IBS treated with AAS


Well-known Member
Here is quite an interesting study using TEST Nandrolone and Winstrol to treat IBS

small sample size. To me, there is a conflict of interest if he runs a TRT clinic.

just saying.

plus an annoying thing I have found on him is do videos with Danny Bossa.
small sample size. To me, there is a conflict of interest if he runs a TRT clinic.

just saying.

plus an annoying thing I have found on him is do videos with Danny Bossa.
yeah sure he is biased, i mean there probably are alternative treatments for IBS but the thing that I found interesting is that he did manage to treat an inflamatory chronic disease with anabolics at a dose well above TRT levels.
I am not very educated in these matters but I always heard that AAS increase inflamation above HRT dosages.
I guess there is a range and if you go above it systemic inflamation starts to build up?
Here is quite an interesting study using TEST Nandrolone and Winstrol to treat IBS

I have no evidence for it other than what I see people post but it seems to be there are numerous people that are hardcore and get on stage who have chronic IBS or IBD conditions.

This makes me wonder if the hardcore use of PEDs coupled with the lifestyle diet can actually lead to IBS and IBD conditions. Or is it more just the diet of a BB?
yeah sure he is biased, i mean there probably are alternative treatments for IBS but the thing that I found interesting is that he did manage to treat an inflamatory chronic disease with anabolics at a dose well above TRT levels.
I am not very educated in these matters but I always heard that AAS increase inflamation above HRT dosages.
I guess there is a range and if you go above it systemic inflamation starts to build up?
Absolutely. there are always going to be alternative treatments. I agree.

First thing that would cross my mind is finding another indication to sell/prescribe Deca at. Especially if they use the compounding pharmacies in Florida that are cash pay.

Always worth looking into. thanks for sharing
Testosterone helped me for ibs

Tried primobolan seems to aggravate it. But i was drinking whey at that time and whey is a no no for me

Trying primo again now, will be sure how it works in a couple of weeks

I have microscopic collagenous colitis actually not ibs. suspicious that collagen promoting aas might be bad for it
agree with crid, heck even urologist endo s have tonnes of talks of largest best studies show test is ALOT of marketing hype by such small/poor studies done in clinics or large meta studies of crappy studies. in fact from my limited knowledge there is a larger amount of evidence that topical test is worse than injectable, although marketed as the opposite... I have no idea what mechanism would be Dif other than slightly more pulcitile in nature with cream, perhaps its the levels and how they are metabolized differently. OR just sample bias as biggest and best studies were all done with gels.also these were studies in old men and average was 500 free test but some were upwards of 1000, so maybe it was those that had the plaque and cardiovascular issues within 1 year... also from few people I know on gear they actually tend to have weak stomachs, but also could be diet or may be taking BP or cholesterol meds or shitty protein powder and eat little fibre.... anyhoo on a rant as per usual... .

also 100% hormones/steroids affect intestines. part of why ladies have more issues as hormones change so much(and have 10 extra feet of intestine).. imagine the increase in IGF helps retain thicker stronger/heal faster intestines aswell as water retention, motility, and more likely whatever mechanism the DR suggested in the study...

long and short of it I agree with crid anything to be able to have evidence why they are RXing a compound is what they want ESP when its 100% patient symptom based. like RX weed for sleep and anxiety was great as no longer needed diagnosed glaucoma or HIV just say ur tired... so in this case "my guts hurt I tried 1 other thing and diet change" DR "ok here is a 8 week cycle come back in a few months to see if need to try again" lol
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yeah sure he is biased, i mean there probably are alternative treatments for IBS but the thing that I found interesting is that he did manage to treat an inflamatory chronic disease with anabolics at a dose well above TRT levels.
I am not very educated in these matters but I always heard that AAS increase inflamation above HRT dosages.
I guess there is a range and if you go above it systemic inflamation starts to build up?

Tnx for the study, however, stop saying ibs, it's IBD (UC and chrons).
Tnx for the study, however, stop saying ibs, it's IBD (UC and chrons).

I totally missed that.

IBS and IBD often get confused but they both cover a group of diseases.

For IBD, UC and Crohn's are included in a group of IBD diseases.

Both IBD and IBS are digestive conditions that affect the esophagus, stomach and intestines.

IBD is more focused on inflammation or chronic swelling of the intestines.

While I can't back up my assumptions on IBD and bodybuilders, I do have a lot of very recent experience in IBS and IBD with access to information regarding possible new treatments that is not available to the general public.

I know that doesn't help much since I can't correlate this to the BB lifestyle but I'm also not just pissing in the wind.
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While I can't back up my assumptions on IBD and bodybuilders, I do have a lot of very recent experience in IBS and IBD with access to information regarding possible new treatments that is not available to the general public.

Can you share anything?

Yes, IBS and IBD are very different, as you pointed out, inflammation marks IBD and IBS is not a disease, it's a "syndrom", anything could be causing it.
Also, this study is quite unprofessionally written and the execution is "low budget", to say the least. This is far from a real study, it's promo material. Basically what @Cridi887 said ...
agree with crid, heck even urologist endo s have tonnes of talks of largest best studies show test is ALOT of marketing hype by such small/poor studies done in clinics or large meta studies of crappy studies. in fact from my limited knowledge there is a larger amount of evidence that topical test is worse than injectable, although marketed as the opposite... I have no idea what mechanism would be Dif other than slightly more pulcitile in nature with cream, perhaps its the levels and how they are metabolized differently. OR just sample bias as biggest and best studies were all done with gels.also these were studies in old men and average was 500 free test but some were upwards of 1000, so maybe it was those that had the plaque and cardiovascular issues within 1 year... also from few people I know on gear they actually tend to have weak stomachs, but also could be diet or may be taking BP or cholesterol meds or shitty protein powder and eat little fibre.... anyhoo on a rant as per usual... .

also 100% hormones/steroids affect intestines. part of why ladies have more issues as hormones change so much(and have 10 extra feet of intestine).. imagine the increase in IGF helps retain thicker stronger/heal faster intestines aswell as water retention, motility, and more likely whatever mechanism the DR suggested in the study...

long and short of it I agree with crid anything to be able to have evidence why they are RXing a compound is what they want ESP when its 100% patient symptom based. like RX weed for sleep and anxiety was great as no longer needed diagnosed glaucoma or HIV just say ur tired... so in this case "my guts hurt I tried 1 other thing and diet change" DR "ok here is a 8 week cycle come back in a few months to see if need to try again" lol
women do not have 10 extra feet of intestine.. just a FYI

Yeah my bad on the IBS IBD mixup, idk why I fudged it up...
So the study is not at any kind of standard and subpar, and honestly I value anecdotal data from you guys more than the study!
I think we all heard stories of bodybuilders having colon or other digestive problems, but I was inclined to believe it was the orals or other auxiliaries like aspirin etc. rather than the anabolics. Or maybe elevated levels of IGF from hgh and insulin resistance
Can you share anything?

Yes, IBS and IBD are very different, as you pointed out, inflammation marks IBD and IBS is not a disease, it's a "syndrom", anything could be causing it.
Unfortunately no. If and when these items are approved and initially made public I can mention it then.

It would be really nice if most of the best treatments were not injections. Even a lot of what is pushing to get approved is still an injection.

In some cases you have a dosing phase and a maintenance phase too.

There are a lot more pharma companies and research into IBS/IBD than most people are aware. NASH is another one that is hot lately.

For IBS/IBD, I can see better treatment options within 10 years. NASH is harder to say and probably longer until something comes along. Nobody gave two shits about NASH really until the last 7-10 years and now a shit ton of research and dollars go into that indication.
sorry typo, ~1 foot longer ;) or ~10% longer... we all make mistakes, appreciate correction..
You made me curious about this as from previous reading I knew that intestine total lenght is correlated with the individuals weight and not gender or height.

So I looked around as my info could be old and aparently women do have about a 12 inches more of small intestine but could not find if the total lenght of the intestines differed and from the previous study which only looked at total lenght we can maybe deduce that men must have a longer large intestine as the total lenght was found to be the same between women and men....
An interesting fact that came out from the same study looking at the small intestine lenght is that not only did the lenght of the intestine not correlate with height but also the size of the organs of the digestive system!
Here is quite an interesting study using TEST Nandrolone and Winstrol to treat IBS

One of the first things they teach you in a degree in the hard sciences, is studies are a dime dozen. If you just googled "studies of------" 70-80% would probably be BS you should disregard or not even read. Is it peer reviewed? How many times is it cited? Can it be replicated?

Everything you read in studies should be taken with a grain of salt, until it is repeated and built upon.

Think of it like google. I am sure if you googled "my dick doesn't work post covid", you would get a lot of threads confirming what you were seeking. It doesn't mean there is a correlation. Junior scientist will publish shit just to say they have a paper in their name.'

Hope this helps