Humalog problems


New Member
Hello all,

I’m looking for some input on what is going on with my body.

-10ish BF
-training since 14? Experimenting with PEDS since 30.
-running test/deca 700/300
-training: lifting 4x, conditioning 4x weekly
-diet: 90% meat and rice

Anyway, I like to experiment for the fuck of it. I try my best to be responsible with things, but sometimes shit happens. This is my first time trying insulin. I’ve ran 5-10iu humalog with meals varying in size and go severely hypo every time. Yesterday was the worst ever; here’s how it went…

Trained in morning, normal day eating, maybe a little dehydrated. Home from work, shower, inject 5iu Humalog, eat a big bowl of chicken, rice, and avocado. Easily 75-100g carbs. Follow that up with a big bowl of ice cream (100+ carbs) because there is no way I’ll go hypo now.

Then boom, maybe 30 minutes later my heart rate is 140, I’m shaking uncontrollably, and it’s taking all my concentration not to pass out. Downed a shit ton of cereal and came back to earth about an hour later.

This is about the 5th iteration of this scenario since I started. Have used 5iu every time, save for 10 iu once and it was ugly also.

I’m done with insulin for now, it’s not critical to anything I’m doing. But the question remains, why the fuck would I be getting such a severe response from such a low dose? Anybody have any idea what’s going on physiologically?

Thank you all
I should add I’m not on any sort of insulin protocol. Have just used the Humalog a handful of times trying to get a gauge on how I responded before implementing anything formal.
try to leave the avocado out of the meal and see if it changes anything.
it might be the fats slow your digestion / blood sugar spike so the humalog hits before the glucose is released
Do you have a glucose meter?

I have very little experience with slin. But I only do 4iu with my pre and post workout meals, with 40g extra carbs when the slin is in.

Insulin isn't something to be fucked with casually, if you're going hypo with that dose, just drop to a lower dose or add more carbs.

I also wonder if the dosing is correct because it's pretty ridiculous to go that hypo from so little slin with that many carbs
Do you have a glucose meter?

I have very little experience with slin. But I only do 4iu with my pre and post workout meals, with 40g extra carbs when the slin is in.

Insulin isn't something to be fucked with casually, if you're going hypo with that dose, just drop to a lower dose or add more carbs.

I also wonder if the dosing is correct because it's pretty ridiculous to go that hypo from so little slin with that many carbs
It’s five ticks on a Humalog pen from BG. Don’t have a glucometer, like I said wanted to make sure I didn’t respond adversely before going balls deep on a protocol.

I’m done for now, but I’ll definitely have one if I try again.
Whether or not it’s the reason, I couldn’t definitively say, but, your food choices following insulin injections are abjectly disastrous. The amount of fat could be interfering with the carbs needed to offset. I use up to 15iu apidra at a time, in the subsequent 2 hours, I eat 0.0g of fat and have never experienced anything resembling hypo.
Whether or not it’s the reason, I couldn’t definitively say, but, your food choices following insulin injections are abjectly disastrous. The amount of fat could be interfering with the carbs needed to offset. I use up to 15iu apidra at a time, in the subsequent 2 hours, I eat 0.0g of fat and have never experienced anything resembling hypo.
seems he doesnt care since he answered to every post except of mine stating the same.
Yes, I know fats slow down carbohydrate digestion. Yes, I know eating fats with insulin will result in fat gain. No, I don’t believe that explains the hypo spells.
excess calories leads to fat gain, not fats with insulin.
why dont you think the fats are the issue?
have you tried leaving them out?
the timing (30mins after your shot) makes me believe humalog peaks and your glucose is not released in the bloodstream yet.
Those 100g of fast carbs from ice cream (literally all sugar) is just a shitty option to use for insulin. What happens is a) your humalog dose starts to work and b) by eating a shitload of sugar your blood glucose level will rise like crazy, likely to 150/160 or more and your body will release it's own insulin to counteract the high blood sugar spike. This will likely take 10-20 minutes to the peak and then a big drop will follow, likely pushing your blood glucose levels too low as your bodys own insulin and the humalog will just add up.

My advice here is to work on your food choices.

Another thing to consider is if you train fasted and didn’t eat in the morning your body will need way more carbs than you think. It could help to have intra carbs or pre workout carbs.
Those 100g of fast carbs from ice cream (literally all sugar) is just a shitty option to use for insulin. What happens is a) your humalog dose starts to work and b) by eating a shitload of sugar your blood glucose level will rise like crazy, likely to 150/160 or more and your body will release it's own insulin to counteract the high blood sugar spike. This will likely take 10-20 minutes to the peak and then a big drop will follow, likely pushing your blood glucose levels too low as your bodys own insulin and the humalog will just add up.

My advice here is to work on your food choices.

Another thing to consider is if you train fasted and didn’t eat in the morning your body will need way more carbs than you think. It could help to have intra carbs or pre workout carbs.
My two ideas were a.) I process food way slower than I thought. Or, b.) my endogenous insulin was doing the work before the Humalog hit.

I’m well aware ice cream isn’t a good food choice. I had already gone hypo off meat and rice meals with at least 20g carbs/iu. The whole point was overkill. There has to be some level of carbs eaten such that 5iu will not make me go hypo.

First things first: buy a fucking glucose meter. Feels reports and insulin is a disaster waiting to happen.
What exactly is so essential about a blood glucose meter in my case? Assuming a perfectly healthy person—you take a small amount of fast acting insulin, you eat food, your blood sugar rises to some number X, insulin lowers it to some number Y.

Now, either you do not go hypo in which case I don’t see the critical relevance of X and Y. Or, you do go hypo at Y. Again, it might be interesting to know X and Y here, but knowing Y doesn’t change the fact that you are hypoglycemic.

And of course all you guys taking peri workout insulin are pricking yourselves in between sets right? No, you’ve figured out some insulin to carbohydrate ratio that you tolerate, you keep some sugar on hand, and you run with it.
My two ideas were a.) I process food way slower than I thought. Or, b.) my endogenous insulin was doing the work before the Humalog hit.

I’m well aware ice cream isn’t a good food choice. I had already gone hypo off meat and rice meals with at least 20g carbs/iu. The whole point was overkill. There has to be some level of carbs eaten such that 5iu will not make me go hypo.

What exactly is so essential about a blood glucose meter in my case? Assuming a perfectly healthy person—you take a small amount of fast acting insulin, you eat food, your blood sugar rises to some number X, insulin lowers it to some number Y.

Now, either you do not go hypo in which case I don’t see the critical relevance of X and Y. Or, you do go hypo at Y. Again, it might be interesting to know X and Y here, but knowing Y doesn’t change the fact that you are hypoglycemic.

And of course all you guys taking peri workout insulin are pricking yourselves in between sets right? No, you’ve figured out some insulin to carbohydrate ratio that you tolerate, you keep some sugar on hand, and you run with it.
You don't add carbs to your insulin, you add insulin to your carbs.

Buttfuck that, a glucose meter will.let you know, baseline and reaction to carbs. There is a vast difference between the spike from rice, rice and avocado and pure glucose
. You need to figure out how your body reacts to those factors with no added insulin and the glucose level curve.

But what do I know, it's how it FEELS bruh...
Are you sure you dose it well?? i have done 8-10ui insuling twice a day follow by a meal of 150gr rice and 200 chicken and i have never have a problem, neither go hypo. I have used humalog R i think the fast one that stays in the body 3-4h
Are you sure you dose it well?? i have done 8-10ui insuling twice a day follow by a meal of 150gr rice and 200 chicken and i have never have a problem, neither go hypo. I have used humalog R i think the fast one that stays in the body 3-4h
From how I understand it he's judging that he goes hypo only by feels. He doesn't have a glucose meter, he never did a glucose reading.

It could just be a panic attack. Without a glucose meter we don't know for sure.
reactive hypoglycemia from your endogenous production perhaps. Get a blood glucose monitor like you already should have and consider lowering the dose
Why are you guys so keen on jumping down people’s throats? Why would one need to verify that they are hypoglycemic with a blood glucose monitor? It’s a very distinct “feeling.”

Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone had some input on the mechanisms of Humalog and blood sugar metabolism. I wasn’t sure if it was insulin sensitivity/insensitivity, timing, etc.

Yea I get routine blood work. However, somehow knowing my cbc, cmp, etc. hasn’t given me the sense of self righteousness that it seems to give some of you.