I hate Bush


New Member
This witch hunt for steroids is fucking stupid. I would love to see some statistics on deaths related to steroids compared to nicotine and alcohol.

I think it is sad how Bush is waging a war on steroids and chooses to look past the tobacco and alcohol industry that have claimed many many more lives.

There are so many other issues that need our presidents attention. Why waste time and money on something like baseball and biceps? Heaven forbid we find a way to improve healthcare or welfare! These fucking juiced up homerun hitters have got to go!

Write me in on the ballot! Vote Shaboz for President!
I think it is sad how Bush is waging a war on steroids and chooses to look past the tobacco and alcohol industry that have claimed many many more lives.

well seeing how AAS is illegal while the other 2 are perfectly legal, it kind of makes your statement look silly. not a flame at all...just my opinion. i agree with you that the other have taken more lives, but what the fuck do people expect the president to do???? look the other way when it comes to illegal drugs?

instead of "Bush bashing", maybe everyone who bashes the guy should take their energy and direct it towards the legislative branch. these are the guys who actually start all this shit!

now shaboz...i agree that the steroid thing has gone too far. but putting down a man for enforcing the law is silly. its not even like he signed that piece of legislation into law. that was done in the 80's. so why the hard on for President Bush? yes, i use AAS also. i use an illegal drug. i take he chance of getting popped just like everyone else here. and just like everyone else here, i'd like to see them legalized again. hence the statement about congress and the legislators.

steroids are just the topic de-jour. in the 90's it was all about gun control. next month it will be something else.

besides, i'd gladly give up using gear knowing that i'm safer in my own country. sure, maybe having a dem in the white house(what a terrible and scary thought) might ease up on the AAS topic, but then we'll have other things to worry about...like getting blown up again.

have a nice day
Im from MA and will not be voting for that pussy Kerry. The rest of of the world may not like it but I give Bush props for taking the heat politically(may cost him a second term) to do whats needs doing.The only complaint would be the amount of money sent overseas.

Do you guys think Hillary will be Kerrys running mate?

the Govt. will never seriously go after tobacco / alcohol, they collect $$$$$
from the taxes.
Now aas, well there's no money to be had.

just my 2pennies
pgjy said:
the Govt. will never seriously go after tobacco / alcohol, they collect $$$$$
from the taxes.
Now aas, well there's no money to be had.

just my 2pennies

it's a lot more than that bro. a lot more. it's the professional sports organizations, the olympics committe, college and amateur sports organizations. they are the ones who got aas banned and they are now trying to do the same with supps. it's not the money. unfortunately, the rest of us who are not in the sports organizations become victimized.
I totally disagree. Bush is an idiot. The war was the right thing to do but his trackrecord so far sucks.
And republicans always want to play the blame game and say oh this was done before and it's all just a trickle down of what the Clinton did.
Fuck that he has accountability and it is his fault. He is the leader and just like any other paid leader if his track record sucks then oust his ass.
Please, you think just cuz a democrat was in office that suddenly we would be so much more at risk?
Also I do blame him for the steroid mess right now. He said he would go after them in his speach and now with the Steroid Act that could go through we could lose all prohormones/andro.
This topic pisses me off. :) I got to calm down cuz it's too early to be pissed. LOL
pgjy said:
the Govt. will never seriously go after tobacco / alcohol, they collect $$$$$
from the taxes.
Now aas, well there's no money to be had.

just my 2pennies
Pharmacutical companies are losing money because of underground/oversees drug sales. It's the same as when the post office wanted to charge for Emails and the record companies were crying about downloading music. They can all BLOW me because i will still download music,get my wink wink very cheap from oversees/underground,and i am going to send out 40 easter emails instead of cards,just for the hell of it.
Crazedlifter said:
I totally disagree. Bush is an idiot. The war was the right thing to do but his trackrecord so far sucks.
And republicans always want to play the blame game and say oh this was done before and it's all just a trickle down of what the Clinton did.
Fuck that he has accountability and it is his fault. He is the leader and just like any other paid leader if his track record sucks then oust his ass.
Please, you think just cuz a democrat was in office that suddenly we would be so much more at risk?
Also I do blame him for the steroid mess right now. He said he would go after them in his speach and now with the Steroid Act that could go through we could lose all prohormones/andro.
This topic pisses me off. :) I got to calm down cuz it's too early to be pissed. LOL

What track record, you ambiguous motherfucker?! Be specific so your points can be addressed.
I have allways supported Bush, but I have to tell you, some the the energies that this administration expends could be spent better elswhere. Ashcroft is a raving lunatic... I hate to say that about a fellow Christian (he says he is) and I know I am, but he needs to go... As for Bush himself... I will probably vote for him, but he seems tired and distracted... the last 3 years have been hard on him and it is showing....

For him to waste time in his State of the Union address to talk about steroid use was very poor judgement.....
No need to get mad bro. I was talking about bush not you.
Track record-
1.Control-Patriot Act we are losing our rights!
2.Gays-The are citizens too in the USA
3.Roids-WTF let baseball/sports take care of those problems. Obviously if it was sucj a big problem attendance and veiwership would drop and they would do something.
Once again Bush wants to stick his nose into what HE THinks is right without any regard in the guise that it's "for the children"
4.Finally take a look at the freaking economy, trade defecit, our national defecit and all the jobs going overseas. All the top economists are saying this is a big problem!
joe shmoe said:
I think it is sad how Bush is waging a war on steroids and chooses to look past the tobacco and alcohol industry that have claimed many many more lives.

well seeing how AAS is illegal while the other 2 are perfectly legal, it kind of makes your statement look silly. not a flame at all...just my opinion. i agree with you that the other have taken more lives, but what the fuck do people expect the president to do???? look the other way when it comes to illegal drugs?

instead of "Bush bashing", maybe everyone who bashes the guy should take their energy and direct it towards the legislative branch. these are the guys who actually start all this shit!

now shaboz...i agree that the steroid thing has gone too far. but putting down a man for enforcing the law is silly. its not even like he signed that piece of legislation into law. that was done in the 80's. so why the hard on for President Bush? yes, i use AAS also. i use an illegal drug. i take he chance of getting popped just like everyone else here. and just like everyone else here, i'd like to see them legalized again. hence the statement about congress and the legislators.

steroids are just the topic de-jour. in the 90's it was all about gun control. next month it will be something else.

besides, i'd gladly give up using gear knowing that i'm safer in my own country. sure, maybe having a dem in the white house(what a terrible and scary thought) might ease up on the AAS topic, but then we'll have other things to worry about...like getting blown up again.

have a nice day

Bush's dad was the one who put the final sig. on putting juice into the classification it is now in back in the early 90's. He then continued to make references to his toughening up on juice as a moral issue-a way for the "cheaters" in sports to be punished more severly. Now his son is taking it a step further.
Pharmacutical companies are losing money because of underground/oversees drug sales. It's the same as when the post office wanted to charge for Emails and the record companies were crying about downloading music. They can all BLOW me because i will still download music,get my wink wink very cheap from oversees/underground,and i am going to send out 40 easter emails instead of cards,just for the hell of it.

how much money do you think they are losing? not to be a dick but if the ug/overseas labs weren't around, guys still would not be able to buy aas from the pharmaceutical companies because the docs would not be able to prescribe them as they happen to be scheduled. it's got nothing to do with it. think a little, or at least read my post, before you write.
I didn't read your post,i just wrote that. O ok i did quote you :) I guess i did read your post. Well,it all comes down to money. that's what it always boils down to,and i don't like thinking before i post,i usually think after i post
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Crazedlifter said:
I totally disagree. Bush is an idiot.
Hes certainly not the best public speaker, but Id bet that hes more intelligent that 90% of the people on this board. Public speaking skills doesnt have very much to do with intelligence.

And republicans always want to play the blame game and say oh this was done before and it's all just a trickle down of what the Clinton did. Fuck that he has accountability and it is his fault.

The recession started under Clinton. Its a fact.

The fall of the NASDAQ - under Clinton. Hit a high around 5000 in Feb/Mar of 2000 and had already dropped over 50% (to 2400) by the time Bush took office.

Unemployment right now is lower than it was when Clinton ran for reelection.

Please, you think just cuz a democrat was in office that suddenly we would be so much more at risk?

Yes, absolutely. I think if Gore won the election (which he didnt, thankfully) that bunker builders would have no shortage of contruction business. Pacifists are pussies and will not stand up to terrorism.

Under Clinton - WTC bombing in 1993, bombing of the USS Cole in 2000, bombing of US barracks in 1995, bombing of US embassies in Africa in 1998. What was Clintons response to this? NOTHING! Ok, I take that back, he bombed a fuckin aspirin factory in Iraq.

He said he would go after them in his speach and now with the Steroid Act that could go through we could lose all prohormones/andro.

I agree that Bush plays SOME role in this. But the Steroid Control Act of 2003 was started in October 2003, 3 months before the State of the Union. If you want someone to bitch about, go talk to Senator Biden.