How long t levels take to return to trt baseline after blast?

As the title says. I'm very sensitive to estrogen. So when doing my last cycle I ran 300 mgs test with arimidex 2x a week at .25 mg each. It's been a month now since that and I've been doing my trt 150 mgs a week with arimidex .25 mg once a week now. Any ideas how long it takes until my levels are back to trt range and can drop the ai. Still feel like I may need it. Should I cut the .25 in half now?
Someone correct me if I’m wrong but is Steroid Plotter reliable for OP’s question? It’s what I use out of curiosity but I’m not sure if it’s accurate.
if it's been a month at TRT levels, your levels should be back to baseline already, unless you were using Test undecylenate which has a much longer half life than CYP/Enanthate
I was taking it on cycle I just stopped that like a month ago as well

There's a chance your estrogen conversion was much more due to blocking DHT with your e2 ending up higher. If you didn't do any bloodwork during or immediately after cycle i can only speculate.

Half arimidex for 300 test is not considered much, personally I'd definitely need 1mg to keep a high normal level. Perhaps blocking DHT resulted to higher estrogen activity.. either check your e2 or if you wanna shoot in the dark just add some extra arimidex.
There's a chance your estrogen conversion was much more due to blocking DHT with your e2 ending up higher. If you didn't do any bloodwork during or immediately after cycle i can only speculate.

Half arimidex for 300 test is not considered much, personally I'd definitely need 1mg to keep a high normal level. Perhaps blocking DHT resulted to higher estrogen activity.. either check your e2 or if you wanna shoot in the dark just add some extra arimidex.
Yea maybe just take the arimidex ounces a week for another week or two and get bloods?