Online Course - Anabolic Bodybuilding


Hey guys,

I enjoy Paul Barnett’s YouTube content, seems like a great guy and I agree with him on most things. He has a new online course on his coaching website and I was wondering if anyone here has purchased it and whether it’s worth the price tag (~$300). Apologies if wrong sub forum, could decide where this would go.

There’s endless knowledge for free here. Also on YouTube & instagram from creators. I wouldn’t fully accept any one creator’s/persons approach to enhancement and see what works for you. Based on a foundation of basic knowledge. Additionally, all of the PED creators seem to do Q&A’s. So if you have a particular question you want answered by them you could wait till then. So for me personally, I don’t think it’s worth it. Everyone and their mom on instagram is selling a coarse.
Ive had my eye on it. Probably would have bought it already if the $300 wasn't only access for the year. There's so much content for free I just can't imagine spending $300 every year.
products like that are for guys who dont know how to use the internet or have too much money, and think spending more gives them better X. I cant imagine paying $300 to have the wikipedia of every compound read to me like a bed time story
I dunno, I’m considering buying it. I’m sure it does regurgitate much of what is taught here, but I like the idea of verifying my assumptions with people who I know compete and coach multiple competitors. There’s some smart guys on here, but at the end of the day, it’s mostly anonymous.
I dunno, I’m considering buying it. I’m sure it does regurgitate much of what is taught here, but I like the idea of verifying my assumptions with people who I know compete and coach multiple competitors. There’s some smart guys on here, but at the end of the day, it’s mostly anonymous.
if you have specific questions maybe you can get more bang for your buck out of a consultation, i didnt mean to imply Paul doesnt know anything, i'd just rather talk to the man himself
I would pass. If it's anything like Kurt havens' content, and I know he was involved, it will be terribly basic and not worth the money. I got his HGH book on sale and it was the most basic piece of crap I ever read. I could have done better over the weekend for a college paper. Just read on here and check out all the user experience threads on each different steroid in the r/steroids subreddit. Check out all the YouTube steroids stuff like Paul's channel, vigorous Steve, Todd Lee, think big bodybuilding, chase irons, Broderick Chavez, John jewitt, etc. you'll get plenty of info and take it all with a grain of salt. Your body will react in it's own way to these compounds.
National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) has a Physique and Bodybuilding Coach course that is very academic if you are interested in the science end of this. It covers PEDS and supplements, food and nutrition, training programs, cardio, contest prep, peak week, etc. NASM is a reputable source, but is more expensive than the course you are considering.
National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) has a Physique and Bodybuilding Coach course that is very academic if you are interested in the science end of this. It covers PEDS and supplements, food and nutrition, training programs, cardio, contest prep, peak week, etc. NASM is a reputable source, but is more expensive than the course you are considering.
Really now, the NASM physique track talks about PEDs? I didn’t know that. I had a personal training certification way back and always wanted to continue learning more.
I dunno, I’m considering buying it. I’m sure it does regurgitate much of what is taught here, but I like the idea of verifying my assumptions with people who I know compete and coach multiple competitors. There’s some smart guys on here, but at the end of the day, it’s mostly anonymous.
Athlene X and Mike Israetel are solid resources on lifting and free on YouTube. Can’t go wrong with basics on either. Don’t spend your money like that
Considerably superior content made by Justin Harris who coached Paul no disrespect just yeah go straight to the source cheers
Really now, the NASM physique track talks about PEDs? I didn’t know that. I had a personal training certification way back and always wanted to continue learning more.
Yes it does talk about PEDs, hormones, anabolics, testosterone, HGH, peptides, growth factors, etc. Doesn’t prescribe specific cycles, and reminds you that as a coach you cannot do that. It does take a “food first” approach, but recognizes that realistically, steroids are an inescapable part of bodybuilding.

The personal trainer course you took is a prerequisite for the Physique/ Bodybuilding Coach course, or you can get in with a bachelor’s degree with a major or minor in some type of related field.

Good luck whatever you decide brother.