I hate Bush

Grizz, if people raised their own kids (stay at home mom, for example), then it would be much easier and more effective teaching a kid to be of strong mind and body. Some $5/hr moron isnt going to care, and it shows in kids.
Well, Bob, you let me know when it's possible to raise a family on a single income and have any sort of a decent standard of living. True or false, you are having enough trouble taking care of YOURSELF with one income.
Where i'm from LITTLE kids carry weapons to school. Well,not anymore,since the metal detectors,but they have them outside school. Is it good to teach your son to stand up to bullies.... Yes,but it's not like when i was growing up. It's not too bad when you come home with a bloody nose or a black eye,now a days,you may not come home,at all. As you may know,alot of people don't fight with just fists anymore.
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Grizzly said:
Well, Bob, you let me know when it's possible to raise a family on a single income and have any sort of a decent standard of living. True or false, you are having enough trouble taking care of YOURSELF with one income.
I heard that. I am about to start my second job and thats on top the business I do on the side and my full time day job.
So I get to have my wife stay home but then my kids will never see me.
Very tuff to do that these days.
That is true. Very hard to make it on one income. the huge majority cant do it. Maybe if they didnt all buy suv's and stuff it would be different :confused:
Grizzly said:
Well, Bob, you let me know when it's possible to raise a family on a single income and have any sort of a decent standard of living. True or false, you are having enough trouble taking care of YOURSELF with one income.
My wife and i have desided to move to another city,before our child is old enough to go to school. We don't want our child(don't know if it's boy or girl yet)in these schools or growing up around here. i don't want to take that chance with the crazy kids of today. I'll teach them how to deal with people at home. We are,also,going to spend as much time as we can with them,so they grow up like their mommy and daddy and not someone else,which is why i like my job. It gives me the freedom to take off when i want and not have to work 5 days/week.
Good man, Manwhore!

Grizz, it is entirely possible to have a single income household. Will you have all the latest toys, a new truck every couple years, a plasma tv and the such? No. Is it easy? Not necessarily. Sacrifices have to be made unless the one income is high enough. But whats more important, a combined $60-100k/yr and someone else raising your kids, or $40k+ and you get to raise and mold your kids the way you want to?

Youre right, Im having some difficulty taking care of my bills and all that shit. But Im single and have limited monthly payments. I wouldnt bring a kid into this world being in the same situation I am now. If people cant afford kids, then dont plan to have them at the present time. And if you dont plan to have kids, you better make damn sure your girl is on the pill and youre wrappin your cock before you slide it in. Accidents happen, but usually they are preventable.

Id rather make $30k/yr and have Jewel stay home (when the time comes) than have a combined $60-75k and have some two-bit uneducated $5/hr welfare recipient raising my kids. I can deal without my clothing preferences, as many dinners out, etc in order to properly raise my kids.
Oh, and you can do like Manwhore and his wife are doing...move to someplace more affordable to help out. Whether its a more affordable house or a town/state with a lower cost of living, adjustments can be made.

BTW, a homeschooled kid just won the state spelling bee. Again.
Grizzly said:
Well, Bob, you let me know when it's possible to raise a family on a single income and have any sort of a decent standard of living. True or false, you are having enough trouble taking care of YOURSELF with one income.

I dont know about you guys but the more I make, the less I spend. I've turned into quite a penny pincher these last few years. Ms. hogg and I are committed to living in poverty until 40 so that we can have a good standard of living thereafter. The key is building a pot to piss in that makes its own piss......get me? In other words, you can build it to a point where just collecting the piss that spills over the edge allows you to live well. Thats what we are trying to do.
Wouldn't home schooling cost a good 15-20k/year?

I don't know. My parents both worked my whole life and I turned out just fine. Great preschool and, because of their combined income, I was able to live in a very nice area and attend a school that has more amenities than most colleges.
I agree 100% with Hoggs view. He and I have talked about this at length and we are of the same mindset. Almost every single person, no matter what their income, can start saving up money, even if its only $10 a month to start. Instead of pissing away money on a new car, buy a Honda or Toyota thats 3-5 years old. Those things last forever. You will let someone else take the initial 30% hit during the first 2 years, then youre getting a decent deal. But a car is never a good investment, so it comes down to minimizing losses.

Hogg, did you ever get a chance to read the Rich Dad, Poor Dad book? Whatd you think?
Grizzly said:
Wouldn't home schooling cost a good 15-20k/year?

I don't know. My parents both worked my whole life and I turned out just fine. Great preschool and, because of their combined income, I was able to live in a very nice area and attend a school that has more amenities than most colleges.
How would homeschooling cost $15-20k?
Well, I would imagine that a certified teacher would like to make a decent living. Not that 20k is decent, but it's better than nothing, I guess.
Jewel will start at around $30k in our neck of the woods. In other places it would be as high as $40-45k.

So are you talking more about opportunity cost rather than actual cost?
I don't know. I'm not up on my economic phrases.

I just figure it like this: A home school teacher is a legitimate, educated and certified teacher. That is his/her job. Who works for less than 20k/yr?
Bob Smith said:
Hogg, did you ever get a chance to read the Rich Dad, Poor Dad book? Whatd you think?

No sir, I did not. At present, I have Duncan's Rituals of Freemasonry and a couple of programming-related texts in my reading queue...and some technical analysis stuff that MR gave me. I'll get to it eventually....I read nearly every day.
Homeschooling doesnt have to be done by a certified teacher, and from my understanding, its usually a parent and not a certified teacher. But wait, why then do these kids continually outperform public and private schools in nearly every test category. IMO, its personal attention.

Anyway, thats not hte current discussion topic. There are costs involved with homeschooling, such as supplies, field trips, etc. But you dont pay the teacher since its usually a parent. Jewel just happens to be certified (certifiable?:D), so we would give up her income but not have to pay to hire someone.
Hogg said:
No sir, I did not. At present, I have Duncan's Rituals of Freemasonry and a couple of programming-related texts in my reading queue...and some technical analysis stuff that MR gave me. I'll get to it eventually....I read nearly every day.
I think you'll find that it fits very nicely with your current thoughts on investing and wealth accumulation. Its a pretty easy read.

Programming, huh? Sounds like...not fun.
Grizzly said:
I don't know. I'm not up on my economic phrases.

I just figure it like this: A home school teacher is a legitimate, educated and certified teacher. That is his/her job. Who works for less than 20k/yr?

I'll tell you who, a person who sets up an annuity that generates $ 20K or less taxable income per year. Annuities are great. imagine taking a check for $ 15K a month with only 1500 taxable.....now thats a good deal. Now how might you do that? Well, perhaps you sell a piece of real property that you had occupied for 2 years and sold at a healthy profit. The cap gain is non-taxable.....so perhaps you take a chunk to buy another piece of property ( a house would not appreciate that much) and then put the rest into an annuity....it places the burden of growing wealth on the issuing company and allows you to take a stable income at the period when it starts paying out.

But on the other hand, if you had that kind of cash, you'd probably buy 10 shares of Berkshire Hathaway or a good hedge fund and forget about working for the rest of your life.
Bob Smith said:
Programming, huh? Sounds like...not fun.

I'm actually playing with some financial stuff. Its pretty cool. MR recommended a good TA book by Schwager that has the math in it....I plan on seeing if I can implement the math in code ....its just a brain exercise at this point.