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@Yura(HYB) can you double check with your manufacturer on these two specific items and get back to me. I do not believe these can actually be brewed without a super solvent at 50 mg/ml just mct, ba, bb
Hello! Yes, this is the reply from me and the factory after verification. They told me that the two products do not contain ethyl oleate or guaiacol.
@Yura(HYB) can you double check with your manufacturer on these two specific items and get back to me. I do not believe these can actually be brewed without a super solvent at 50 mg/ml just mct, ba, bb
I have ; Test Base in oil , Tren Base in oil , mtren In oil on the way - I will know If they have super solvents as I react horribly to both those - I was promised they dont have any - That said I have tried Inj sdrol in MCT with did not have a super solvent in it - brewed at 40mg/ml
I have ; Test Base in oil , Tren Base in oil , mtren In oil on the way - I will know If they have super solvents as I react horribly to both those - I was promised they dont have any - That said I have tried Inj sdrol in MCT with did not have a super solvent in it - brewed at 40mg/ml
What mg/ml is the test base? Nevermind i just looked its 100mg/ml.. I can garentee without a doubt that it has guaiacol in it at that concentration in mct oil.. I have brewed about 15 different batches at various solvent % ( GRANTED I'm not a chemist ) it will not hold without super solvents. At the very least 18% guaiacol..you won't have to go by reaction.. you'll smell it...
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What mg/ml is the test base? Nevermind i just looked its 100mg/ml.. I can garentee without a doubt that it has guaiacol in it at that concentration in mct oil.. I have brewed about 15 different batches at various solvent % ( GRANTED I'm not a chemist ) it will not hold without super solvents. At the very least 18% guaiacol..you won't have to go by reaction.. you'll smell it...
Pharmacom TNE 100mg/ml GSO and Ultima TNE 100mg/ml MCT don’t have guaiacol
What are they using to keep it in solution? I definantly could be wrong.. I'm not genius. The only Chinese vendor I've had tne100 from was changeland.. deffo had guiacol in it..
Sorry but im not sure what they use. I pretty much only use TNE and have tried several brands so far. Those are the only two so far that don’t have guaiacol. I just placed order with yura but forgot to get a couple vials of tNE.
They use shit load of EO
I made some at 100% EO as carrier.. I do not remeber how much bb or g I used but I had a very bad reaction to high EO content and my c-reactive protein shot through the roof.. honestly I'm not impressed with ethyl oleate and it's solvent properties.
Thanks for the insight if it has any guiacol I'll smell it , if it's eo I'll know after the first shot as even just 15 % eo in other products gave me horrible systemic inflammation, flu like symptoms and joint pain all over within 4 hours of use ... rest assured I'll report my findings but @Yura(HYB) promised it doesn't have any - being a first time customer in a highly competitive field I will take his word for it , but regardless il know instantly if indeed I suspect EO ill do crp to confirm and consider the order for what it is - a trial purchase that went to the trash
They use shit load of EO
Pretty sure we know all the Changland sourced higher doses or typically oral AAS will have these solvents. I think that's CT, SRY, Sigma Audley, JY. I believe @Yura(HYB) is using a different oil manufacturer now then he was when he was part of SRY? I just don't see how they are able to brew those specific orals in MCT or GSO. Unless their manufacturer is bullshitting him.