How to maximize IGF-1 levels?

James Bond12

New Member
I am curious about what it takes, specifically what compounds would be needed and used to maximize IGF-1 levels. In a hypothetical context, would it only be HGH and Insulin that'd be used to maximize IGF-1 levels or is there more to the story? Would we try to inhibit somatostatin? I know the GHRP's (Ex: GHRP-2) and GHRH's (Ex: Mod-GRF 1-29), also could be used but I know it doesn't work as well in the presence of HGH.

My forthcoming book, Bolus: A Practical and Reference Guide to the Use of Recombinant hGH and GH Secretagogues describes other agents & tactics in the Practical: Protocols section for increasing IGF-I bioavailability.

Insulin is one, a crude one however. It's to be used as a blunt instrument for this task & to ameliorate rhGH's hypoglycemic effects.

Combining GH secretagogues & rhGH requires managing administration schedules & frequencies because of GH's negative feedback inhibition on its own secretion. That's another strategy that is discussed under the framework described for rational use of these agents in combination, in the book.