I messed up bad.

My libido never recovered after a test cycle last year. It’s basically “normal” now. Used to be a 10+ hour sex maniac before steroids. Now I’m your average Joe.

Ok.. so again, not trying to discredit you but 10 plus hour sex maniac ? Please explain … you would be horny for 10 plus hours and could have sex during that time or on the regular had sex for 10 plus hours with same girl ??
Ok.. so again, not trying to discredit you but 10 plus hour sex maniac ? Please explain … you would be horny for 10 plus hours and could have sex during that time or on the regular had sex for 10 plus hours with same girl ??
Yep. I don’t know how or why it happened. It took weeks to build up to that because I was so sore after a few hours.

Then our bodies adapted and the soreness went away. That’s when the 10+ hour session happened. Just 3 times total… I’ve never been able to repeat it though.
Yep. I don’t know how or why it happened. It took weeks to build up to that because I was so sore after a few hours.

Then our bodies adapted and the soreness went away. That’s when the 10+ hour session happened. Just 3 times total… I’ve never been able to repeat it though.
wouldnt your dick be sore from all the blood flow?
wouldnt your dick be sore from all the blood flow?
Nah, I wasn’t hard the entire time. Alternating between eating out for a couple hours, sucking titties, etc. However, my dick was VERY SORE for a few days. After a few weeks, the soreness went away.

The longest fucking I’ve done was about 2 hours. I just couldn’t come… maybe from naturally high prolactin at the time. It was very frustrating.

But yeah, that’s 10+ hours of sex with small breaks (delivery) to eat tons of food to keep the energy going. I was eating an entire bucket of KFC while fucking her. Extra crispy.
Yea man doctors here are fucking dicks when it comes to hormones. Smoke 5 packs of cigarettes and pound 10 liters of pop a day and they'll bend over backwards to take care of you. Want a blood test and a known AAS user? Go fuck yourself and die....
Anyways use Onmen @Mr350mg2 $50 an online questionnaire and boom you got a blood requisition. Just check off what you want if they didn't
This, but society thinks we should all know how to use narcan to save a junkie, but AAS users they don't care.

OP id tell the ER you took a supplement that kills estrogen and you have horrible sides and crazy thoughts, they should test or E2 and hormones.
This advice will go over like a turd in a punch bowl, but it is what it is. In the old school era, think Schwarzenegger, then Zane, then Platz, then it changed. These guys ran no where near what's ran today during a cycle. It's why there's guys that do this as a hobby that could've won all the titles I a time machine existed. Now, back then, these guys would run the drugs to get ready for the show, do their photo shoots, then take the time off. Deca was huge, dianabol, test wasn't something everyone used back then. When the competitions were over, they stopped. Stopped. If they recovered, which they usually did, they were good to go. If not, well, testosterone it is. I'm highly doubting AI were used, tren certainly wasn't, and those guys looked great. But by today's standards, wouldn't qualify for the big shows. I'm recreational, I have a few friends that tried for their cards, 3 exactly, but they didn't get them. These guys were nasty. A bit of a rant, but it confuses me at what some guys do to their bodies when there's no payday involved. I've been very very close to the shape in the pic below. Gram a week.


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So say i drive 45 mins into the emergency room hospital for requisition bloodwork? How do you propose I go about asking an emergency department for a hormone panel? Also worth mentioning where i live in canada the city nearest to me does not have ANY walk in clinics, not even for cash.
No, you'd a want to order a requisition. There must be some doctors office you can go to. I don't do a walk in, I tell then I have a blood test requisition, schedule an appointment at a certain time and bring my req, and they send me the results. Something to look into, as you said I don't know for sure what options you have, a thorough Google maps search and several phone calls might help.
This advice will go over like a turd in a punch bowl, but it is what it is. In the old school era, think Schwarzenegger, then Zane, then Platz, then it changed. These guys ran no where near what's ran today during a cycle. It's why there's guys that do this as a hobby that could've won all the titles I a time machine existed. Now, back then, these guys would run the drugs to get ready for the show, do their photo shoots, then take the time off. Deca was huge, dianabol, test wasn't something everyone used back then. When the competitions were over, they stopped. Stopped. If they recovered, which they usually did, they were good to go. If not, well, testosterone it is. I'm highly doubting AI were used, tren certainly wasn't, and those guys looked great. But by today's standards, wouldn't qualify for the big shows. I'm recreational, I have a few friends that tried for their cards, 3 exactly, but they didn't get them. These guys were nasty. A bit of a rant, but it confuses me at what some guys do to their bodies when there's no payday involved. I've been very very close to the shape in the pic below. Gram a week.
See, this is what ~15% body fat with a lot of muscle looks like. But today if you want to impress someone you gotta be insanely shredded...

Actually, I like this look, a bit leaner preferably but a just a bit 12-14%.
I'm similar bf % and he Arnold has like ~15 good pounds of lbm more than than me. Height is +- equal. Biggest difference is muscle insertions.

I'll see if I push myself further, to get in to 240+ or maybe stay 230 but get a bit leaner like 12%.

As far as drugs go, it's very individual. I hate deca and tren, I love testosterone and equipoise and dbol.
Things are looking up. woke up in the middle of the night with such hard morning wood I was in pain and uncomfotable. gotta be a good sign
Does anybody else get itchy from estrogen?
Dude not for nothing anavar kind of kills your shgb which would fuck with your sex drive.

Im on 200 mg trt and get blood work every 3-5 months

Anavar is considered the most moderate steroid with low sides. Im one of the ones whos body doesent agree with it. Ive tried it 3 seperate times since i have ton through out a one year span.

My first cycle i was on it 5 weeks. At around 2 weeks i noticed a very slight dip in overall mood and energy. Not like tired but not like pretty energetic as usual. Its like an all day monotone mood. I also then i noticed my erections and sensitivity becoming way off and was becoming very hard to ejaculate. I did have lab work while in the anavar for my trt clinic and my shgb was was way low!!!!

Next cycle 4 months later after about 10 days i started noticing that monotone mood come back. A week later my dick sensitivity started going bye bye again. So at 3 weeks i stopped it. And i also tried one more time a few months later and the same thing. I was on 50mg a day.

I forget exactly how long but i think it took me like 3-5 weeks to start getting normal sensativity back.
Dude not for nothing anavar kind of kills your shgb which would fuck with your sex drive.

Im on 200 mg trt and get blood work every 3-5 months

Anavar is considered the most moderate steroid with low sides. Im one of the ones whos body doesent agree with it. Ive tried it 3 seperate times since i have ton through out a one year span.

My first cycle i was on it 5 weeks. At around 2 weeks i noticed a very slight dip in overall mood and energy. Not like tired but not like pretty energetic as usual. Its like an all day monotone mood. I also then i noticed my erections and sensitivity becoming way off and was becoming very hard to ejaculate. I did have lab work while in the anavar for my trt clinic and my shgb was was way low!!!!

Next cycle 4 months later after about 10 days i started noticing that monotone mood come back. A week later my dick sensitivity started going bye bye again. So at 3 weeks i stopped it. And i also tried one more time a few months later and the same thing. I was on 50mg a day.

I forget exactly how long but i think it took me like 3-5 weeks to start getting normal sensativity back.
Everybody is different, I get very aggressive and bad angry mood on proviron, like wtf? It's supposed to be a feel good steroid.

Try lowering your dose next time go with 20-30mg it will be enough and will lessen the sides.

20-40mg anavar I feel good, on 70-80mg it's just too intense and too much.
Personally I used to take .25 arimidex every 2days along with my weekly injection of 200mg test, I felt fine. Having researched the role estrogen plays in our body more thoroughly I decided to cut back .25 once a week the day after injection , after that I surprisingly had a sharp increase in strength and libido was good too.
Arimidex is a powerful drug and it takes a while to dial estrogen in along with a few blood tests, personally I aim for the slightly high side of normal