[HPLC] Pharmacom Deca 600mg (high dosage gear) - December

A friend of mine bought one test E 500 and one deca 600.

He has been using gear for more then 10 years. He is not a noob at this game... Well he had thrown the vials away after 4 pins ahahahhaha! Couldn't walk, couldn't lift his arm, got the "test flu" so hard he couldn't lift for two days after every shots. Then there are members here saying its pipless if diluted.

Frank always said that it's for very experienced users and it needs 10-15 pins to the body to get accustomed.

Unless you need to inject very high volume of oil and then you want to cut back on the total ml I would not consider using high mg gear.

I did these test only because I was really curious if pharmacom had that shit correct.

We should send the results to rich piano! He made a fucking video on YouTube saying its impossible to have gear higher then 300mg LOL
yes we have warnings on all our sites. actually deca and boldenone are not painful. only testosterone can be painful ut you just imagine, this is 500 mg of active agent... in fact the half of the vial is active agent. 5 gramms of pure testosterone...
there are simple rules. high concentrated oils shall be always warmed up. one need to inject them slowly. after injection you can take a pill of some anty inflammatory drug, it can prevent swelling. also injection site is important. i personally use delts for this. for me they are most painless.