HYB (Best Service and Product - International Shipping)

There are tests from other vendors of the same products go look for them if you want or don’t if you don’t from jano showing dyed water HYB has the same product it hasn’t been tested yet but they aren’t arguing that they have been scammed by their supplier as let’s face it most of the Chinese sources are just resellers.

Go on the Swiss server you’ll see plenty of examples a few tests and just downright shitty looking products I have no desire to start gathering them up for you.

. I have been a HYB fan and had a few successful orders just raising the issue as I want to see them fix it and show they can be trusted but I forgot what a bunch of dicks hang out here throwing about conspiracy theories while kneeling in front of QSC to save a few dollars before spending it on filtering the crsp you buy. Won’t bother pointing out an issue here again
It's good that you pointed out an issue. I think most people myself included are unaware or haven't heard of this dyed product and we're looking for more clarification as you were the one that brought it up, and please do not hold any kind of issues to yourself for the sake of Harm Reduction,, Have a Grateful Day, ,
It's good that you pointed out an issue. I think most people myself included are unaware or haven't heard of this dyed product and we're looking for more clarification as you were the one that brought it up, and please do not hold any kind of issues to yourself for the sake of Harm Reduction,, Have a Grateful Day, ,
I have sent some oils samples to Jano, i am hoping they return asap, its not much but will help the community with some credibility or loss of it, i will post them as soon as i receive them.
The samples were sent blind without knowledge to Jano as what they can be.
There are tests from other vendors of the same products go look for them if you want or don’t if you don’t from jano showing dyed water HYB has the same product it hasn’t been tested yet but they aren’t arguing that they have been scammed by their supplier as let’s face it most of the Chinese sources are just resellers.

Go on the Swiss server you’ll see plenty of examples a few tests and just downright shitty looking products I have no desire to start gathering them up for you.

. I have been a HYB fan and had a few successful orders just raising the issue as I want to see them fix it and show they can be trusted but I forgot what a bunch of dicks hang out here throwing about conspiracy theories while kneeling in front of QSC to save a few dollars before spending it on filtering the crsp you buy. Won’t bother pointing out an issue here again
You make the claim it is your job to provide evidence to support the claim. All that takes is bringing the links to the Janoshik tests that support your claim and posting them here for people to see.

It's understood that a number of vendors are resellers or drop-shippers for products produced en masse by actual manufacturers. But that doesn't mean we can assume that two products obtained from different vendors are the same thing without sufficient testing to support the claims. We've seen that a few times with tablet variance testing making it pretty clear that tablets obtained from different vendors came from the same manufacturer's production run. It was the testing which provided the substantive evidence to support the claim.

You accuse others of conspiracy theories when you yourself are simply fueling another conspiracy theory about dyed water while simultaneously admitting that samples from HYB have not yet been tested. This means you have ZERO proof of your claims and the childish "I'm not going to do your work..." is tantamount to admitting that you're full of shit.

Help hold vendors accountable and post the Janoshik tests to support your claims. Hearsay is not evidence. Rumor is not evidence.
Yea super shred completing week one 1ml/day 0.5 pre breakfast/pre workout crazy sweaty, on day one pinned entire 1ml IM chest pre workout could not yet sleep 12 hours later energy on point no pip currently subq cause muh local lypolisis potentially cool substance happy with everything HYB using one month your SLU-PP-332 500mcg/day, used one vial your stanozolol base 100mg/ml 30 up to 60mg/day pip monstrous on substance careful and your new oxandrolone pink 50mg and blue 50mg oxymetholone so cheers
You make the claim it is your job to provide evidence to support the claim. All that takes is bringing the links to the Janoshik tests that support your claim and posting them here for people to see.

It's understood that a number of vendors are resellers or drop-shippers for products produced en masse by actual manufacturers. But that doesn't mean we can assume that two products obtained from different vendors are the same thing without sufficient testing to support the claims. We've seen that a few times with tablet variance testing making it pretty clear that tablets obtained from different vendors came from the same manufacturer's production run. It was the testing which provided the substantive evidence to support the claim.

You accuse others of conspiracy theories when you yourself are simply fueling another conspiracy theory about dyed water while simultaneously admitting that samples from HYB have not yet been tested. This means you have ZERO proof of your claims and the childish "I'm not going to do your work..." is tantamount to admitting that you're full of shit.

Help hold vendors accountable and post the Janoshik tests to support your claims. Hearsay is not evidence. Rumor is not evidence.
What he said is true but he is a complete retard in the way he said it.

There is a big scandal going on about the LIPO-C vials sold by I believe 10+ sources. It's all dyed water. Seems like all these source bought from the same manufacturer that well... Fooled them all xD and sold to all fake LIPO-C.

Of course we don't care much because we ain't that retarded to inject these kind of stuff but for intellectual honesty it's a real issue and it could have happened with anything like the zero peptide scandal that went on few weeks ago.
What he said is true but he is a complete retard in the way he said it.

There is a big scandal going on about the LIPO-C vials sold by I believe 10+ sources. It's all dyed water. Seems like all these source bought from the same manufacturer that well... Fooled them all xD and sold to all fake LIPO-C.

Of course we don't care much because we ain't that retarded to inject these kind of stuff but for intellectual honesty it's a real issue and it could have happened with anything like the zero peptide scandal that went on few weeks ago.
Zero peptide scandal? I must have missed that one.
What he said is true but he is a complete retard in the way he said it.

There is a big scandal going on about the LIPO-C vials sold by I believe 10+ sources. It's all dyed water. Seems like all these source bought from the same manufacturer that well... Fooled them all xD and sold to all fake LIPO-C.

Of course we don't care much because we ain't that retarded to inject these kind of stuff but for intellectual honesty it's a real issue and it could have happened with anything like the zero peptide scandal that went on few weeks ago.
Thanks for clarifying.

I'm not surprised if that happens as multi-compound products like the various LIPO blends are much more difficult or at least more expensive to test fully. I'm thinking it's more the latter than the former.

I'm also not surprised that UGL vendors are picking those products up for resale as they are little more than vitamin booster shots and as such are not controlled substances or even regulated substances in most cases. Talk about some easy money with next to no risk!
Well, I just heard about this possible fake lipo.. I bought 2 kits of supershred from @Yura(HYB) from his promotion at the first of January. After discussing the possibility it could be fake with a friend he told me to do a napkin check and a hand stain test.. This does not look good as it stained my hand and the napkin looks like red spray paint..
I sent @Yura(HYB) an email and a message on telegram of he knew anything about his stock from this time being fake.. I hate to say it's fake without proper proof so I have this sample here that will be sent out in the morning for testing. Hopefully if it comes back fake @Yura(HYB) will reimburse me for the testing and product.. We shall see.. Selling completely fake product is so dangerous and completely unexceptable.
What else is so unexceptable Mr. @Yura(HYB) is if you have got notice of this or suspicion from other customers and not made a statement about it to the community and people continue to put your fake product in their body.
Time shall tell..
Edit. Meant to post pic
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Well, I just heard about this possible fake lipo.. I bought 2 kits of supershred from @Yura(HYB) from his promotion at the first of January. After discussing the possibility it could be fake with a friend he told me to do a napkin check and a hand stain test.. This does not look good as it stained my hand and the napkin looks like red spray paint..
I sent @Yura(HYB) an email and a message on telegram of he knew anything about his stock from this time being fake.. I hate to say it's fake without proper proof so I have this sample here that will be sent out in the morning for testing. Hopefully if it comes back fake @Yura(HYB) will reimburse me for the testing and product.. We shall see.. Selling completely fake product is so dangerous and completely unexceptable.
What else is so unexceptable Mr. @Yura(HYB) is if you have got notice of this or suspicion from other customers and not made a statement about it to the community and people continue to put your fake product in their body.
Time shall tell..
I recently purchased Lipo C from SSA and I’m pretty sure HYB and SSA get their products from the same source. I’m going to also ask them about this.
I recently purchased Lipo C from SSA and I’m pretty sure HYB and SSA get their products from the same source. I’m going to also ask them about this.
Do the test

Fake lipoc bottom, real lipoc top.

Spray it on your hand too, if it stains of red your hand it's the fake one. It's barks colorant for what I have gathered..probably innocuous but still a fake shit
Looks like a similar vial, no? Not that such means anything, but since standards seem to be low related to this LIPO-C style, I guess "looks like" is right there with "feels like" evaluations.
Looks like a similar vial, no? Not that such means anything, but since standards seem to be low related to this LIPO-C style, I guess "looks like" is right there with "feels like" evaluations.
My vials are amber in color.
Do the test

View attachment 314582
Fake lipoc bottom, real lipoc top.

Spray it on your hand too, if it stains of red your hand it's the fake one. It's barks colorant for what I have gathered..probably innocuous but still a fake shit
I finally got around to testing the two kits I have. One is SSA and the other is a Domestic peptide source. Both checked out. I did the napkin and hand stain test. A little darker than your top stain, but only a little. I couldn’t get either to stain my skin.
I finally got around to testing the two kits I have. One is SSA and the other is a Domestic peptide source. Both checked out. I did the napkin and hand stain test. A little darker than your top stain, but only a little. I couldn’t get either to stain my skin.
so SSA turned out to be legit?

