I messed up bad.


I was on 175mg Test e weekly 20mg anavar pre workout 3 times a week . Everything was great I put 40 pounds on my deadlift. My skin was nice and slightly oily (which i liked) Had minor acne but it didnt bother me. i was taking .125mg arimidex every two days and my estro was running on the high side as I do convert fairly heavily. At this time my libido was god like. I was a maniac in the sac. Super rod like erections and mind blowing climax's. Somewhere along the line I got tired of my estro being high end of normal I started to get very manic/ over energized to the point where my sleep cycle was mangled. Mood swings became more evident, I got tired of feeling like a superhuman nutcase. I started taking .25mg adex everday for about two weeks. I crashed my estrogen hard. Terrible morning moodiness/depression non existent sex drive pale white face, it looked like i had aged 10 years. My workouts went to shit, I started gettting tired very easily, my bowels felt like they had cancer. I stopped adex alltogether. Fast forward 3 WEEKS to today I continued my Test but dropped it down to 150mgs and have been on that 50mg m/w/f ever since. Everything has returned to normal with the exception of my very low libido, moderate erectile dysfunction but the thing still works. Climax is decent if I focus hard. Is it possible I did some permanent damage to my libido? Maybe I'm catastrophizing? I know alot of guys experience issues on AAS But everything was perfect before and now I'm feeling sorry for myself if I'm being honest. Will my libido return to what it was?
You should get a full blood test panel to check your current situation.
Yes I tried my local doctor and she told me in laymens terms to fuck off basically. I live in canada where there is a shortage on doctors and I live in a remote community 45 minutes away from any city. So I got some hurdles to jump over it seems.
From reading these boards, I think your best course of action is to drop the gear for a while and start taking a course of HCG. That should bring you back.
I was on 175mg Test e weekly 20mg anavar pre workout 3 times a week . Everything was great I put 40 pounds on my deadlift. My skin was nice and slightly oily (which i liked) Had minor acne but it didnt bother me. i was taking .125mg arimidex every two days and my estro was running on the high side as I do convert fairly heavily. At this time my libido was god like. I was a maniac in the sac. Super rod like erections and mind blowing climax's. Somewhere along the line I got tired of my estro being high end of normal I started to get very manic/ over energized to the point where my sleep cycle was mangled. Mood swings became more evident, I got tired of feeling like a superhuman nutcase. I started taking .25mg adex everday for about two weeks. I crashed my estrogen hard. Terrible morning moodiness/depression non existent sex drive pale white face, it looked like i had aged 10 years. My workouts went to shit, I started gettting tired very easily, my bowels felt like they had cancer. I stopped adex alltogether. Fast forward 3 WEEKS to today I continued my Test but dropped it down to 150mgs and have been on that 50mg m/w/f ever since. Everything has returned to normal with the exception of my very low libido, moderate erectile dysfunction but the thing still works. Climax is decent if I focus hard. Is it possible I did some permanent damage to my libido? Maybe I'm catastrophizing? I know alot of guys experience issues on AAS But everything was perfect before and now I'm feeling sorry for myself if I'm being honest. Will my libido return to what it was?
Take some Dbol maybe. I crashed so many times my e2 before with letro lol Now I don't take any AI. Just Proviron or Mast. I feel way better and I grow way better. No bloat or any e2 sides.
Take 180 mgs test and don’t take an Ai at all !!! Let the process work 4-6 weeks and see where you’re at. Add in mast E or proviron after 6 weeks.
You can’t just go around your doc and pay for a blood test out of pocket? It may be expensive up there though, I’m In the USA and you can just pay and get a blood test without a doc. Can you get your hands on some proviron? Sounds like your body is heading in the right direction but adding like 25-50mg of proviron will help increase your free test and help raise libido.

I’m always scared to crash to my estrogen. It seems more common with people who use adex. I’ve never had it happen using aromasin. I only take it if I start to get high estro sides.
You can’t just go around your doc and pay for a blood test out of pocket? It may be expensive up there though, I’m In the USA and you can just pay and get a blood test without a doc. Can you get your hands on some proviron? Sounds like your body is heading in the right direction but adding like 25-50mg of proviron will help increase your free test and help raise libido.

I’m always scared to crash to my estrogen. It seems more common with people who use adex. I’ve never had it happen using aromasin. I only take it if I start to get high estro sides.
No in Canada its at the doctors discretion. Unfortunately. The medical professionals here also seem to have some sort of megalomaniac holier than thou approach as well.
No in Canada its at the doctors discretion. Unfortunately. The medical professionals here also seem to have some sort of megalomaniac holier than thou approach as well.
Gotcha, yea I figured that. I would say jump on proviron if you can, to help raise your libido. Things will get better but it’s gonna take time for your body to adjust.
Just drop the Arimidex. Its not that hard to figure out. Go back to your 0.125mg twice a week routine, your E2 will come back in no time. (if I would guess you will feel better within the next 3-4 days!)

If you have already done that, let your dopamine system recover. Go down to 100mg of Test for 2-3 weeks (no AI here), not more. Then slowly build up
Just drop the Arimidex. Its not that hard to figure out. Go back to your 0.125mg twice a week routine, your E2 will come back in no time. (if I would guess you will feel better within the next 3-4 days!)

If you have already done that, let your dopamine system recover. Go down to 100mg of Test for 2-3 weeks (no AI here), not more. Then slowly build up
This, there was no need for adex in the first place. Microdosing the var, at least take it ED when you take it. You can also order bloods privately in the US, not sure about Canada they are more commie up there than down here.
Arimidex is a not a suicidal inhibitor, your estrogen should bounce back quickly, and with a vengence, if you decide to maybe up the dose or something. As @HB_22 noted, keep the adex at the same dose as it was before.

Other two things to consider are crashed shbg and low neurosteroids. @Mr350mg2 are you blasting and cruising or is this just a cycle or what? Explain a bit more about your protocol and everything.
No in Canada its at the doctors discretion. Unfortunately. The medical professionals here also seem to have some sort of megalomaniac holier than thou approach as well.
Yea man doctors here are fucking dicks when it comes to hormones. Smoke 5 packs of cigarettes and pound 10 liters of pop a day and they'll bend over backwards to take care of you. Want a blood test and a known AAS user? Go fuck yourself and die....
Anyways use Onmen @Mr350mg2 $50 an online questionnaire and boom you got a blood requisition. Just check off what you want if they didn't
Things took a turn for the better today. Recovery can be seen almost 100% in the next two weeks id my rate of recovery remains steady state. Thankfully this just seems to be a sub par e2 level.
Yes I tried my local doctor and she told me in laymens terms to fuck off basically. I live in canada where there is a shortage on doctors and I live in a remote community 45 minutes away from any city. So I got some hurdles to jump over it seems.
I have driven an 45 mins to an hour each way for a blood test before. Gotta do whatchu gotta do bruh.
So say i drive 45 mins into the emergency room hospital for requisition bloodwork? How do you propose I go about asking an emergency department for a hormone panel? Also worth mentioning where i live in canada the city nearest to me does not have ANY walk in clinics, not even for cash.
So say i drive 45 mins into the emergency room hospital for requisition bloodwork? How do you propose I go about asking an emergency department for a hormone panel? Also worth mentioning where i live in canada the city nearest to me does not have ANY walk in clinics, not even for cash.
I am pretty sure there are ways to get blood work in canada... private clinic? Have you googled anything?
I am pretty sure there are ways to get blood work in canada... private clinic? Have you googled anything?
I called all the offices some offices have multiple doctors but there answering machine says they are not taking any new patients. There is a shortage over here. I've exhausted all avenues it seems.
My libido never recovered after a test cycle last year. It’s basically “normal” now. Used to be a 10+ hour sex maniac before steroids. Now I’m your average Joe.