How long to wait after cycle to ensure my TRT doctor doesn't have a fit?

Hi guys,

So I'm currently in about 7 weeks into a 600 test eth cycle. I was started on test for TRT by my Doctor, and he wants me to do bloods in May to see how the 100 dose he prescribed is working for me. Obviously if I stay on cycle, my pre cycle total test of 283 will be a tad higher, and my doc will have a major freak out. So ideally how long should I be off cycle for my self-prescribed dose to not show?

I have had all the kids I need, and so I'm not too stressed my numbers going low again. And advice would be great fully received!

Thanks all
I would think 3-4 weeks would be good, 3 weeks is when most start PCT because test has cleared enough for recovery so i dont see why it wouldnt be low enough for a 100mg per week TRT blood test.
I would prolly go cold turkey for 2 weeks then start my usual TRT dose and by week 4 i would assume you would be ok. But this is just a guess as im not a doctor.

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What the point of TRT if your cycling?

Your only inviting an adversarial relationship with your Doc following this route.

All for what to save $50 buck a month, NUTS.

Keep your TRT and Cycling separate rather than continuing the subterfuge, as that which will suffer the most is your OWN CREDIBILITY.

And some wonder why doctors find it difficult to trust "BB"!