I hate Bush

joe shmoe said:
[ they act like just because they got elected, they are so much smarter than us. hmmm....maybe they are.

Have you ever noticed that most really good salesman are not that smart? They are usually people who believe everything they are told, and have a knack for regurgitating these things with remarkable enthusiasm. Politicians are the same way.

Usually people who are truly intelligent (considerably above average) are not well liked by people in general. The masses either do not relate or are intimidated.

There are of course exceptions, some really stupid people are not well liked... take Desi for example:D
Bob Smith said:
Dell is moving its support back to the US after so many complaints.

Dell is not moving all of its support people back to the US. A fairly large number of personnel will remain in India and Panama.
CyniQ said:
Dell is not moving all of its support people back to the US. A fairly large number of personnel will remain in India and Panama.
Some is certainly better than none. I called the HP support one time and couldnt understand a freakin word the guy was saying. Id rather call MS in Washington and pay for the call rather than get a free call to Desi's cousin. ;)
Union workers are some lazy, alcoholic, uneducated sumbitches. They're kind of like cops. LOL ;)

How about roadworkers? Ever drive by road construction and actually see them doing anything? The only people doing ANYTHING are the affirmative action included, ugly, fat females holding the slow/stop signs and getting 15-20/hr for a job an 8 year old could do.

If my father and I can install a drainage system for my parents spa in 8 hrs, then why can't a crew of 20 guys lay more than a foot of pavement in a day? Oh yeah, refer to the lazy, alcoholic, undeducated sumbitches statement. :) Oh yeah, I forgot to mention overpayed.
Bob Smith said:
Some is certainly better than none. I called the HP support one time and couldnt understand a freakin word the guy was saying. Id rather call MS in Washington and pay for the call rather than get a free call to Desi's cousin. ;)

My little brother is a manager in Dell's "Gold" support in Round Rock. The high end support systems never left the US. If you want to talk to someone who speaks english, my little bro says to cough up the cash for a good support package.
You certainly are a perceptive fellow, Cyniq. You've been on the board(posting anyhow) for 2 weeks and you've already picked up on Desi's infamy. LOL
It's amazing. If anyone ran their business the way our government is run. You'd be bankrupt before you got started. I've heard that Amtrack loses millions per year. No shit. Who rides the damn train? It costs almost as much as a plane ticket and you could walk in 1/2 the time.

Grizzly said:
Union workers are some lazy, alcoholic, uneducated sumbitches. They're kind of like cops. LOL ;)

How about roadworkers? Ever drive by road construction and actually see them doing anything? The only people doing ANYTHING are the affirmative action included, ugly, fat females holding the slow/stop signs and getting 15-20/hr for a job an 8 year old could do.

If my father and I can install a drainage system for my parents spa in 8 hrs, then why can't a crew of 20 guys lay more than a foot of pavement in a day? Oh yeah, refer to the lazy, alcoholic, undeducated sumbitches statement. :) Oh yeah, I forgot to mention overpayed.
Very true, CyniQ. IIRC, Amtrack loses $10+MM per year and gets tons od subsidies from the govt.

IMO, all subsidies should be eliminated. Screw Amtrack, screw the farmers, screw all of em!
Hey, I might need that train in a week or two! Let's hold out on cutting the subsidies until I don't need it anymore. :D

Hell, in my diatribe on unions, I forgot to mention something.

Actually, shaboz, nicotine kills NO ONE. Granted, if you injected the amount of nicotine in a cigarette directly into your bloodstream, you would die(according to the science people I know), but the nicotine in cigs/chew doesn't kill anyone. It's the tar and carcinogens that kill anyone.

I just thought I'd point that out. I've been around Bob too long.
I'm not sure I can totally agree with your sentiment there. At one time this country was... what? about 80% agricultural? Now it's 2% ag. If the farmers all go out and get jobs in the service industry where will we get our corn? We must have corn so it will come from somewhere I guess, but where? Should we import it? Leave it up to a few farmers to control grain prices?

Bob Smith said:
Very true, CyniQ. IIRC, Amtrack loses $10+MM per year and gets tons od subsidies from the govt.

IMO, all subsidies should be eliminated. Screw Amtrack, screw the farmers, screw all of em!
We are losing farmers every single year. Its an industry where all they can do is shoot themselves in the foot. If everyone doesnt produce much, prices are high but volume isnt enough. If, like they actually do, produce as much as they possibly can, prices are very low, they usually have a modest income, and a ton of it gets exported. I dont see why they should be paid for not producing a crop.

The US might have been 80% ag in 1900, but hasnt been anywhere near that since the 30s. I dont think its been over 5% for at least 30 years.
That's what I meant. Before industrialization.
Bob Smith said:
The US might have been 80% ag in 1900, but hasnt been anywhere near that since the 30s. I dont think its been over 5% for at least 30 years.

What really bugs the crap out of me, though, is the "jump on the lastest band wagon" mentality of politicians. OOh, arabs organized a terrorist attack? Better get on the stick and (finally) oust Saddam. What? Gay marriage in Massachusetts? How about a Constitutional Amendment? Someone famous got busted with steroids? We better pass some more laws on that too!

All politicians are Fags. They're all poll chasers. HAHA. Get it? P-O-L-E chasers?:D
i'll chime in. The loss of jobs THE MOST serious modern economic problem facing the US. The issue does not end with increased jobless rates, it kickstarts an overactive US tax function, drains gov't employment incentive programs, and continues to teach the modern American CFO that he CAN AND WILL get more out of less. Working Americans in fear for their jobs, increase productivity by significant marks quarter after quarter...and so it goes.

The loss of human capital in the United States is choking out an economic recovery that will never come full circle until:

A. Working Americans stop their incredible modern rates of productivity and the need for more american labor is realized.

B. American companies are disallowed from soliciting cheap foreign human capital. Can't blme them really...The American firm exists to cultivate maximum profit. An extra revenue dollar equals a dollar decrease in operations expense, both similarly contribute to profitability.

Greenspan has been screaming about it since the market recovery in 2003, thus the quoted term for the 2003 economic recovery: "The Portfolio Recovery". In no other modern economic time has an American economy overcome a 25% recessionary period without a 6-month lagging decrease in national joblessness. 2 Million Americans have been out of work since the recession in 2001. That's some scary shit.
I agree with some of your sentiments, except the last part. That 2 million "without a job" could be 2 million new 1099 contractors. Not saying that all 2MM are 1099s, but a lot of them are. They show up as unemployed till the next tax year comes around and the govt can see that the person was in fact working. So the 2MM is a misleading number.
Also, the current unemployment rate is the same OR LOWER than the first 4 years of Clintons presidency.
I'll buy that. What Americans REALLY need to do is GET WOMEN OUT OF THE WORKPLACE! WWII men go off to war in record numbers. Women are called into the factories by "Rosie the Riveter". Men come back from war to find that the women like the feelings of importance and independance they get from working. They don't want to go back home and slave over a hot stove barefoot and pregnant. Not when they can get a job and support themselves! Subsequently the workforce is flooded with labor. Wages decrease, and next thing you know it takes two incomes to support a family.

Save America. Oppress a Woman Today!!

crewboss said:
i'll chime in. The loss of jobs THE MOST serious modern economic problem facing the US. The issue does not end with increased jobless rates, it kickstarts an overactive US tax function, drains gov't employment incentive programs, and continues to teach the modern American CFO that he CAN AND WILL get more out of less. Working Americans in fear for their jobs, increase productivity by significant marks quarter after quarter...and so it goes.

The loss of human capital in the United States is choking out an economic recovery that will never come full circle until:

A. Working Americans stop their incredible modern rates of productivity and the need for more american labor is realized.

B. American companies are disallowed from soliciting cheap foreign human capital. Can't blme them really...The American firm exists to cultivate maximum profit. An extra revenue dollar equals a dollar decrease in operations expense, both similarly contribute to profitability.

Greenspan has been screaming about it since the market recovery in 2003, thus the quoted term for the 2003 economic recovery: "The Portfolio Recovery". In no other modern economic time has an American economy overcome a 25% recessionary period without a 6-month lagging decrease in national joblessness. 2 Million Americans have been out of work since the recession in 2001. That's some scary shit.
Bob Smith said:
I agree with some of your sentiments, except the last part. That 2 million "without a job" could be 2 million new 1099 contractors. Not saying that all 2MM are 1099s, but a lot of them are. They show up as unemployed till the next tax year comes around and the govt can see that the person was in fact working. So the 2MM is a misleading number.

definitely bob. the numbers are as accurate as the method for accumulating them, and we all know how efficient the IRS can be in determining who's working and who's not lol

From a gov't standpoint I feel a little different about this one than most. I uually keep a healthy Libertarian laisse-faire attitude with most controversial current events. For the most part I think less Gov't is good gov't, but they've gotta do something here. I agree, Greenspan for president..
The one thing with the exported jobs is that many of them are jobs that no one wants/will do. What's a tech support job pay? 8/hr? The only people who would want/could possibly survive doing that are computer science college students. That's about it.
CyniQ said:
I'll buy that. What Americans REALLY need to do is GET WOMEN OUT OF THE WORKPLACE! WWII men go off to war in record numbers. Women are called into the factories by "Rosie the Riveter". Men come back from war to find that the women like the feelings of importance and independance they get from working. They don't want to go back home and slave over a hot stove barefoot and pregnant. Not when they can get a job and support themselves! Subsequently the workforce is flooded with labor. Wages decrease, and next thing you know it takes two incomes to support a family.

Save America. Oppress a Woman Today!!
LOL, gotta love the last line! :D

CyniQ, in reality I think you hit on a major turning point in American history. Since then, all sorts of negatives have come about...major increases in divorce, out of wedlock births, crime, drug use, lower education levels, the basic destruction of the family, and Im sure I could go on for hours with other effects.

Nowadays it may sound totally sexist and anti-PC, but I want my wife to stay home with our kids. I think the mans job is to provide for his family and be the major decision maker. The wife, IMO, truly is the backbone of a strong family. A move towards more traditional roles would be a positive step to reducing the negatives I mentioned a minute ago.
I knew I liked you Bob.:D The whole feminazi/women's liberation movement has not IMO done anyone any good. One more reason I believe in the bible (not necessarily trying to bring it back to that). You can see how pulling away from the bible's view of marriage and family is truly damaging the family unit. For all of the reasons you cited. My wife didn't always see this my way, it took years of oppression:D. Seriously though, I am a loving and attentive husband, but I do reserve the right to make the final decision on any matter outside of what color to paint the kitchen.

Bob Smith said:
LOL, gotta love the last line! :D

CyniQ, in reality I think you hit on a major turning point in American history. Since then, all sorts of negatives have come about...major increases in divorce, out of wedlock births, crime, drug use, lower education levels, the basic destruction of the family, and Im sure I could go on for hours with other effects.

Nowadays it may sound totally sexist and anti-PC, but I want my wife to stay home with our kids. I think the mans job is to provide for his family and be the major decision maker. The wife, IMO, truly is the backbone of a strong family. A move towards more traditional roles would be a positive step to reducing the negatives I mentioned a minute ago.