How to make a Aromasin solution & questions


New Member
Hello guys,

My order of 10g of Aromasin powder just arrived and now I am wondering how I will dose it to 10mg every other day.
I think of making a solution with either Vodka or Ethanol because the scale I am using only goes down to 20mg.

I have a few questions:

1. Should I use Vodka or Ethanol for the solution? I heard that Aromasin dissolves fully in Ethanol.
2. Does the alcohol effect the Aromasin? Like does it destroy the Aromasin or something?
3. Does the solution expire? Does the Aromasin itself expire? Should I store it at a certain temperature?

Maybe I missed something so if you have any other tips I'd gladly appreciate them

Thanks in advance for the answers
Hello guys,

My order of 10g of Aromasin powder just arrived and now I am wondering how I will dose it to 10mg every other day.
I think of making a solution with either Vodka or Ethanol because the scale I am using only goes down to 20mg.

I have a few questions:

1. Should I use Vodka or Ethanol for the solution? I heard that Aromasin dissolves fully in Ethanol.
2. Does the alcohol effect the Aromasin? Like does it destroy the Aromasin or something?
3. Does the solution expire? Does the Aromasin itself expire? Should I store it at a certain temperature?

Maybe I missed something so if you have any other tips I'd gladly appreciate them

Thanks in advance for the answers

I wouldn't. Get some cheap pharma pills.
The stuff already arrived and the money is spent so I won't order pills. Was dumb of me to order the powder in the first place but now I'm stuck with it

I hear you, and hopefully someone will chime in on what worked for them. If this were Tadalifil or Sildanafil, no sweat, but the consequences of an inaccurate dose and immediate, complete absorption of a drug like this could be pretty bad for a while.