How to invest economically? A personal opinion sharing


So I read a post recently here that seems to have spun out of control, but some information was indeed
great there and I would love if we can try again and keep it clean here.

We are NOT financial advisors and all or any information here should ONLY be taken as a fun
read. Please contact a professional financial advisor if you feel the need or do your own research.
No on here is responsible if you do/ made a bad investment.

- Try to avoid personal development talk. We all know that mindset, disciplin, making your bed, organize time etc is a great path to personal and economical freedom. This should have its own thread
since it's such a deep and interesting topic. However, recommending books, podcasts, channels is allowed
that base information on economy (within the frame what is allowed on the board of course). Tips on work is
allowed since that is the basis of being able to make an investment for most. Example grow in the workplace,
finding more sources of income, or saving tips.
- No backlash, everyone is entitled to an opinion, just ignore it so we don't start the thread with attacks.
- Unsure regarding e.g. BTC since we have a specific forum for that, so I leave that to the mod to decide.
- Feel free to share your stories how you succeeded, doesn't matter if you made 1k or 100k, these things
always help to give perspective. Even how you got debt free or your first home is valuable.
- NO d*mn gambling or other potentially destructive investments. Yes, all investments are a gamble, but we
gotta draw the line where too many fall victim to a life on the streets.
- Lastly, please state where you aim your investment. Example flipping real estate in America is very different
from flipping real estate in Scandinavia (just mention e.g. "if you live in the US I suggest looking into").
- Add a realistic time-frame if applicable. Example "In 10 years my index fund doubled".
- Tax evasion is not an option, but tax deduction or tax haven is very much appreciated as long as it's legal.
However, sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do and no one is a saint, just don't recommend illegal acts.

To make it easier I will here place a template:

- How to make your first 10k savings:

- How to potentially go from 10k savings to 100k savings:

- How to to potentially go from 100k savings to 1m savings:

- Great channels, books, podcasts, writers, pages (keep board rules):

- My story:

Reason why I made a template is that we all have different options, experiences, knowledge etc and gotta start from somewhere.
When you make money you have more options to make even more, but it also costs more and adds more risks usually, so the
information is indeed very valuable. Even if not direct advice how to invest, what not to invest in can also help us get an understanding
and learn.
As long as it's with the best intentions and not misleading or illegal, then all is great!

I will write mine below, and it anyone wanna do above for personal development, that would be a fantastic read!
My Story:
- I have always been a dreamer, a very creative refusing to give up dreamer with a "creative touch". I wanted to become an inventor and skissed probably a hundred inventions that never came to be. I was great at talking with people and got all my jobs that way with no education, but I wanted the freedom so I made sure I was never employed, but stayed as consultant or freelancer.

When someone asked "can you do this?" I immediately answered yes and then learned it along the way. Of course this doesn't work on professional jobs, but I managed to land 33 jobs this way in my life. Computer, Security, Writer, Life Coach, Spectrum Caretaker, you name it.

For 14 years I struggled with money, borrowing money to flee and battle my anxiety, building an uncontrollable debt that couldn't be paid of with a normal job. I turned to crime and everything became worse. Took my punishment, but the debt was still there. I kept believing that my life and money will be outside of my home-country and I kept selling my furniture and stuff to return to in this case Asia. I saw potential there in everything from taxes to population and growth. I also saw that a lot what we take for granted doesn't even exist there or is very poorly made... I saw a market.

I managed to land a few contacts randomly and it went south again, badly. I talked with my family going back home and never dream again, I started to give up. One contact was left, very unreliable. I bought the ticket home to finally give up. 5 days before the airplane would take of another man called me stating this one contact I had left was indeed unreliable and asked me to push for a contract in their firm myself instead of via the unreliable one. I took what was left of me, no hope, and I pushed. 3 days before the airplane would take of I got a call "can you do this?", Yes I can I answered and I opened my own company with the last money I had left in a country I knew nothing about learning along the way - again staying.
Literally ate a can of tuna for a day.

I was excuse the arrogance so good at adapting to that position that I became the owner as a sub-company under the larger firm. I made my first 300k in 2 years, cleared all my debts in one payment, and still had the company left and some savings (today around 150k). Am I anxious? Hell yes, I am responsible for a lot of people's lives at the moment and I still learn everyday. I have NO clue whatsoever what to do with the money I earn, and I have a hard time being able to stop and enjoy it, but I fight for a better future. I also have no time or energy to sit down with my inventions, but I hope that it will balance out soon.

My advice:
How to make your first 10k savings?
- Don't wait for perfection, if you have an idea, say yes and start and learn along the way. It's better you fail 10 times in a year than wait 10 years to believe you won't fail.
- 9-5 is great for stability, but if you are in a company that don't allow you to grow financially in a reasonable amount of time for you, change the job or take on a freelancer position on the side. Many freelancer jobs can land you more an hour than most 9-5, but you gotta build up an image/ profile there with some crap jobs first.
- To make money you need to sacrifice a lot of freedom. This means avoid costs of partying and fancy dinners until you have enough to invest.
- The 10% per salary is great! You adapt to what you earn. I don't do more now compared to when I was poor, but hell do I spend more.
- Internet internet internet! Especially if you live in e.g. America and can do PoD (print-on demand) or similar. With some decent marketing skills you can reach thousands or hundred of thousands in a day, and the product or service don't even need to be that good, just gotta fill a purpose for the consumer. I work on internet.
- Never ever invest what you cannot afford, no matter how sure someone states the investment is. Additionally, NEVER invest with family or friends preferably, you need to be able to make tough decisions fast.

How do you go from 10k savings to 100k savings?
- Expand the same product or service as you already do. If service you might need an extra pair of hands or machines, if internet you can get freelancers very cheap who possess a lot of knowledge and dedication (different countries different needs).
- Expand the marketing, explore marketing sources that are not oversaturated which everyone uses. Just because you sell a car you don't need to only reach out on car forums.
- Don't be afraid, just sit down and plan it and don't make rash decisions.

Book I recommend:
- I am currently reading the book Noise by Daniel Kahneman. I do apologize that this isn't a direct economic book, but it teaches you clearing out noise around you to make better decisions/ judgement.
My Story:
- I have always been a dreamer, a very creative refusing to give up dreamer with a "creative touch". I wanted to become an inventor and skissed probably a hundred inventions that never came to be. I was great at talking with people and got all my jobs that way with no education, but I wanted the freedom so I made sure I was never employed, but stayed as consultant or freelancer.

When someone asked "can you do this?" I immediately answered yes and then learned it along the way. Of course this doesn't work on professional jobs, but I managed to land 33 jobs this way in my life. Computer, Security, Writer, Life Coach, Spectrum Caretaker, you name it.

For 14 years I struggled with money, borrowing money to flee and battle my anxiety, building an uncontrollable debt that couldn't be paid of with a normal job. I turned to crime and everything became worse. Took my punishment, but the debt was still there. I kept believing that my life and money will be outside of my home-country and I kept selling my furniture and stuff to return to in this case Asia. I saw potential there in everything from taxes to population and growth. I also saw that a lot what we take for granted doesn't even exist there or is very poorly made... I saw a market.

I managed to land a few contacts randomly and it went south again, badly. I talked with my family going back home and never dream again, I started to give up. One contact was left, very unreliable. I bought the ticket home to finally give up. 5 days before the airplane would take of another man called me stating this one contact I had left was indeed unreliable and asked me to push for a contract in their firm myself instead of via the unreliable one. I took what was left of me, no hope, and I pushed. 3 days before the airplane would take of I got a call "can you do this?", Yes I can I answered and I opened my own company with the last money I had left in a country I knew nothing about learning along the way - again staying.
Literally ate a can of tuna for a day.

I was excuse the arrogance so good at adapting to that position that I became the owner as a sub-company under the larger firm. I made my first 300k in 2 years, cleared all my debts in one payment, and still had the company left and some savings (today around 150k). Am I anxious? Hell yes, I am responsible for a lot of people's lives at the moment and I still learn everyday. I have NO clue whatsoever what to do with the money I earn, and I have a hard time being able to stop and enjoy it, but I fight for a better future. I also have no time or energy to sit down with my inventions, but I hope that it will balance out soon.

My advice:
How to make your first 10k savings?
- Don't wait for perfection, if you have an idea, say yes and start and learn along the way. It's better you fail 10 times in a year than wait 10 years to believe you won't fail.
- 9-5 is great for stability, but if you are in a company that don't allow you to grow financially in a reasonable amount of time for you, change the job or take on a freelancer position on the side. Many freelancer jobs can land you more an hour than most 9-5, but you gotta build up an image/ profile there with some crap jobs first.
- To make money you need to sacrifice a lot of freedom. This means avoid costs of partying and fancy dinners until you have enough to invest.
- The 10% per salary is great! You adapt to what you earn. I don't do more now compared to when I was poor, but hell do I spend more.
- Internet internet internet! Especially if you live in e.g. America and can do PoD (print-on demand) or similar. With some decent marketing skills you can reach thousands or hundred of thousands in a day, and the product or service don't even need to be that good, just gotta fill a purpose for the consumer. I work on internet.
- Never ever invest what you cannot afford, no matter how sure someone states the investment is. Additionally, NEVER invest with family or friends preferably, you need to be able to make tough decisions fast.

How do you go from 10k savings to 100k savings?
- Expand the same product or service as you already do. If service you might need an extra pair of hands or machines, if internet you can get freelancers very cheap who possess a lot of knowledge and dedication (different countries different needs).
- Expand the marketing, explore marketing sources that are not oversaturated which everyone uses. Just because you sell a car you don't need to only reach out on car forums.
- Don't be afraid, just sit down and plan it and don't make rash decisions.

Book I recommend:
- I am currently reading the book Noise by Daniel Kahneman. I do apologize that this isn't a direct economic book, but it teaches you clearing out noise around you to make better decisions/ judgement.
Sell steroids to make your first 10k
Buy a big bathtub some used lab equipment.
Start manufacturing and make 100 k
Than fill the vials with cat piss and exit scam.
Wright a book on how to make 100k from 0 and use this money to buy gold and silver and retire.

Or if this sounds to risky just take some sand and trade it for anything worth 10$ And trade that for something worth 15 $ and so on till you get a Tesla!
Sell steroids to make your first 10k
Buy a big bathtub some used lab equipment.
Start manufacturing and make 100 k
Than fill the vials with cat piss and exit scam.
Wright a book on how to make 100k from 0 and use this money to buy gold and silver and retire.

Or if this sounds to risky just take some sand and trade it for anything worth 10$ And trade that for something worth 15 $ and so on till you get a Tesla!
I didn't read any of that, I think it was about making money

find out what jobs pay, find out how to get those jobs (education, etc). Don't beed a breeder and have kids.

Nothing more need be said.
Sell steroids to make your first 10k
Buy a big bathtub some used lab equipment.
Start manufacturing and make 100 k
Than fill the vials with cat piss and exit scam.
Wright a book on how to make 100k from 0 and use this money to buy gold and silver and retire.

Or if this sounds to risky just take some sand and trade it for anything worth 10$ And trade that for something worth 15 $ and so on till you get a Tesla!
Not sure if you meant it but i believe this is how msg labs made their fortune. He has since sold shares in msg labs and run off with all the cash. 20mill i believe. Don't even try to pm him. Your local feds will be knocking on your door asking what you know.
Never heard of msg labs right. Msg is what they used to put in food to make it taste good.
I would really appreciate if you guys don’t make jokes here and actually give valuable info, this is something I have always struggled with and still do to this day.
I would really appreciate if you guys don’t make jokes here and actually give valuable info, this is something I have always struggled with and still do to this day.
I suggest pm Hayes himself. He is very friendly and approachable. Also seems very wise on the subject. But many people including me do make money from steroids. It is a business just underground. Not a joke.
But thanks for the input. You are correct we do make light of some important subjects.
I suggest pm Hayes himself. He is very friendly and approachable. Also seems very wise on the subject. But many people including me do make money from steroids. It is a business just underground. Not a joke.
But thanks for the input. You are correct we do make light of some important subjects.
@ Him
On your sign in page over to the far left top three bars one under other. Scroll down there to member. In member type Hayes and he will pop up. It asks if you want to start conversation. It will be private. Only you and he can see it.
Hope that is what you asked.
On your sign in page over to the far left top three bars one under other. Scroll down there to member. In member type Hayes and he will pop up. It asks if you want to start conversation. It will be private. Only you and he can see it.
Hope that is what you asked.
Thank you bro
Thank you bro
Wasn't sure that is what u wanted. I'm the last person anyone asks about this stuff. I don't even know how you got that drink carton there. I'm happy with my pink r now. Wished for a long time I knew how to put tits there. Now it is what it is.
Hayes is a great guy. A little bussy so it may take a while for him to answer. But he seriously is a great friend of mine. And will be a friend to you as well.
He did PM, thanks Rickt my bro! Really appreciate the words and likewise!

We gotta try help where we can. On the topic of AAS I have friends here who does the same, typically towards AUS, but the risks involved are not worth it imo. Small deals will land you some small bucks which can be a nice addition, but rarely leads to something consistent and longterm. Large batches... Well that is a life of paranoia mildly put.

We want to grow economically while being able to be in friends and family's lives, and hopefully not encourage debt which illegal or gambling activities often leads to (talking from experience). Or mix with the wrong people.

So maybe spin it off a little easier, does anyone here invest in stocks, index, real estate, or similar?
What was your biggest fear starting and was the fear warranted?
Well selling is an inappropriate word for me. My training partners get them free. But some other friends do a job or two. One is a painter buddy he painted our spare room. Another is a landscaper. He got be a heap of free bricks and laid them. He also cuts the grass. Barter. My wife said if we (Yes she helps brew) im not to sell any. But she is likes getting stuff for free.
Not sure if you meant it but i believe this is how msg labs made their fortune. He has since sold shares in msg labs and run off with all the cash. 20mill i believe. Don't even try to pm him. Your local feds will be knocking on your door asking what you know.
Never heard of msg labs right. Msg is what they used to put in food to make it taste good.
Are msg and monosodium glutamate different substances?
Well selling is an inappropriate word for me. My training partners get them free. But some other friends do a job or two. One is a painter buddy he painted our spare room. Another is a landscaper. He got be a heap of free bricks and laid them. He also cuts the grass. Barter. My wife said if we (Yes she helps brew) im not to sell any. But she is likes getting stuff for free.
For this, people communicate, that each professional is in his own business and they can exchange what they can do or produce.