I was on 175mg Test e weekly 20mg anavar pre workout 3 times a week . Everything was great I put 40 pounds on my deadlift. My skin was nice and slightly oily (which i liked) Had minor acne but it didnt bother me. i was taking .125mg arimidex every two days and my estro was running on the high side as I do convert fairly heavily. At this time my libido was god like. I was a maniac in the sac. Super rod like erections and mind blowing climax's. Somewhere along the line I got tired of my estro being high end of normal I started to get very manic/ over energized to the point where my sleep cycle was mangled. Mood swings became more evident, I got tired of feeling like a superhuman nutcase. I started taking .25mg adex everday for about two weeks. I crashed my estrogen hard. Terrible morning moodiness/depression non existent sex drive pale white face, it looked like i had aged 10 years. My workouts went to shit, I started gettting tired very easily, my bowels felt like they had cancer. I stopped adex alltogether. Fast forward 3 WEEKS to today I continued my Test but dropped it down to 150mgs and have been on that 50mg m/w/f ever since. Everything has returned to normal with the exception of my very low libido, moderate erectile dysfunction but the thing still works. Climax is decent if I focus hard. Is it possible I did some permanent damage to my libido? Maybe I'm catastrophizing? I know alot of guys experience issues on AAS But everything was perfect before and now I'm feeling sorry for myself if I'm being honest. Will my libido return to what it was?