How many of you are using test only for blasts?


New Member
I posted a thread a few days ago basically saying I’m stuck on trt after trying to come off after 7 years of bnc and my total t was in the 90s.

I just ordered enough Test U and test C powder to last me about ten years. (I homebrew)

My plan is to cruise year round on Test U at 200mg/week (when I was cruising on Cyp before 200 got me high 8s low 9s total test so figured I would start there and adjust if I need to) I realize there’s less active hormone in test U but it should theoretically be more stable injecting once a week than test C twice a week.

I’ve done just about every steroid you can think of, the only ones I haven’t tried off the top of my head are Trest and tbol. I just don’t see the point of running anything other than Test at this point in my life. Too many side effects compared to just Test for my goals, in my opinion

So anyway, I’m at the point where if I’m having to inject Testosterone already, I “might as well” do a blast of maybe 600mg of testosterone a week for 16 weeks or so once a year and then go back down to my cruise dose for the rest of the year. I would just stay on my Test U as normal and “stack” test C on top of it.

I diet and train hard year round, probably 95% of the year im on point, the other 5% I’m living my life lol my focus now is pretty much just overall health while still looking somewhat like a bodybuilder.

This was really just a long way to ask, those of you that do something similar to this, do you feel satisfied? Do you feel the need to add anything more to it?
Test-only is bar none the most effective blast protocol I've ever used. I think my most of my best cycles were test only.

That being said, its super fun to play with polypharmacy and experience/learn about side effects while ruminating on my wife's sexual history and sweating the bed into a functional fish pond.
Test-only is bar none the most effective blast protocol I've ever used. I think my most of my best cycles were test only.

That being said, its super fun to play with polypharmacy and experience/learn about side effects while ruminating on my wife's sexual history and sweating the bed into a functional fish pond.
Brother I have been there “what do you mean you looked at another man 10 years ago?”