I hate Bush

Hogg said:
I'm actually playing with some financial stuff. Its pretty cool. MR recommended a good TA book by Schwager that has the math in it....I plan on seeing if I can implement the math in code ....its just a brain exercise at this point.
And I thought I had a lot of time on my hands!
Bob Smith said:
Homeschooling doesnt have to be done by a certified teacher, and from my understanding, its usually a parent and not a certified teacher. But wait, why then do these kids continually outperform public and private schools in nearly every test category. IMO, its personal attention.

Anyway, thats not hte current discussion topic. There are costs involved with homeschooling, such as supplies, field trips, etc. But you dont pay the teacher since its usually a parent. Jewel just happens to be certified (certifiable?:D), so we would give up her income but not have to pay to hire someone.

There is something to be said for one-on-one and a parent's relentless desire to educate their child. Its not a redneck white trash thing.....it is like the ultimate gift a parent can give to a child. However, a parent has to know when to pass the child on to the proper institution. If the child is 10 years old and he is ready to do a fourier series, then as a parent, you need to make sure that he gets the necessary instruction. Man, I'll be honest, the thought of literally building a child that could reach the highest levels of science is inspiring....I'd love to be able to do it.....you cannot put a value on teaching a child who goes on to benefit mankind.....it would be a great thing.
Bob Smith said:
And I thought I had a lot of time on my hands!

I'm actually pretty stretched right now. I have not played the market lately as a result of my studies but with the current market conditions, I need to shift gears and start hunting some new buys.

I've been playing chess again too.....fucking computers....they are soo good :D
Hogg said:
There is something to be said for one-on-one and a parent's relentless desire to educate their child. Its not a redneck white trash thing.....it is like the ultimate gift a parent can give to a child. However, a parent has to know when to pass the child on to the proper institution. If the child is 10 years old and he is ready to do a fourier series, then as a parent, you need to make sure that he gets the necessary instruction. Man, I'll be honest, the thought of literally building a child that could reach the highest levels of science is inspiring....I'd love to be able to do it.....you cannot put a value on teaching a child who goes on to benefit mankind.....it would be a great thing.
Well said, bro.

Chess, eh? Ive played a few times but never really gotten into it at all. I prefer backgammon. I picked up some Jeopardy! software the other day and have become addicted to that in no time. Ive always been very good at Jeopardy and similar games (Millionarie, etc). Even at 6 and 7 years old I could answer a good number of questions while watching on tv. Now Im just damn good at it. I have so much random information in my head that can be pulled out, that some friends from back home used to call me Cliff Claven (from Cheers).
Bob Smith said:
Well said, bro.

Chess, eh? Ive played a few times but never really gotten into it at all. I prefer backgammon. I picked up some Jeopardy! software the other day and have become addicted to that in no time. Ive always been very good at Jeopardy and similar games (Millionarie, etc). Even at 6 and 7 years old I could answer a good number of questions while watching on tv. Now Im just damn good at it. I have so much random information in my head that can be pulled out, that some friends from back home used to call me Cliff Claven (from Cheers).

I am a bit of a chess nut, have played alot since i was young...I am pretty good, it is a rare thing indeed when I am beaten. BS, I also love jeopardy and other things like that. Random information (not useful but just takes up space) is all that occupies my brain~Sensational
Hogg said:
I dont know about you guys but the more I make, the less I spend. I've turned into quite a penny pincher these last few years. Ms. hogg and I are committed to living in poverty until 40 so that we can have a good standard of living thereafter. The key is building a pot to piss in that makes its own piss......get me? In other words, you can build it to a point where just collecting the piss that spills over the edge allows you to live well. Thats what we are trying to do.

Hogg i couldn't agree more w/ your plan.. modern financing allows us to enjoy now what we shouldn't enjoy until we've saved enough. people live for now, i fall victim to it at times as well, although i'm glad i still have my old man looking over my shoulder @ times to keep me in check.. it pisses me off at times, bastard is always right.. i was brought up that the smartest people financially don't need to make a milllion dollars @ work. they save while they're young and diffuse their money into vehicles which make it grow. and then they spit blood to save more, eventually the methodical saving pays off.
Sensational said:
I am a bit of a chess nut, have played alot since i was young...I am pretty good, it is a rare thing indeed when I am beaten. BS, I also love jeopardy and other things like that. Random information (not useful but just takes up space) is all that occupies my brain~Sensational

are you able to beat the machine? I have succeeded in stumping the machine twice (clock runs on into perpetuity) but never have I managed to mate against the machine. I have never studied the strategies of chess, I just develop a plan and try to implement it while trying to at least invoke equal losses.Its fun even though I lose....to a friggin microchip nonetheless :)
Grizzly said:
My parents both worked my whole life and I turned out just fine.

No offense Grizz. But don't you beat the shit out of people for a living?

Grizz says, "I'm a well-rounded individual. I can quote Nietzsche and pummel nay-sayers into oblivion simultaneously! Gotta Problem with that?!":D

Bob. On home-schooling kids. I don't disagree with you at all. The more time you spend with your children the better off they will be (unless you're f*cked up). I really have known a great many people who have been home-schooled. Some from the beginning and some pulled out of school in later years (both of my brothers HS'd through High School and I graduated a year early partially because I took Gov and Economics by correspondence). How they turn out will depend a great deal on the attitudes and personalities of the parents (of course). I have decided to compensate for incompetence of a public education (no offense to Jewel of course) by teaching my son at home in addition to public Screwl. I hope that this will help him to learn to deal with the adversities that he will undoubtedly encounter in PS. Again just my .02
CyniQ, even though youre a Texan, I like your idea on how to raise your son. ;)

By no means am I saying that all public (or private) school teachers are morons, but I would say that there is a fairly large contingent of them in every district. Part of the problem is the govt, both Fed and State. They bind the hands of teachers and force them to teach to pass tests instead of teaching to acquire knowledge.

Jewel, IMO, is probably more qualified and dedicated that most teachers I have met. But when the time comes, the govt will ultimately dictate much (most?) of what and how she can teach. Whats the point of states requiring a Masters degree if the teachers cant use what theyve learned? Jewel has read all the education research and had professors that DID the actual research (and wanted her as a colleague). She knows what works and what has been shown to be a waste of time. She is in the minority though.

In my state, a Masters is not required. Not that a Masters necessarily means a ton, but Id rather have a Masters educated teacher than only a bachelors educated person teaching the local kids. The govt needs to get out of the education business.
Bob Smith said:
CyniQ, even though youre a Texan, I like your idea on how to raise your son. ;)
The govt needs to get out of the education business.

Even though I'm a Texan? "Son, I don't rightly know how to take that. I reckon I ain't gonna take no offense iffin you didn't mean none." [In my best southern drawl]

Home-schooling is a tough one. I'm a bit of an autodidact myself. I read at least 150 pages a week (my goal is 200 but I consistently fall short). But, I would imagine that virtually everyone on this board has more "education" than me. Probably not "everyone" but you know who I mean. So I'm no champion of institutional education. I think it's structure that kids really need. My son goes to bed every night at exactly 8:00. Parents of similarly aged children usually can't believe that we can get him to do that. He doesn't even mind. He has been going to bed at 8:00 since before he can remember, as far as he's concerned that's just the way it is. It never has been negotiable and it never will be. I think of school the same way. He sets his alarm clock and gets up at a specified time everyday. I think it teaches him that something is expected of him, he has responsibilities, even at 6. It's that structure combined with the self-reliance learned by being separate from mom and dad that school helps provide.

And if you ask me, the government needs to get out of ANY business that doesn't include protecting borders, and citizens.
I find it odd that parents of a 6 year old WOULDN'T all similarly have their child in bed by 8. Must be single mothers.

I dated a girl/lady/whatever you call a 28y/o w/ 2 kids.... Anyhow, her 3 year old was still up at 11pm. WTF is that? I know I didn't see much later than 8 until JHS, I think. As a senior in HS, my ass was home by 11:30. Crazy damn parents!

I'm going to have to go the oppostie way on this one, too. It seems to me that if you constantly spend time doting on your children they grow up to be pansey-ass, sissies.

Two of my used to be best friends were from a family that I would call weird. "I love you sons. We love you mom. Be careful when you go out. Put on your scarf, you might catch pneumonia walking through the garage to get into the car. Ok, Mom. We love you"

It was sick! Contrasted with my family, "Hey, fuckhead, where the hell are you going without a coat?"(not really, but close enough)

Point being, both of them are quite intelligent, but they are serious pussies. Like, bad style. One of them has never driven faster than 63mph because he might get hurt.

Nevermind, I can't even discuss this anymore. I feel my testicles shrinking already.
Oh yeah, you should take the Texan thing very badly. I know I would be unhappy. ;)

I'm not going to get into it now, but wait until the board is boring again. Then we'll discuss how Texas is the France of the US.
Hogg said:
are you able to beat the machine? I have succeeded in stumping the machine twice (clock runs on into perpetuity) but never have I managed to mate against the machine. I have never studied the strategies of chess, I just develop a plan and try to implement it while trying to at least invoke equal losses.Its fun even though I lose....to a friggin microchip nonetheless :)

Yes I can beat the machine. But you have to have your game on because they don't make mistakes really. Its shortcoming is its foresight, it just seems to make the right move at the right time without thinking of implications 4-5 moves in the future. So, you kind of have to scheme against the damn machine~Sensational
I'm not going to get into it now, but wait until the board is boring again. Then we'll discuss how Texas is the France of the US.[/QUOTE]

Grizzly said:
Oh yeah, you should take the Texan thing very badly. I know I would be unhappy. ;)

I'm not going to get into it now, but wait until the board is boring again. Then we'll discuss how Texas is the France of the US.

Ouch! Are you trying to get me back for that "philosophical brawler" comment? I actually grew up in Ventura County, CA. I don't even have an accent. I do say ya'll though, and sometimes fixin'. But I don't say "ayggs" instead of "eggs" or "ahss" instead of "ice". And I've only "yeehaw'd" once (it was a very special occasion:D).

Pansy ass chitlins? I agree, that's part of the reason I don't believe in divorce. No offense to the guys that have kids that don't live under their roof. But if you aren't teaching your sons how to be men then who is. Ever seen "Big Jake"? Gotta love John Wayne. Dad's gone for 10 years and comes home to find his sons are disrespectful pussies. I'll do everything in my power to make sure I'm the one who raises my son. No disrepectful pussy is going to carry around my name.:D
Sensational said:
Yes I can beat the machine. But you have to have your game on because they don't make mistakes really. Its shortcoming is its foresight, it just seems to make the right move at the right time without thinking of implications 4-5 moves in the future. So, you kind of have to scheme against the damn machine~Sensational

LMAO. "Scheme against the machine"? Isn't that a band?
cant wait for the texas thread :)
Grizzly said:
Oh yeah, you should take the Texan thing very badly. I know I would be unhappy. ;)

I'm not going to get into it now, but wait until the board is boring again. Then we'll discuss how Texas is the France of the US.
Crazedlifter said:
Bro I am not saying Clinton was God or did everything right, he was a scumbag.
I am saying Bush is the leader of a country obviously in economic trouble and is responsible. Fuck passing the buck we do that to much nowadays.

Just heard on the news that the economy rose 4.3% the last quarter of 2003....maybe things are getting better...I too, Don't like the Gov. getting into our Heathfood stores BUT, I Do feel safer with Bush in...Just my 2% Worth

