Hpta restart / need to talk to dr scally

Haha you're the man. Thanks buddy; if anyone else could answer this too, can hypergonadism (asih) cause hypothyroid?
Hypogonadism is not a cause of hypothyroidism. However, the opposite is reported.

Is there anyway I can personal message you and explain my situation in detail regards to steroid use and get insight in regards to wether a hpta restart is possible / if hypergonadism (from anabolic steroid use) cause my thyroid to be acting up.

I'm sorry it's just where I live the doctors have basically so little knowledge and they are trying to put me on anti depressants when all my blood tests have showen lack of test plus elevated tsh, I just want to try and get my hormones back to a realistic functioning manner.
I got referred to one but he didn't have much knowledge in the background of anabolic steroid use, he basically suggested trt but then even said it's difficult to deal with people in my "situation" because even if I start doing test again it becomes a when's too much. I live on a small island and the doctors just keep dismissing most of everything saying "it will fix itself over time" but like I said it's been hell, especially due to the dryness that I get across my face and my hair gets super dry and itchy, it's just been a living hell and I just wanna find a resolution to tgis
I'm basically at a fork in the road, either I'm gonna be stuck doing this stuff for the rest of my life (test and other anabolics) or I am gonna save up the 450$ and try to do the hpta restart if it is possible but if I've suppressed my body too much I don't wanna waste all that money doing it. I'm only 26 but I was such a moron when I began doing steroids because of the groups I was involved with, I didn't have any proper knowledge and trusted what my "friend" told me, I've basically continually cycled since I was 20-21 (yes I know I'm a fuckin idiot) without using any pcts ; I used some arimidex but like I said I was such a fucking moron I just trusted everything my friend who I was getting the stuff from said to do, because he just wanted to continue making money off me, now I'm literally living in hell daily with so many issues from this hormone imbalance..
I'm basically at a fork in the road, either I'm gonna be stuck doing this stuff for the rest of my life (test and other anabolics) or I am gonna save up the 450$ and try to do the hpta restart if it is possible but if I've suppressed my body too much I don't wanna waste all that money doing it. I'm only 26 but I was such a moron when I began doing steroids because of the groups I was involved with, I didn't have any proper knowledge and trusted what my "friend" told me, I've basically continually cycled since I was 20-21 (yes I know I'm a fuckin idiot) without using any pcts ; I used some arimidex but like I said I was such a fucking moron I just trusted everything my friend who I was getting the stuff from said to do, because he just wanted to continue making money off me, now I'm literally living in hell daily with so many issues from this hormone imbalance..

As an aside, THIS is precisely why young (and old) men starting out should invest the necessary time to properly educated themselves BEFORE beginning AAS. Otherwise, the consequence could be permanent and life altering.

I may refer to this in the future to drive home the point of waiting until your body (and mind) matures enough before considering AAS, particularly if you are young (approx 24)

I hope youre able to find a doc you can work with and the treatment you require in order to live a happy healthy life once again.
Yes and no, I don't know how legit the gear was in the beginning and looking back I def had bouts of andropause throughout these years but in September 2011 up until December 2013 I was doing very quality stuff consistently while I was competitively fighting and doing triathlons. I decided to stop it all went cold turkey and my life went on a downward spiral. I'm 110% aware of how stupid and naive I was to trust the guy who's pockets I was filling with money, I appreciate all the replys and help I just want to try and get my body to a normal functioning state
Nothern nutrition feel free to I also hope to be able to be a good example of why people should do extreme amounts of research and become properly educated before ever touching this stuff. The only good I can see coming from my mistakes and naiveness is preventing other people from falling down the same path.
Is there anyway I can personal message you and explain my situation in detail regards to steroid use and get insight in regards to wether a hpta restart is possible / if hypergonadism (from anabolic steroid use) cause my thyroid to be acting up.

I'm sorry it's just where I live the doctors have basically so little knowledge and they are trying to put me on anti depressants when all my blood tests have showen lack of test plus elevated tsh, I just want to try and get my hormones back to a realistic functioning manner.

Does not compute!!!

Hyper means high.
As an aside, THIS is precisely why young (and old) men starting out should invest the necessary time to properly educated themselves BEFORE beginning AAS. Otherwise, the consequence could be permanent and life altering.

I may refer to this in the future to drive home the point of waiting until your body (and mind) matures enough before considering AAS, particularly if you are young (approx 24)

I hope youre able to find a doc you can work with and the treatment you require in order to live a happy healthy life once again.
I was thinking the same thing northern, all the 18-20 somthings so eager to jump on a cycle this is why the vets here at meso try to get you to wait until either you have peaked natty and are much more educated and informed before taking aas. As you can see there can b some seriuos consequences.
By the way op good luck i hope Doc Scally can help you, theres always a chance!!
So hypergonadism cannot cause me to become hypothyroid? I'm just worried because my last blood test my tsh was 2.8 and I looked up the symptoms and I seem to have a lot of them
& I agree with both of you nothern and mrb & feel free to use me and my current predicament as an example of why you shouldn't just do steroids to get "jacked" without actually having proper education, don't be gullible or a fool like I was