I hate Bush

Crazedlifter said:
No need to get mad bro. I was talking about bush not you.
Track record-
You forgot to mention capturing one of the worst dictators in modern history.
Bob Smith said:
That is very apparent.
Main Entry: apparent
Pronunciation: &-'par-&nt, -'per-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French aparent, from Latin apparent-, apparens, present participle of apparEre to appear
Date: 14th century
1 : open to view : VISIBLE
2 : clear or manifest to the understanding
3 : appearing as actual to the eye or mind
4 : having an indefeasible right to succeed to a title or estate
5 : manifest to the senses or mind as real or true on the basis of evidence that may or may not be factually valid <the air of spontaneity is perhaps more apparent than real -- J. R. Sutherland> Ahhhh OK got ya
So just blame it on Clinton cuz the recession started at the very end of his last term. Then your probably gonna tell me that the only reason we had an economic boom under clinton was becasue of Reagans trickle down economics.
I mean come on bro is Bush has to be held accountable. This is no different than any other paid position of authority.
Main Entry: apparent
Pronunciation: &-'par-&nt, -'per-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French aparent, from Latin apparent-, apparens, present participle of apparEre to appear
Date: 14th century
1 : open to view : VISIBLE
2 : clear or manifest to the understanding
3 : appearing as actual to the eye or mind
4 : having an indefeasible right to succeed to a title or estate
5 : manifest to the senses or mind as real or true on the basis of evidence that may or may not be factually valid <the air of spontaneity is perhaps more apparent than real -- J. R. Sutherland> Ahhhh OK got ya

lmfao whore. you so crazy homie. :cool:
Oh, so even though the economic downturn started under Clinton, Clinton played no role in that? How can policies that were enacted over a year before taking office are Bush's fault?
Bob Smith said:
You forgot to mention capturing one of the worst dictators in modern history.
It's cool bro. I just disagree. And I have said before I agree with the War in Iraq and on Terrorism.
Hard working patriotic people(my buds in the trades) are democrats and are not flower hugging pussies.
Crazedlifter said:
Hard working patriotic people(my buds in the trades) are democrats and are not flower hugging pussies.

Ah-hah! I knew I was dead on with my tailgate comment.
Bro I am not saying Clinton was God or did everything right, he was a scumbag.
I am saying Bush is the leader of a country obviously in economic trouble and is responsible. Fuck passing the buck we do that to much nowadays.
Bob Smith said:
Would you like a burger or a 'brat? :D

LOL........look for the truck with the 'Work Union' bumper sticker and you'll find a 30 pack on ice in the toolbox.
Crazedlifter said:
Bro I am not saying Clinton was God or did everything right, he was a scumbag.
I am saying Bush is the leader of a country obviously in economic trouble and is responsible. Fuck passing the buck we do that to much nowadays.
I disagree with some of his policies, no doubt. But I feel that too many people bash him without having a f*cking clue about economics...or much else for that matter. No offense to your friends, but Ive met with hundreds of tradesmen and the majority of them would bitch about Bush all at the same time as they are working on any of the three largest construction projects in state history currently underway.
Hogg said:
LOL........look for the truck with the 'Work Union' bumper sticker and you'll find a 30 pack on ice in the toolbox.
Aint that the truth!

Hows things out on the Left Coast today, bud?
Good to hear!

Any big plans for the weekend? Maybe the Taco Bell drive-thru with the Ms.? :D

I think Jewel and I are finally gonna see The Passion today.