I hate Bush

Bob Smith said:
Good to hear!

Any big plans for the weekend? Maybe the Taco Bell drive-thru with the Ms.? :D

I think Jewel and I are finally gonna see The Passion today.

Senorita Hogg and I are suppose to have dinner with Senor and Senora MaxRep tomorrow night....other than that, a lot of reading, and a lot of relaxing.

I'm sure you'll find the movie interesting......at least you have enough background on it by now to know what to expect.
Crazedlifter said:
Very intelligent

And that came from a bonafide, licensed medical practitioner......I think he lied....he sounds more like a union pipe fitter
Hogg said:
And that came from a bonafide, licensed medical practitioner......I think he lied....he sounds more like a union pipe fitter
Hes probably not even a journeyman. I bet hes the lowly go-get-my-lunch-you-choad apprentice.

Enjoy dinner with the Rep family.
Hogg said:
And that came from a bonafide, licensed medical practitioner......I think he lied....he sounds more like a union pipe fitter
Damn you guys are harsh. I guess because I have different views I am not as good as you.
Crazedlifter said:
Damn you guys are harsh. I guess because I have different views I am not as good as you.

LOL....dont take it that way, we have a hundred or so union electricians working for our company, they are an interesting bunch....and of course the target of much humor around here so I cant help it.

Mind you, these guys have 18% of the market share of electrical work in LA/Orange County and are receiving a buck an hour in increases every 6 months.....all the while, the book at local 11 grows daily but damn they gotta have that wage increase. A general foreman now makes $ 38/hr in wage, roughly $ 16,500 per year in pension.....overall, between wage and burden, they cost us $ 134,118 per year plus a truck, plus a nextel, plus a gas card. Basically, each guy that runs big work for us costs us a buck and a half easy. Now cascade that down by $ 10K and you have the cost of a foreman....and every job, whether 80 hours or 800 hours has a foreman. Journeymen cost us $ 114,400 per year and we do not give them a nextel, nor a truck, nor a gas card. We need not bother talking about the apprenticeship because only 1 in 3 journeyman can work on his own and even fewer apprentices (as a percentage) are capable of doing much of anything.

What is also shocking is that a journeyman makes $ 31/hr.....now tell me where a guy with a high school education can go and earn the equivalent of an associates degree (in 4-1/2 years by the way) and make $ 64,480??? Its a great thing.....if there is work.

Now on the other hand, lets look at the non-union world. I compete on a daily basis against companies whose composite labor rate is $ 30/hr or less and my composite is usually $ 48-53/hr depending on the size of the project. Remember earlier how I mentioned that the union continues to get raises bi-annually? Remember how I mentioned that the union has an 18% market share? Well, there are a whole bunch of guy sitting at home with no work or.....from what I have been told by those who know, are out working for 20 bucks an hour cash on non-union jobs and sticking their union card in their shoe...........

Hopefully, this past 5 minute monologue paints a clearer picture of the reasons behind my playfulness with respect to union workers. They have essentially cut their nose off in spite of their face and are now slowly becoming members of the market sector that they soo ardently speak against at the union meetings....."wetbacks are taking all the work" followed by them taking a job for 20 bucks an hour cash running a crew of wetbacks.....and when they teach those wetbacks, the wetbacks will become smart enough to run their own crew and take that $ 20/hr job for 15.......

The unions have a tough row to hoe ahead of them as there is great disparity in the sentiments of working men and an unstable outlook for the future.
You do make some points bro from what I know about unions from my buds.
Cool, I was starting to think you guys did'nt like me. LOL
Crazedlifter said:
You do make some points bro from what I know about unions from my buds.
Cool, I was starting to think you guys did'nt like me. LOL

No, I just like making fun of the traits of union guys :D
Hogg said:
No, I just like making fun of the traits of union guys :D
Its so easy! :D

Crazed, the difference in perspective is between the employee and the employer. Sure, the worker wants $XX/hr, but doesnt take into account the extra SS, unemployment, benefits, and other costs that accompany paying employees. Usually the workers see it as "They are only paying $50k/yr for me" when in reality, as Hogg pointed out, it could easily be 2-3x more than that.

Ok ok...Im off to actually do some work. :)
originally posted by crazedlifter:
Bro I am not saying Clinton was God or did everything right, he was a scumbag.
I am saying Bush is the leader of a country obviously in economic trouble and is responsible. Fuck passing the buck we do that to much nowadays.

well you said it yourself in the last sentence...about passing the buck. as bob pointed out about the economy dropping during the clinton years...WTF are the dems doing??? passing the buck and saying its Bushs fault. so your post is doing nothing but helping make the republicans point.

and also as bob pointed out....look what happened, as far as bombing go, during the clinton years. had he addressed the problem the right way from the get go, 9/11 might not have happened. now along comes president Bush. 9/11 happens. he goes after the fuckers. killing a good amount of them in afghanistan and returning that country, slowly but surely, to the people. and with Iraq...well our boys just kicked the shit out of saddam and again, slowly but surely, that country is being given back to its rightful owners...the people.

clinton did nothing to fight terrorists. except pay them off to leave us alone. and had gore been in office, rest assured that another attack on the USA would have happened by now. why? because gore wouldnt want to offend anyone. he'd be politically correct and spend years trying to figure out how not to offend the guilty party. he's a pussy...just like clinton was. and still is.

but now back to the original topic....about the "war on AAS". c'mon guys...get fucking real for a second. lets all take our heads out of the fucking sand for a moment shall we!! we're getting pissed off because the the current administration is cracking down on illegal activities! thats right...what we do is fucking illegal. get used to it. now if you want AAS to be legal again, stop hanging around this board bitching, moaning, whining, and having someone else wipe your ass for you and fucking get active. start searching for facts on AAS. start a grass roots organization. try to get the laws changed. do something else besides snotting all over yourselves while crying about this topic.

for a bunch of muscle minded muscle heads...there sure are a lot of fucking sniveling cunts! increase the test or drop the clomid and use nolva for recovery. otherwise...get a fucking diaper.

have a nice fucking day
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Bob Smith said:
Ok ok...Im off to actually do some work. :)

I'll believe it when I see it :D

I should get my act together soon too. I am giving a lecture today to the project management group
WOW, I can't believe I missed out on this thread. I am away for a couple of days basically having a long term rendezvous with a chick, and I miss a political thread! Passing the buck (globalization) is inevitable. From a business standpoint, it is going to happen because it is so much more economically intelligent.

Also, anyone who argues that 9/11 wouldn't have happened, or that more terrorist attacks would have happened under Gore, are just wasting their time. Such statements have no validity. It is okay to say that you agree with how Bush handled everything (which I don't) but to say that someone else handling it would have been much worse is an impossible to prove claim.

I hate all the emphasis that is placed on national security lately. I would rather have more terrorist attacks than lose civil liberties. That is my choice though, and obviously not the opinion of everyone here.

"He who chooses security over freedom, is neither secure nor free"--Benjamin Franklin

Hope you all have a good day. I am in such a good mood since hanging with the new lady friend~Sensational
joe shmoe said:
originally posted by crazedlifter:
Bro I am not saying Clinton was God or did everything right, he was a scumbag.
I am saying Bush is the leader of a country obviously in economic trouble and is responsible. Fuck passing the buck we do that to much nowadays.

well you said it yourself in the last sentence...about passing the buck. as bob pointed out about the economy dropping during the clinton years...WTF are the dems doing??? passing the buck and saying its Bushs fault. so your post is doing nothing but helping make the republicans point.

and also as bob pointed out....look what happened, as far as bombing go, during the clinton years. had he addressed the problem the right way from the get go, 9/11 might not have happened. now along comes president Bush. 9/11 happens. he goes after the fuckers. killing a good amount of them in afghanistan and returning that country, slowly but surely, to the people. and with Iraq...well our boys just kicked the shit out of saddam and again, slowly but surely, that country is being given back to its rightful owners...the people.

clinton did nothing to fight terrorists. except pay them off to leave us alone. and had gore been in office, rest assured that another attack on the USA would have happened by now. why? because gore wouldnt want to offend anyone. he'd be politically correct and spend years trying to figure out how not to offend the guilty party. he's a pussy...just like clinton was. and still is.

but now back to the original topic....about the "war on AAS". c'mon guys...get fucking real for a second. lets all take our heads out of the fucking sand for a moment shall we!! we're getting pissed off because the the current administration is cracking down on illegal activities! thats right...what we do is fucking illegal. get used to it. now if you want AAS to be legal again, stop hanging around this board bitching, moaning, whining, and having someone else wipe your ass for you and fucking get active. start searching for facts on AAS. start a grass roots organization. try to get the laws changed. do something else besides snotting all over yourselves while crying about this topic.

for a bunch of muscle minded muscle heads...there sure are a lot of fucking sniveling cunts! increase the test or drop the clomid and use nolva for recovery. otherwise...get a fucking diaper.

have a nice fucking day
I never said what Bush did in Iraq and Afgan was wrong. I totally support it.
The economy is still going downhill. So I guess we should just let Bush continue because it's someone elses fault-- I guess I dont get what your saying bro.
Finally this is more than just about illegal AS! Did you actually read the new Control Act? They want to ban our andro supplements too. And yes I know Bush is not the only one behind all this.
Like I said before, nothing has changed. 4 years and we have gone downhill as far as the economy is concerned.

Damn and I said I was done with these threads... :)

I guess when it comes down to it, it's like my boss always says. "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one" LOL
It's cool to discuss this stuff with you guys.