I hate Bush

No way! I don't care if I'm making 10MM dollars a year. My woman WILL work. Even if she's working at Wal-Mart and pulling 15k a year, it's still a new car every 2 years. Plus, a woman at home is a bored lady who is more prone to being a ho.
Grizzly said:
The one thing with the exported jobs is that many of them are jobs that no one wants/will do. What's a tech support job pay? 8/hr? The only people who would want/could possibly survive doing that are computer science college students. That's about it.

i hear you grizz, all you gotta have is a few certs but in the grand scheme tech support is skilled labor. it used to be sweatshops. now traditional LDC's like India are starting to mimick the American model by bolstering their educational systems. the product is a decently skilled foreign worker who will work tech support for $4 / hr. I would venture to guess that when I was at Compaq, 50-60% of Compaq's IT developers were either Indian or from an east Asian Tiger.
Grizz, I disagree. Particularly if there are kids involved. Sure, if theres no kids then kick her ass to work every morning, let her do volunteer work, stuff like that. No need to sit home when theres no kids to watch. When kids come along, its time to reel that baby back into the home. Home, not house.

Now were going to get into a discussion about kids schooling, but before I do that, I will say that I think the wife should stay home till the kids are at least school aged (5-6). These are their most formative years and they should be spent with their family, not with some $5 an hour daycare loser.

Personally, I would prefer my kids to be homeschooled. It took me about 5 years to go from "no f'in way" to "no f'in way Im sending my kids to public school." Jewel and I have some disagreements about this (regarding at what age the kids would be when/if she goes back to work), especially since shes a teacher and loves working with kids. I would prefer it to be my kids she teaches. No worries about lack of supplies, bitchy parents, administrations, budget cuts and so on.

Homeschooled kids are way smarter (on average) than either public or private school kids. And Grizzly, before you bother, dont bring up the "but they wont know how to talk to a rock if they dont have socialization, blah blah blah." Its a lame arguement.
Yeah I know Grizz. I'm 26. I graduated from HS early, I was sixteen. Left home to seek my fortune immediately thereafter. I met my wife when I was 17. Got her knocked-up 2 years later. I don't believe in abortion so I married her. Just had our 7th anniversary, my son is 6 and I couldn't be happier.
On home-schooled kids Bob. Have you known any? I have. I can tell you from personal experience they are on average socially inept. You can cite any study you want to the contrary bro, but I swear the anecdotal evidence doesn't lie and I've seen it. I have known a few well adjusted ones but the majority...

My son is 6. His birthday is late in the year so he is in kindergarten. He is the most advanced reader in his class, his teacher says he reads on at least a 3rd grade level. This is definately because my wife works with him at home, but I wouldn't home school. Just my .02
Yeah, he told you, Bob! ;)

I saw an interesting piece on the telie yesterday. The general gist is that, perhaps, it is better to have the mother home when the children are later on in their years. It kind of makes sense. What does a 7 year old do when they get home from school? Grab their GI Joes and take them over to Barbie's house and turn it from "Barbie's Dream house" into "GI Joe's House of Fantasy" Show me those hard, perky double-d's beyotch! Ok, maybe that was just me, but I've been interested in sex since I can remember.

I used to kiss all the girls and the day care I went to has a unisex washroom, so I would always end up having to pee at the same time as one of the cute girls did. It's a wonder how that worked out. ;) I also had a knack for getting all the neighborhood girls naked. I wish I still had that knack. :D

WRT daycare, the one that I attended was great! They had us reading at age 3. I think it depends upon which service you use.
Whoops, looks like I got so wrapped up in sex that I forgot the point. LOL

7 year olds don't do shit when they get home. Now, a teen on the other hand, comes home and smokes pot, drinks, feels the boobies....whoops, there I go again. Thus, it might be better to have the mother home when the child might actually be doing something "bad". Not that I'm going to say that smoking pot and feeling boobies is bad.

I know I've certainly abused my share of drugs and I'm perfectly fine. (I just left myself wide open on that one.)
Grizzly said:
Yeah, he told you, Bob! ;)

I saw an interesting piece on the telie yesterday. The general gist is that, perhaps, it is better to have the mother home when the children are later on in their years. It kind of makes sense. What does a 7 year old do when they get home from school? Grab their GI Joes and take them over to Barbie's house and turn it from "Barbie's Dream house" into "GI Joe's House of Fantasy" Show me those hard, perky double-d's beyotch! Ok, maybe that was just me, but I've been interested in sex since I can remember.

I used to kiss all the girls and the day care I went to has a unisex washroom, so I would always end up having to pee at the same time as one of the cute girls did. It's a wonder how that worked out. ;) I also had a knack for getting all the neighborhood girls naked. I wish I still had that knack. :D

WRT daycare, the one that I attended was great! They had us reading at age 3. I think it depends upon which service you use.

lol this thread has more twists and turns than "The Freaky One"'s sexual status. i'm outta here like a bald guy, have a good weekend everyone.
Look dude, he is a politician and it is a hot button issue. If that snake in the grass Kerry was president right now, and let's all pray for the betterment of this country that never happens, he would be doing the same thing.

shaboz said:
This witch hunt for steroids is fucking stupid. I would love to see some statistics on deaths related to steroids compared to nicotine and alcohol.

I think it is sad how Bush is waging a war on steroids and chooses to look past the tobacco and alcohol industry that have claimed many many more lives.

There are so many other issues that need our presidents attention. Why waste time and money on something like baseball and biceps? Heaven forbid we find a way to improve healthcare or welfare! These fucking juiced up homerun hitters have got to go!

Write me in on the ballot! Vote Shaboz for President!
Hello gents,

I would like to introduce you that phenonmenon known as roid rage. Please see Crazedlifter's remarks.

Have a nice day

Crazedlifter said:
I totally disagree. Bush is an idiot. The war was the right thing to do but his trackrecord so far sucks.
And republicans always want to play the blame game and say oh this was done before and it's all just a trickle down of what the Clinton did.
Fuck that he has accountability and it is his fault. He is the leader and just like any other paid leader if his track record sucks then oust his ass.
Please, you think just cuz a democrat was in office that suddenly we would be so much more at risk?
Also I do blame him for the steroid mess right now. He said he would go after them in his speach and now with the Steroid Act that could go through we could lose all prohormones/andro.
This topic pisses me off. :) I got to calm down cuz it's too early to be pissed. LOL
Amen brother!

The day we started giving women the right to vote was the day this country started on a downward spiral. Voting is a man's issue. Talking politics with women is like talking to them about football.

Now if this issue is what brand of window cleaner works best, then I defer to the women.

Have a nice day

thick said:
If You Are Male And You Dont Like Bush You Are A Faggot
CyniQ said:
On home-schooled kids Bob. Have you known any? I have. I can tell you from personal experience they are on average socially inept. You can cite any study you want to the contrary bro, but I swear the anecdotal evidence doesn't lie and I've seen it. I have known a few well adjusted ones but the majority...

My son is 6. His birthday is late in the year so he is in kindergarten. He is the most advanced reader in his class, his teacher says he reads on at least a 3rd grade level. This is definately because my wife works with him at home, but I wouldn't home school. Just my .02
CyniQ, my ex and her brother were both homeschooled. Both are normal socially, and the brother in particular is above average smart. Crazy shit smart, like knowing advanced physics and stuff.

I have met a bunch of other homeschooled kids and for the most part, I didnt see any difference between them and "normal" kids in terms of social behavior.

Good job on your kid! Reading should be a life-long endeavor that is enjoyed.

Grizzly, there are too many bad daycare centers that the good ones are like finding an honest politician during an election year. They just dont exist. Sure, sometimes they might give the kids some attention and feed them or change their diaper, but no one, and I mean no one, other than the parents (or close family) will ever love and care for your kids as much as you do. Why the fuck have kids if youre just gonna pass them off and let other people raise them for...basically for the rest of their lives? First, its the daycare centers, then its public school, by the time graduation comes around the kid is off to college away from home. You basically had no role in raising your own kids. Great parenting.:rolleyes:

NEW REPORT: Why Bush Supports Outsourcing
On the eve of his trip to Ohio to "focus on jobs," (1) President Bush
claimed yesterday that "we're creating jobs - good, high-paying jobs for the
American citizen." (2) His comments come despite the country having lost
more than 2 million manufacturing jobs since he was elected. In Ohio, which
lost 270,000 manufacturing jobs alone, the economic crisis has raised
questions about why the president last month strongly endorsed the
outsourcing of U.S. jobs to cheap overseas labor markets. A look at the
presidents donors offers an answer. (3)

Misleader compared the companies that outsource the most U.S. jobs (referred
to as "captive remote services companies" on page 11 of the trade
association report noted below) with the president's campaign finance
records. (4) The analysis shows that the president's campaign has pocketed
more than $440,000 and his party more than $3.6 million in just 4 years.
These companies have a direct stake in the president publicly supporting
outsourcing and doing everything he can to water down or oppose legislation
to curb the practice. (5
i agree bob. My son had to go to a daycare for a couple of months while i was in college. Had immediate changes in his behavior. It was my fault. the family seemed so nice but she had a couple of her own kids there and it turned out that they were picking on my son, teasing him and all sorts of shit. He still goes in a shell if someone laughs around him b/c he thinks they might be making fun of him. This was around 4 years ago and still affects him. I would give my left nut to see that bitch, her husband and her slurring, non talking mother fucking fat ugly kid named seth. I would do really bad things to them motherfuckers. I still feel like shit putting my son in that situation and not realizing it sooner. He through fits not wanting to go there and I finally saw what was up. Motherfuckers better hope i dont ever meet up with them. I shouldve pummeled KEN when i had the chance. Dont let this happen to your kids
Bob Smith said:
CyniQ, my ex and her brother were both homeschooled. Both are normal socially, and the brother in particular is above average smart. Crazy shit smart, like knowing advanced physics and stuff.

I have met a bunch of other homeschooled kids and for the most part, I didnt see any difference between them and "normal" kids in terms of social behavior.

Good job on your kid! Reading should be a life-long endeavor that is enjoyed.

Grizzly, there are too many bad daycare centers that the good ones are like finding an honest politician during an election year. They just dont exist. Sure, sometimes they might give the kids some attention and feed them or change their diaper, but no one, and I mean no one, other than the parents (or close family) will ever love and care for your kids as much as you do. Why the fuck have kids if youre just gonna pass them off and let other people raise them for...basically for the rest of their lives? First, its the daycare centers, then its public school, by the time graduation comes around the kid is off to college away from home. You basically had no role in raising your own kids. Great parenting.:rolleyes:
joe shmoe said:
I think it is sad how Bush is waging a war on steroids and chooses to look past the tobacco and alcohol industry that have claimed many many more lives.

well seeing how AAS is illegal while the other 2 are perfectly legal, it kind of makes your statement look silly. not a flame at all...just my opinion. i agree with you that the other have taken more lives, but what the fuck do people expect the president to do???? look the other way when it comes to illegal drugs?

instead of "Bush bashing", maybe everyone who bashes the guy should take their energy and direct it towards the legislative branch. these are the guys who actually start all this shit!

now shaboz...i agree that the steroid thing has gone too far. but putting down a man for enforcing the law is silly. its not even like he signed that piece of legislation into law. that was done in the 80's. so why the hard on for President Bush? yes, i use AAS also. i use an illegal drug. i take he chance of getting popped just like everyone else here. and just like everyone else here, i'd like to see them legalized again. hence the statement about congress and the legislators.

steroids are just the topic de-jour. in the 90's it was all about gun control. next month it will be something else.

besides, i'd gladly give up using gear knowing that i'm safer in my own country. sure, maybe having a dem in the white house(what a terrible and scary thought) might ease up on the AAS topic, but then we'll have other things to worry about...like getting blown up again.

have a nice day

Amen Brother,
I have yet to see a fair and balanced argument in the press describing the health benefits of Anabolic Androgenic Steriods. Anyone who has read Rick Collins book Legal Muscle knows that Anabolic Androgenic Steriods have been a target of congressional control since the Reagan administration. We must do our parts as voting citizens (those of us that still can) to write our senators and congressmen to telling them how we feel about this subject. The law must change.
There is a pretty good article over at T-mag that is in response to a different artilce in ESPN magazine. Good read by Cy Wilson.
Though I wish I could be sympathetic, Thick, I can't. Being made fun of is part of childhood. End of story. Either teach him how to beat the hell out of other kids(and like it) or tell him to suck it up.

Who on this board was not made fun of as a child? Not a single one of us. We all got picked on for something. This current "anti-bullying" bullshit that the schools have implemented is ridiculous. 10,000 years worth of people have been picked on, made fun of and bullied. We all survived and so will the next 10k worth of children.
I know what you are saying but this was way different. This was 5 days a week all day shit and he was helpless. He wont let anyone fuck with him at school etc. He was 3 years old and really is totally different than some teasing at school etc. that is nothing. Had to be there to realize how bad it was.
Grizzly said:
Though I wish I could be sympathetic, Thick, I can't. Being made fun of is part of childhood. End of story. Either teach him how to beat the hell out of other kids(and like it) or tell him to suck it up.

Who on this board was not made fun of as a child? Not a single one of us. We all got picked on for something. This current "anti-bullying" bullshit that the schools have implemented is ridiculous. 10,000 years worth of people have been picked on, made fun of and bullied. We all survived and so will the next 10k worth of children.

