How to find a general care doctor that is knowledgeable in PEDs and will help rather than judge.


New Member
I’m a new member so my apologies if this is the wrong forum for this question but it did say Men’s health.

How did some of you find a doctor who will actually help talk you through blood work, aid in harm reduction, and make sure you’re healthy while using AAS, rather than judge you and just tell you to quit?

Thanks all! Great to be here!
I didnt. Still got these judgemental useless labcoats telling me every issue i come to them with is from PED abuse and that they wont treat it, ill have crto go off the steroids, not even go on TRT or anything like that, but cut it off cold turkey.
It’s wild because all I can find is like the anabolic doc on YouTube and I’m not sure that guy is legit or not. Then guys that give great info like Chase Irons or Paul from anabolic bodybuilding, but finding someone locally is hard as hell.