Online Course - Anabolic Bodybuilding


Hey guys,

I enjoy Paul Barnett’s YouTube content, seems like a great guy and I agree with him on most things. He has a new online course on his coaching website and I was wondering if anyone here has purchased it and whether it’s worth the price tag (~$300). Apologies if wrong sub forum, could decide where this would go.

There’s endless knowledge for free here. Also on YouTube & instagram from creators. I wouldn’t fully accept any one creator’s/persons approach to enhancement and see what works for you. Based on a foundation of basic knowledge. Additionally, all of the PED creators seem to do Q&A’s. So if you have a particular question you want answered by them you could wait till then. So for me personally, I don’t think it’s worth it. Everyone and their mom on instagram is selling a coarse.
Ive had my eye on it. Probably would have bought it already if the $300 wasn't only access for the year. There's so much content for free I just can't imagine spending $300 every year.