Humalog problems


New Member
Hello all,

I’m looking for some input on what is going on with my body.

-10ish BF
-training since 14? Experimenting with PEDS since 30.
-running test/deca 700/300
-training: lifting 4x, conditioning 4x weekly
-diet: 90% meat and rice

Anyway, I like to experiment for the fuck of it. I try my best to be responsible with things, but sometimes shit happens. This is my first time trying insulin. I’ve ran 5-10iu humalog with meals varying in size and go severely hypo every time. Yesterday was the worst ever; here’s how it went…

Trained in morning, normal day eating, maybe a little dehydrated. Home from work, shower, inject 5iu Humalog, eat a big bowl of chicken, rice, and avocado. Easily 75-100g carbs. Follow that up with a big bowl of ice cream (100+ carbs) because there is no way I’ll go hypo now.

Then boom, maybe 30 minutes later my heart rate is 140, I’m shaking uncontrollably, and it’s taking all my concentration not to pass out. Downed a shit ton of cereal and came back to earth about an hour later.

This is about the 5th iteration of this scenario since I started. Have used 5iu every time, save for 10 iu once and it was ugly also.

I’m done with insulin for now, it’s not critical to anything I’m doing. But the question remains, why the fuck would I be getting such a severe response from such a low dose? Anybody have any idea what’s going on physiologically?

Thank you all
So based on your experience you described you were just a few steps away from dying. You could have passed out with No one around to even know you need sugar NOW! Just stay away from insulin. Unless you get a system in place to monitor the hell out of your blood sugar. Glucose on hand always! If no one knows your having an extreme low sugar event you may die before the ambulance gets to you.
Or you can simply pass out and hit your head or something fun like that. This is how diabetics die.
Assuming he is dosing it properly, and it looks like he is, dying probably is not a realistic risk of only 5 iu. With that having been said, having some quick acting sugars within arms reach is a very good idea no matter the dose. If you never need it, great. But if you do, you have it. I always kept gatorade, pineapple juice, and glucose tabs in my workout bag as a just-in-case. There is no real downside to doing so.
sorry dude, you didnt even read his post.
He isnt taking his insulin pre workout.
He works out, goes home, shoots 5iu insulin and starts eating the 200g carb meal with fats and protein.
of course 5iu pre workout will send you hypo without an intra shake, this isnt even in question.
why should the fat keep him from going hypo?
lets say he shoots humalog which has an onset of 15min and a peak at 30min. He eats his meal and due to the fats which slows digestion it takes 60min for the glucose to be in his bloodstream.
so the exo insulin hits before the glucose is "ready" to be absorbed.

Oh I misread that he had trained before-hand. I seriously doubt that some avocado fat is causing him to not have enough sugar being digested fast enough to keep up with 5iu while also eating ice cream.

I would lean more towards a bunch of fat is going to keep your blood glucose higher for the duration of the insulin-release as the carbs get delt with quickly at the start.

OP - try 5iu one more time for us with 200 grams carbs and ~0 fat, please! I bet you still go just as or even more hypo. But then try eating the second half of those 200 carbs in bites over the next 2 hours after the humalog shit, you'll never go hypo this way. It's why Jay Cutler was seen taking a few bites of oatmeal in-between every set
-10ish BF
If you are only 5'8" and 215 pounds but with only 10% body fat, you are already huge and lean at that height and well set up to win local contests. How is competing going? If you have already won a local contest, are you adding insulin for a shot at nationals?

Not very many here have those kind of stats. You are short (but not short for successful bodybuilders), but weigh 215 and lean. 5% body fat only requires a loss of 10 or 11 pounds.

What do you hope to accomplish by adding insulin? What kind of body weight are you looking to reach? Can you not get the bodyweight you want with what you are already taking? Have you stopped gaining?
Hello all,

I’m looking for some input on what is going on with my body.

-10ish BF
-training since 14? Experimenting with PEDS since 30.
-running test/deca 700/300
-training: lifting 4x, conditioning 4x weekly
-diet: 90% meat and rice

Anyway, I like to experiment for the fuck of it. I try my best to be responsible with things, but sometimes shit happens. This is my first time trying insulin. I’ve ran 5-10iu humalog with meals varying in size and go severely hypo every time. Yesterday was the worst ever; here’s how it went…

Trained in morning, normal day eating, maybe a little dehydrated. Home from work, shower, inject 5iu Humalog, eat a big bowl of chicken, rice, and avocado. Easily 75-100g carbs. Follow that up with a big bowl of ice cream (100+ carbs) because there is no way I’ll go hypo now.

Then boom, maybe 30 minutes later my heart rate is 140, I’m shaking uncontrollably, and it’s taking all my concentration not to pass out. Downed a shit ton of cereal and came back to earth about an hour later.

This is about the 5th iteration of this scenario since I started. Have used 5iu every time, save for 10 iu once and it was ugly also.

I’m done with insulin for now, it’s not critical to anything I’m doing. But the question remains, why the fuck would I be getting such a severe response from such a low dose? Anybody have any idea what’s going on physiologically?

Thank you all
Hmm sounds like your dosing is not correct
I'm no Insulin veteran, but what you are listing there as your carbs to cover your slin bases are not the appropriate carbs in my opinion. Rice does nothing for me, Ice cream is not a simple carb unless you put sauce on it etc. Get some proper simple carbs such as Dextrose powder and when you shoot 5iu's of humalaog drink 50g of dextrose in a fruit drink to cover yourself. Bare in mind you have also just trained so your body is soaking up glucose to replace its glycogen stores as soon as you finish so you will need more than that anyway over the evening. Using Insulin requires heavy simple carb loading and heavy eating in general.
Hello all,

I’m looking for some input on what is going on with my body.

-10ish BF
-training since 14? Experimenting with PEDS since 30.
-running test/deca 700/300
-training: lifting 4x, conditioning 4x weekly
-diet: 90% meat and rice

Anyway, I like to experiment for the fuck of it. I try my best to be responsible with things, but sometimes shit happens. This is my first time trying insulin. I’ve ran 5-10iu humalog with meals varying in size and go severely hypo every time. Yesterday was the worst ever; here’s how it went…

Trained in morning, normal day eating, maybe a little dehydrated. Home from work, shower, inject 5iu Humalog, eat a big bowl of chicken, rice, and avocado. Easily 75-100g carbs. Follow that up with a big bowl of ice cream (100+ carbs) because there is no way I’ll go hypo now.

Then boom, maybe 30 minutes later my heart rate is 140, I’m shaking uncontrollably, and it’s taking all my concentration not to pass out. Downed a shit ton of cereal and came back to earth about an hour later.

This is about the 5th iteration of this scenario since I started. Have used 5iu every time, save for 10 iu once and it was ugly also.

I’m done with insulin for now, it’s not critical to anything I’m doing. But the question remains, why the fuck would I be getting such a severe response from such a low dose? Anybody have any idea what’s going on physiologically?

Thank you all
Not too make anyone feel dumb but for those un educated, 5 iU insulin is not the same mark on the syringe as 5iu HGH. Now since I'm sure you know that already you sound kind a hyper responder to insulin, do you have a bgm that you can actually get real time readings?