Hypogonadism Help problem with low hormones


New Member
Like a lot of guys in the past i made some mistakes with the steroids (not a proper pct). For over a year i have low testosterone. i have a bad mood, no libido, redused strength. My blood results before three months were these:
testosterone 196ng/dl limits 262-1593, fsh 1,14 limits 1.00-12.00, lh 0,97 limits 2.00-12.00, PRL 10,20 limits 3,28-19,68 , testosterone 3,37 limits 2,60 - 12.0. I have secondary hypogonadism. I dont have a sleep apnea neither testicle or brain trama.
I went in two doctors the first said to me before one year that i dont have to do anything and probably everything will be better in time. One year passed away nothing is better. i went to a third doctor and he wanted to give me nebido testosterone and i said to him that i thought that nebido wouldnt help if i want to have kids someday. before one week i went to another doctor endo (number 4) and he told to go for a sperm count. results of my sperm count, i have only 2.000.000 sperms the normal is over 20.000.000.

After an appoitment with the endo i started therapy with pregnyl 1500x3 per week for 4 weeks and 45 days nolvadex 20mg per day i am almost finishing therapy and the results are: mood swings , water retention a bit, more strength in the gym but low libido since i stopped pregnyl. I am thinking that low libido is a result of nolva probably.
I have also started vitamins C , E ,B , D and a multivitamin.

My results now are :

testosterone 402ng/dl limits 262-1593,
PRL 6,1 limits 3,28-19,68 ,
estradiol 38,2 limits 20-75
T3 0,80 limits 0,6-1,7
T4 6,72 limits 4,5-12,5
TSH 2,48 limits 0,4-4,5

My testosterone is higher than before but still low.
What can i do now? Doctors in my country dont know how to treat secondary hypogonadism.

Some stats for me

Height 1.87 cm
Weight 81 kg
Bf 12%

I made my mistakes and the only thing that i want, is to keep natural and hopefully recover.
I would really appreciate your help
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Do you think its a good time now to start another restart protocol or wait for a month so my system be cleaned ?
Id try a power pct, but you should probably go clean for 4-8 weeks after the stuff you're on now to see if you're primary or secondary
I have a bit of puffy nipples and my testicals are smaller than before.
Should i start another restart protocol with hcg nolva and clomid?
The good think is that libido is better
Try running HCG again solo, as running it with nolva and clomid at the same time will actually provide less benefits. HCG can interfere with LH and FSH production so you don't really want to run it while running nolva and clomid. Try blasting HCG as much as you can and then afterwards run nolva + clomid.
Thank you all for your replies. I went to
an endo before 4 days and i explained him my situation, i gave to him all my info about the past. He told me to start Hcg 1500iu eod and 20 mg nolvadex ed for 2 months then i go for blood test if i am inside the right numbers he told me that i will stop hcg and probably he would give me maybe more nolva or clomid i dont know
My worry is about estrogen. Will nolva keep them low or i have to take something else like aromasin or arimidex.
I have puffy nipples right now and i dont know what to do?
My worry is about estrogen. Will nolva keep them low or i have to take something else like aromasin or arimidex.
I have puffy nipples right now and i dont know what to do?
That hcg dossage will cause a decent rise in e2 .
Anastrozole wont work with the nolva . Aromasin will block the conversion ,but not the e2 increase from hcg .

You should check your SHGB insulin and glucose levels . You could have insulin resistance . That can cause low t
That hcg dossage will cause a decent rise in e2 .
Anastrozole wont work with the nolva . Aromasin will block the conversion ,but not the e2 increase from hcg .

You should check your SHGB insulin and glucose levels . You could have insulin resistance . That can cause low t

I have secondary hypogonadism my friend. low test low fsh low lh.
FSH 2,36 mU/ml
limits 1.00 - 12.00 mU/ml
LH 3.33 mU/ml
limits 2.00 - 12.00 mU/ml
TT 400

This blood test was taken almost after 3 weeks after i finish my first restart protocol that was: Hcg 1500iu e3d and 20mg nolva ed for 3 weeks and 2 week extra with only nolva.

Before 4 days i started my second try for restart Htpa which is : 1500iu Hcg eod and 20mg nolvadex. My endo told me to go with this protocol for 2 months and then i go for a blood test and if the numbers are inside the limits i will stop.