I like my weed, I like my booze, but they don't like my hormones

Weed only effects your estrogen levels if you only smoke it once in awhile... regular weed smokers have the exact same hormone levels as anyone else, as far as estrogen and test go.

alcohol can be extremely suppressive to your test production though, and very counter-productive for bodybuilding.

I personally know many bodybuilders with amazing physiques that smoke weed daily, and the last 40 pounds of muscle I have gained have been while smoking weed every evening... it helps me get in enough calories... I do not think I could've made this progress while having a few drinks every night though.
All I know is that my libido goes down when I smoke weed or drink alcohol. I'm not sure if it's because a drop in testosterone or a spike in E2.

Don't know why you would go to sex hormones first for an explanation of a temporary drop in libido (I guess it's cause we obsess over sex hormones here). For the weed explanation drop in libido the first thing I would think of is the "Hey man, whatever, it's all cool" effect. And for the alcohol explanation drop in libido I'd go first to the "Oh shit, now I'm gonna be embarrassed because I can't get a stiffie" effect. I doubt that variations in sex hormones have much to do with these transient effects.
I am not agreeing or disagreeing with you. I am only saying that I really just don't know how anyone could detect a variation in hormones, at least on a dime with relation to derivatives. And you are not the only one claiming this. I do recall that when I was younger, drinking on a friday night would devistate my workout on the following Mon & tues. But it was more of an energy thing I am sure, and the detriment on nutrition/or uptake there of - involved with the drinking process. There was also definitely a long term hydration issue persisting, that I am not so sure was not the primary cuase for loss of energy.

It is proven that drinking significntly impacts serotonin levels...

I don't know about weed, but i know booze is absolutely brutal for my hormones. When I wasn't on TRT, i could literally feel the drop in testosterone the next day and the elevated estrogen. I would be more inclined to watch "romantic comedies" (which i normally hate) and I would feel more emotional than normal.

On TRT, same deal except its more estrogenic i believe. I dont need to worry about lowering my testosterone (since I replace it everyday) but i feel like booze elevates my estrogen... a lot. Not fun.

It's one of those things where you need to decide if the benefits are greater than the "next day" sides :(

For me, whether I am on TRT or off TRT a few hours of fun with alcohol isn't worth the few days of malaise and hell afterwards.

And i'm not a "have a few drinks" type of guy. I'm an "all or nothing" type guy. If I drink, I drink.

So I don't drink.
It is proven that drinking significntly impacts serotonin levels...

BBC for the win. It's the temporary effects of weed and booze on brain chemistry, not sex hormones, which is causing the transient effects on libido you notice.
BBC for the win. It's the temporary effects of weed and booze on brain chemistry, not sex hormones, which is causing the transient effects on libido you notice.

Impact as increase or decrease in serotonin levels?

What happens after I smoke weed is that my penis tends to shrink. If I take a Viagara or Levitra, then it's not so bad.

If it decreases serotonin, then maybe I should take some 5-HTP when I smoke?
What happened to those raging boners and the five times per day jackoff sessions that you were having due to maca?

I have a wonderful, beautiful girlfriend that puts up with my hormonal problems. She even helps me research them. She wants it fixed even more than I do! (She's smart enough to browse PubMed and everything else.) I doubt another one of those exist, though. :tiphat:

How long have you been dating her and how did you bring the issue up with her?
BBC for the win. It's the temporary effects of weed and booze on brain chemistry, not sex hormones, which is causing the transient effects on libido you notice.

So why is it that some people swear that they wake up with a raging hardon after a wild night drinking booze?
Impact as increase or decrease in serotonin levels? ... If it decreases serotonin, then maybe I should take some 5-HTP when I smoke?

I'm sure it's far more complicated than that. And trying to correct it with a single, or even a suite, of supplements is only going to further perturb an already disturbed system in unpredictable ways. Could be fun though. :)

What happens after I smoke weed is that my penis tends to shrink. If I take a Viagara or Levitra, then it's not so bad.

I seriously doubt that your fully erect penis size is any different with or without weed. Or with or without Viagra or Levitra for that matter. (Now it very well could be that you can't achieve a fully erect penis without Viagra or Cialis or something. But that's a different story.) And the size of your flaccid penis is completely irrelevant. Mine can be anywhere from 1-4" throughout the day.

So why is it that some people swear that they wake up with a raging hardon after a wild night drinking booze?

You gotta be young to buy that one. Perhaps if someone wakes up and sober, then you might have a morning wood combined with a rebound thus the extra wood. I dont recall it. You also really have to define the level of alcohol consumption. Young guys can get shitty, but its not the same. The organs are too solid and process it away. Plus there is no long term damage in place. But they cant hold a candle to a solid mature adult DAILY alcoholic.... AND these guys aint seen wood since they swung their last axe...

Anyone I ever knew had trouble getting it up if too drunk. And we are talking some dog slayers! But the long and short is that alcohol will def delay orgasm, so as a young fit one, there may be a balance that can be found to help performance. The margin is wider when young and in shape. THE LAST THING you want is your woman shitty or she will never orgasm..

Rasputin speaks the truth.
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You gotta be young to buy that one. Perhaps if someone wakes up and sober, then you might have a morning wood combined with a rebound thus the extra wood. I dont recall it. You also really have to define the level of alcohol consumption. Young guys can get shitty, but its not the same. The organs are too solid and process it away. Plus there is no long term damage in place. But they cant hold a candle to a solid mature adult DAILY alcoholic.... AND these guys aint seen wood since they swung their last axe...

Anyone I ever knew had trouble getting it up if too drunk. And we are talking some dog slayers! But the long and short is that alcohol will def delay orgasm, so as a young fit one, there may be a balance that can be found to help performance. The margin is wider when young and in shape. THE LAST THING you want is your woman shitty or she will never orgasm..

So why is it that some people swear that they wake up with a raging hardon after a wild night drinking booze?
You gotta be young to buy that one. Perhaps if someone wakes up and sober, then you might have a morning wood combined with a rebound thus the extra wood. I dont recall it. You also really have to define the level of alcohol consumption. Young guys can get shitty, but its not the same. The organs are too solid and process it away. Plus there is no long term damage in place. But they cant hold a candle to a solid mature adult DAILY alcoholic.... AND these guys aint seen wood since they swung their last axe...

Anyone I ever knew had trouble getting it up if too drunk. And we are talking some dog slayers! But the long and short is that alcohol will def delay orgasm, so as a young fit one, there may be a balance that can be found to help performance. The margin is wider when young and in shape. THE LAST THING you want is your woman shitty or she will never orgasm..

shit!!! i am old :)

so those drunk chics were faking it?? double shit :eek::eek::eek::eek:
You sure thats not just the Ruffies you are slippen her.... LOL:eek:

Kurzweil tells me 60 is the new 40. ;)

Does it matter? My wife can get off when she's toasted but don't remember a thing the next day. So what's the difference between that and her faking it without remembering a thing the next day? None to me.
I am not agreeing or disagreeing with you. I am only saying that I really just don't know how anyone could detect a variation in hormones, at least on a dime with relation to derivatives. And you are not the only one claiming this. I do recall that when I was younger, drinking on a friday night would devistate my workout on the following Mon & tues. But it was more of an energy thing I am sure, and the detriment on nutrition/or uptake there of - involved with the drinking process. There was also definitely a long term hydration issue persisting, that I am not so sure was not the primary cuase for loss of energy.

It is proven that drinking significntly impacts serotonin levels...

When you have borderline testosterone levels (either low or just on the cusp of low) you really feel it when they drop. I can't "prove" that they dropped, but i could feel the physical symptoms of less testosterone (and the emotional feeling of elevated estrogen)

It took probably 10 years of drinking for me to notice the pattern. And like I said, i'm not talking about "a few drinks" ... when I used to drink, I used to go hard. Go hard, or go home, right? My average night was 8-10 drinks. I would usually lose track after 5-6 ;)

The point is, there's no question in my mind that drinking excessively lowers testosterone and elevates estrogen. It could also lower seratonin as you pointed out. It IS known as a depressant.

Is having a few drinks a big deal? Probably not. But like I said, i'm an "all or nothing" type guy and i never saw the point of having "a few drinks" .... if i drank, i drank to get drunk.

Haven't drank much in the past two years. I can count the times on two hands.

I don't miss it much and i cant really pound back the booze like i used to anyway.

Gotta make good decisions when my mood and hormones are hanging in a delicately fine balance ;)

Sure drinking is fun, but feeling good is also fun so i choose to feel good :cool:
This conversation got me interested in how marijuana would affect my levels, so I did a little experimenting.

I inject a mix of 140 mg of Test Cyp/21 mg of Test Prop every week. That level seems to be my sweet spot just judging by how I feel.

I take it every Sunday. Last week, after I injected on Sunday, I smoked weed on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday before getting my blood drawn on Wednesday.

I didn't drink any alcohol. But I didn't just take a couple of hits either. I took several hits over several hours, especially the Tuesday before my blood test.

Today, I got my results. They are very surprising.

Testosterone (total) 798 ng/dL (249 - 836)
Testosterone (free) 23.8 pg/mL (6.8 - 21.5)
E2 13.3 pg/mL (7.6 - 42.6)
DHT 108 ng/dL (30 - 85)
DHEA 38 ng/dL (31 - 701)
PSA 1.5 ng/mL (0 - 4)
IGF-1 116 ng/mL (101-267)
SHGB 17.4 nmol/L (14.5 - 48.4)

I had gone a week without my regular HGH shot because I was waiting for some checks before I could buy more, which explains the drop in IGF-1.

I would like to do this experiment again on a Wednesday after a night of drinking on a Tuesday, just to see if there is a difference.
I havent been following this closely. What are your conclusions of the effect of weed on which hormones?
I really have no conclusions.

I think the weed has an instant effect on my hormones. I can totally feel it. But then maybe the hormones return to normal after a few hours.
I would like to take another blood test, then walk out to the car and take a couple of hits, then return to the doctor's office and take another test of the same hormones within 30 minutes of smoking the weed.

I wonder if he'll be up for that.