he has complained to the relevant departments, to get an explanation for the child, and does not rule out the legal way to obtain the corresponding compensation. "At the moment, what we can do on the one hand is to actively give the child treatment, on the other hand, I also hope that those who sell drugs to children's pharmacies get the punishment they deserve!"

For more than four months, Mr. Wang's son bought a large number of prescription drugs from pharmacies. From the interviewee
  Illegal sale of prescription drugs A pharmacy has been filed

  In fact, the problem of drug abuse and illegal sale of prescription drugs is not just this one case. Not long ago, the market supervision bureau of Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, received a report of adverse reactions after drug abuse. A 16-year-old student in Xiangshan, Ningbo was admitted to hospital after taking more than 30 dextromethorphan hydrobromide tablets in one breath. After hospital examination, he was found to have symptoms of drug intoxication, liver insufficiency and hypokalemia. And this time, the situation is more complicated and the problem is more serious.

  The reporter learned from the market supervision department of Cixi City that after a preliminary investigation, a pharmacy involved in this incident violated the "Supervision and Administration of Drug Distribution" and has been filed, and other cases are under further investigation and evidence.

The doctor's diagnosis. Provided by the interviewee

  Zhejiang Cixi City Market Supervision Bureau has issued a notice, the recent full coverage of pharmacies to check, focusing on estradiol valerate tablets, spironolactone tablets, dextromethorphan hydrobromide oral mono-preparation of these three drugs, strictly in accordance with the prescription to buy and real name registration, to strengthen supervision.

  Doctors also said that children undergo many physical and psychological changes during adolescence, parents should pay attention to them in a timely manner, make proper guidance, and seek help from regular medical institutions when problems are found.

  At the same time, the lawyer suggested that on the basis of the violation penalty issued by the Market Supervision Administration, and then for the degree of infringement of the consequences of the damage and loss of civil litigation, if necessary, the loss caused by judicial appraisal.

Translated with (free version)
after 12 years the oil will probably be rancid/contaminated
I’ve injected UGL gear from a vial that was around 15 years old & had no issues. Carrier was GSO. It certainly worked in terms of feelz at least (Masteron & an almost constant erection).

I’ve also used dozens of pharma test amps that were 3-5 years past their expiry date - no injection issues & the gear did what it should.
Not a recommendation regarding what I did with the 15 year old UGL, just saying what I did. I will add though that I see no reason not to use pharma injectables that are 2-3 years out of date.
I’ve injected UGL gear from a vial that was around 15 years old & had no issues. Carrier was GSO. It certainly worked in terms of feelz at least (Masteron & an almost constant erection).

I’ve also used dozens of pharma test amps that were 3-5 years past their expiry date - no injection issues & the gear did what it should.
Not a recommendation regarding what I did with the 15 year old UGL, just saying what I did. I will add though that I see no reason not to use pharma injectables that are 2-3 years out of date.
I agree that up to even 5 years is probably fine and hey, who knows maybe 12 years would be ok but to me it would never be worth it. The cost of this stuff is nothing compared to the cost of potential complications. I'll save my luck for something else lmao.