How much of a difference does T3 make alongside tren ace?


New Member
Hey everyone, I’m running test e @250mg/week alongside tren ace @ 560mg/week and anavar @50mg/day. I’ve gotten down to 9-10% body fat but am aiming for ~7% body fat. I’ve never run t3 alongside tren and have heard of the various reasons people run t3 with tren. My plan is to run 30mcg a day for 3-5 days before bumping it to 60mcg a day split in two doses and staying there.

How much of a difference does 60mcg t3 make in regards to metabolism and weight loss in the presence of a 700 caloric deficit? Is the increase in effectiveness at, say, 90mcg a day worth the dose increase?

I’ve heard it really flattens you out, would anavar
@50mg/day mitigate this?

I really disliked the feeling clen gave when I ran it in the past. The anxiety, rapid heart rate, and tremors were uncomfortable. I know t3 isn’t a stimulant in a similar sense as clen but does it produce similar sides?

Any input or personal experiences regarding weight loss with t3 alongside tren ace are welcome :)
makes a solid difference.

first time user myself on day 3 of 25mcg T3 and noticeably better results

have u thought of adding in mast? that'll make u look insane sub 10%
I’ve never tried masteron but the volume I’m pinning right now is 1.6mL or 2.1mL each time. That’s too much volume for me already lol I don’t think I can add mast as well.
I’m going to add 30mcg of t3 after work this evening and see how it goes. Should probably wait till tomorrow AM in case I can’t sleep but I need to get the ball rolling before my cycle is over lol
Tren suppresses t3 by lowering THBG (thyroid hormone binding globulin) so my opinion would be to at the minimum run t4 with it. But I’m sure 50-70 mics of t3 would make a substantial difference, especially if ran with mast.
Tren suppresses t3 by lowering THBG (thyroid hormone binding globulin) so my opinion would be to at the minimum run t4 with it. But I’m sure 50-70 mics of t3 would make a substantial difference, especially if ran with mast.
Does mast synergize or potentiate with t3 or something? Mast doesn’t help with fat loss does it? It just hardens you up I thought.
Does mast synergize or potentiate with t3 or something? Mast doesn’t help with fat loss does it? It just hardens you up I thought.
Not sure if it potentiates with the t3, and I don’t think any steroids really help with fat loss besides maybe tren. People aren’t going to like this but I use Masteron as my primary anabolic paired with test. Whether I’m bulking or cutting mast is always in. Yes it hardens you up when your lean, but in a bulk you will get slow/dense/quality tissue from it. Also more vascular. The mental effects are great as well.
I hear a lot that it's recommended to run 25-50mcg T3 with Tren, but also same people say that the T3 makes them too flat. Whats the solution to this?
I’d assume there’s a few things you can do:
Time high GI carbs preworkout
Have dextrose during your workout
Citrilline malate
Add an oral (like anavar)
It works well for fatloss. I found 50mcg to be the sweet spot.

It absolutely will make you flat, and you'll also probably lose some strength. T3 really screwed my strength on cuts, even on tren. I even went as high as 100mcg but backed it back down to 50, not because of the sides but the strength loss and flat/stringy look was not what I was looking for

I haven't run it in years though. Eventually my thyroid recovered, the only thing I regret is not doing bloodwork upon stopping the t3, and 4/8 weeks after stopping to see how long it actually takes for your thyroid to rebound to normal production levels. I don't recall any rebound/fat gain after stopping either, but I was also on high dose tren which probably negated a lot of negative rebound
Tren has a negative impact on T3 as mentioned above by decreasing total T4, T3 and TBG.
Supplementing with T3 is generally advised when cutting with tren to keep the metabolism up, as lowered total T3 would obviously lower metabolism. General consensus is 50mcg is the sweet spot from anecdotal reports with regards flatness, lack of pumps and strength decrease.
I've personally also gone up to 100mcg while on tren, flat as a pancake, zero pump, strength decrease.
25mcg is considered a replacement dose. Having done 25/50/75/100 MCG increments, I agree with sector that 50mcg was my sweet spot. I still experienced flatness and lack of pumps, on a cut it is what it is. It's expected to become flat, get no or shitty pumps and lose strength on a cut. For me 50mcg had no where near as much of a negative impact on strength as 75-100mcg.
I stopped cold turkey from 100mcg and had zero negative impact on my thyroid levels on bloods. Function and levels returned to normal/ same as pre T3 blood.
This is obviously personal experience so take from it what you will.
Cold turkey cessation was from personal research, concluding there was no need to taper down before cessation. Again a personal choice and do what feels right to you, there's conflicting opinions on tapering and stopping cold turkey. From my own research and labs I found no reason to taper, it's not advice as much as just anecdotal reporting based on personal experience.

Tldr: 50mcg of T3 while on tren will help.
How much of a difference does 60mcg t3 make in regards to metabolism and weight loss in the presence of a 700 caloric deficit? Is the increase in effectiveness at, say, 90mcg a day worth the dose increase?
T3 can definitely boost metabolism and enhance fat loss, especially when you’re already in a significant caloric deficit. The difference at 60mcg versus 30mcg is noticeable, and increasing to 90mcg can provide further benefits