HYB (Best Service and Product - International Shipping)

Yes of you will jump back to page about 45 and start reading you will understand what's going on with the tabs from this source
That’s right, and a shame as the first manufacturers were spot on!
Hopefully testing for new batches come through soon! I have ordered but of the batches without testing, so will be testing them myself before using them
Yes of you will jump back to page about 45 and start reading you will understand what's going on with the tabs from this source
Cheers for the quick navigation @Dirthand
We will retest all orals

We will spend a lot of time next month doing more product testing, including the large dose of oils that everyone is looking forward to. Because I am just getting started.Please give me some time.
If you order orals with splits before the price list is updated, just make a note when ordering and we will send you orals with splits.

This is what I was referring to
Small review of my first HYB review order, purely based on feels, no testing.

Currently using the BPC-157 + TB-500 mix, both by subq. injections as well as intranasally whenever I can't inject.
Main purpose was to help recover from nagging shin splints that have bothered me for the past 2,5 months since my half marathon. So far it seems to have helped as I've been able to slowly pick up running again without pain.

Started their MENT for the first time 6 days ago, 10mg ED subq or IM running alongside 200mg Test that I was running as a high TRT/cruise.
Definitely feel the BP and RHR increase. Also slight euphoric effect.
Starting to notice slight strength increase alongside a very pronounced focus/drive in the gym to go hard. Muscles are filling up better as well and I do feel some increase in appetite.
Maybe not the ideal drug when I am mostly looking to recomp / lose some fat, but whatever.

Got my 2nd HYB order coming in, could arrive any moment.

Despite some delays and issues in early December, shipping seems okay now considering it has to come from China. Communication has always been on point when using Telegram.

If you are okay with waiting ~2-3 weeks for your package to arrive after payment, then their prices and quality of product are very on point.

Anyone tried hyb ment ace ? What’s it like for pip ?

First time running MENT or any acetate in general. Zero PIP issues. Largest injection volume was 0.4 mL into quad so far.
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