How open are you with friends, family and people in your life about your gear use?


Other than my wife (and getting her OK with my extracurricular drug use was a long road) there is nobody in real life that is privy to what I am up to. Most of my close friends strongly suspect however. I have denied this, but we are talking about dudes who in some cases have known me since childhood so they likely know I am full of shit they just have not called me on it.

So what about you? Deny til you die or open and honest?
I just say I have used it in the past due to sports, now I'm clean and continue to work out some and maintain my body, not as big as I used to be, but I'm very strict with my diet.
My significant other knows, and she honestly could care less. We're both pretty laid back people, and she knows I wouldn't do anything like this haphazardly. We make jokes about it; like if I'm pinning in the bathroom and she walks by, I'll be like, "Oh, it's not what it looks like, I'm just shooting heroin." Lol. (Not to make light of hard drug addiction, we just have a dark sense of humor, so no disrespect to anyone who has struggled with drug addiction; it's more to make a point of how insignificant she looks at AAS use)

But other than her, I don't talk about it with anyone. My mom knows I'm on "TRT," but she respects my privacy and would not divulge even that to anyone else in my family.
My wife obviously knows so she can tell me "your acting like a blood crazed lunatic again" and I can get a grip. As far as everyone else, I say I'm on TRT and "maybe if you went to the gym you wouldn't think everyone is on steroids". And if they go to the gym "put in some effort pencil neck"
I tell everyone i’m juicing
weak gravity falls GIF
and no one believes me.
I wasnt actually open, until my parents found the box of stuff, which went alot smoother than I thought, my mom doesnt like all the stuff I take but she didnt freak out.
Now my stuff sits in the pantry lol

She knew I took Hgh because its in the fridge, then she found all the steroids, I will say she doesn’t know I take tren which Im sure she would freak out if she searched it.

Now I order stuff and she knows when I get stuff


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