I hate Bush

Its cheap enough that as long as there is some notice, you could get a pick up load and be set for life. Kinda like buying firewood :cool:
Hogg said:
As long as they do not ban creatine, I could care less about the new control act :D
joe shmoe said:
originally posted by crazedlifter:
Bro I am not saying Clinton was God or did everything right, he was a scumbag.
I am saying Bush is the leader of a country obviously in economic trouble and is responsible. Fuck passing the buck we do that to much nowadays.

well you said it yourself in the last sentence...about passing the buck. as bob pointed out about the economy dropping during the clinton years...WTF are the dems doing??? passing the buck and saying its Bushs fault. so your post is doing nothing but helping make the republicans point.

and also as bob pointed out....look what happened, as far as bombing go, during the clinton years. had he addressed the problem the right way from the get go, 9/11 might not have happened. now along comes president Bush. 9/11 happens. he goes after the fuckers. killing a good amount of them in afghanistan and returning that country, slowly but surely, to the people. and with Iraq...well our boys just kicked the shit out of saddam and again, slowly but surely, that country is being given back to its rightful owners...the people.

clinton did nothing to fight terrorists. except pay them off to leave us alone. and had gore been in office, rest assured that another attack on the USA would have happened by now. why? because gore wouldnt want to offend anyone. he'd be politically correct and spend years trying to figure out how not to offend the guilty party. he's a pussy...just like clinton was. and still is.

but now back to the original topic....about the "war on AAS". c'mon guys...get fucking real for a second. lets all take our heads out of the fucking sand for a moment shall we!! we're getting pissed off because the the current administration is cracking down on illegal activities! thats right...what we do is fucking illegal. get used to it. now if you want AAS to be legal again, stop hanging around this board bitching, moaning, whining, and having someone else wipe your ass for you and fucking get active. start searching for facts on AAS. start a grass roots organization. try to get the laws changed. do something else besides snotting all over yourselves while crying about this topic.

for a bunch of muscle minded muscle heads...there sure are a lot of fucking sniveling cunts! increase the test or drop the clomid and use nolva for recovery. otherwise...get a fucking diaper.

have a nice fucking day
Hogg said:
I'll believe it when I see it :D

I should get my act together soon too. I am giving a lecture today to the project management group
Im back! :D
thick said:
Its cheap enough that as long as there is some notice, you could get a pick up load and be set for life. Kinda like buying firewood :cool:

LOL....I use to look at gear that way :D
2nd longest day Ive had in about 4 weeks. :D

Im beat, now I need a massage.
Crazedlifter said:
The economy is still going downhill.
Where have you been for the past 8 months? We are currently experiencing some of the fastest growth in the past 50 years.
sensational...i totally agree with Ben Franklin. my post wasnt intended to be about national security or our ever more eroding freedoms. yes, Bush has fucked up here and there...but i am much happier and feel safer with him in the white house.

but i do believe that you can, to some reasonable degree, predict that one person(Bush) would do a better job than another (gore or clinton). especially with clintons track record and the fact that gore was nothing but a clinton wannabe.

crazedlifter....the economy, which has been going down since the clinton regime was in power, is finally starting to pick up again. if by chane Kerry wins, and this economic upward movement continues...will you be giving credit to kerry? it started with Bush in office! un-employment is down. read Bob Smiths post again.

and my rant was more towards the original topic...which i said so in my last post. its about the fact that people are getting pissed because laws are being enforced. i said nothing about andro/ephedra or other OTC products. besides...who here, on an AAS board, uses andro?? thats not the issue at hand my friend.

and thick....after "ripping some ass", i need to lick some hotties ass :).

have a nice day
Just shower with her first :)
and thick....after "ripping some ass", i need to lick some hotties ass :).

have a nice day[/QUOTE]
Bob Smith said:
Where have you been for the past 8 months? We are currently experiencing some of the fastest growth in the past 50 years.
Growth in what, service industry jobs like McDonalds. And why does the Bush administration want Fast Food jobs reclassified to manufaturing?
What growth are you speaking of?
Joe- I use andro and maybe Im being paranoid here but first ephedrine, then andro, where will they stop? I don't know what to say.
How about 8% GDP growth in the 3rd quarted, 6% or so in the 4th quarter, and I would imagine a nice 4-5% growth for the 1st quarter of 04.

Jobs is always the last factor in terms of a recovery. It does not lead a recovery like you and the other Dems would like everyone to believe. Jobs lags economic recovery.
Bob Smith said:
How about 8% GDP growth in the 3rd quarted, 6% or so in the 4th quarter, and I would imagine a nice 4-5% growth for the 1st quarter of 04.

Jobs is always the last factor in terms of a recovery. It does not lead a recovery like you and the other Dems would like everyone to believe. Jobs lags economic recovery.

True, you are right about the jobs. I hope your right about the growth in 04.
What do you think about all these economists on CNN, etc. saying that the export of jobs, etc. will eventually be the downfall of our economy?
Still not voting for Bush. :)
I dont watch CNN anymore. I quit about a year or so ago when I switched to Fox News. I find CNN (along with the regular networks) heavily biased to the left with little to no opposing viewpoints.

I vote for Greenspan.
Bob Smith said:
How about 8% GDP growth in the 3rd quarted, 6% or so in the 4th quarter, and I would imagine a nice 4-5% growth for the 1st quarter of 04.

Jobs is always the last factor in terms of a recovery. It does not lead a recovery like you and the other Dems would like everyone to believe. Jobs lags economic recovery.

It's real estate that bothers me more than anything else. In my area, homes over 300,000 are a little difficult to move but tract homes are still going up like crazy. There is an enormous glut in the housing market. Look at apartment prices. I think the low interest rates are creating a false positive. I'm no economics guru, but I am afraid that we have a real estate "bubble" that may soon burst and make the tech "bubble" look like a day at Magic Mountain.
Crazedlifter said:
What do you think about all these economists on CNN, etc. saying that the export of jobs, etc. will eventually be the downfall of our economy?

Some people say it's a trade off. Sure Dell's tech support hotline is now dominated by Indians. But those Indians are using Dell PC's, with MS software, and Lucent telephones, drinking Coca Cola. What goes around comes around.
Joe- I use andro and maybe Im being paranoid here but first ephedrine, then andro, where will they stop? I don't know what to say.

i agree with you there brother. like i said in my last post..."our ever eroding freedoms". now there are exceptions, but for the most part, dems are the ones that want to "save us from ourselves". they act like just because they got elected, they are so much smarter than us. hmmm....maybe they are. inspite of all their bullshit, they still got elected. dems are always trying to pass laws to "protect" one group or another. not that republicans are innocent in this, but again...for the most part its the dems. thats the group thats taking all our freedoms away one by one. i'm a firm believer in small govt. if i thought a true libertarian would have a chance...thats where my vote would go. read the ending of sensationals post by Ben Franklin. it still holds true.

i also wrote: "bush has fucked up here and there", just so you dont think that i blidly follow the republican party.

have a nice day
In my area, apartment vacancies are at 25% (75% occupancy). The number of new home starts over $300k is well above 2002-3 levels. The number of $500k+ homes is also above previous years. I havent seen very many homes for sale in the $90-150k range lately, but now that its Spring, I assume it will pick up.

There was an article in the WSJ a week or two ago about increases in commissions and bonuses for brokers on Wall Street. The number of restaurants being rented out for $30k+ is up substantially, the number of people buying high end ($100k+) cars is up dramatically, people have more disposable income.
CyniQ said:
Some people say it's a trade off. Sure Dell's tech support hotline is now dominated by Indians. But those Indians are using Dell PC's, with MS software, and Lucent telephones, drinking Coca Cola. What goes around comes around.
Dell is moving its support back to the US after so many complaints.