
Hi Everyone i was just wondering if hyperestrogenism can be induced by severe steroid abuse and whether it can stick, obviously hindering recovery?
FYI been on arimidex 1mg/day for 6 weeks now, afterr 3 weeks e2 was 166 (range 20-160) i really feel it is not working enough for me.
Unfortunatly Its not. I have been refered to an endo, for next month. Doing this all myself, my GP knows whats going on and urgently refered me. The armidex is from a friend who also sells gear. Sure its not fake (zentiva anastrozole)? Also have aromasin but reluctant to use it. I have blood results progress etc so maybe its can be a case study soon as i have met with an endo.
Getting More labs end of the month. If my e2 is still high im goin to go aromasin regardless of what my doc tells me. I have noticed a slight increase in testicular size and density, semen volume, also libido has greatly improved since taking armidex. I must say a few days out of the 6 weeks whilst taking armidex, i upped the dosage to 2mg. And felt even better.. Whether its pyschological i dont know.