If you have 70 days to focus 100% in health and gains, how do you spend you time?

When I get back from vacation, I have 70 days absolutely 100% to myself to do what I wish.

Stuff at school has slowed down massively for the summer until the fall semester starts ramping up, work I really only have to check in on Fridays/Saturdays (I'm one of the partners in a business, more or less I'm just making sure stuff is flowing smooth).

Top this off, my parents are taking my daughter to Europe and Armenia for 10 weeks. (Half my mom's family still lives in Armenia/Europe, it's not strictly vacation for them)

I've got 10 weeks in a row of where I can do whatever I want with my time. Cool enough, it syncs up with a mild cycle I'm running.

To get the absolute most growth and positive health effects, how would you guys spend that time? 2-3 hours in the gym a day, an hour between IR sauna, cold lounging, and a massage chair or legitimate one, 3-4 on household maintenance, and an hour running errands, but then what about the rest of the time? Would you guys focus entirely on eating and rest or would you continue to push yourself like any normal time in life?

If sleeping 12 hours a day, hitting macros perfectly, and staying super slow stress offers a highly significant bonus over the standard grind where I might miss some macros and sleep anywhere from 6-8 hours a night, I'll sacrifice a couple months and be a lame home body this summer.

If this wouldn't add an additional like 40% plus, then forget it, lol.

Just curious if anyone here has lived a schedule solely focused.on training/eating/sleeping vs a normal day and how it compares.
When I was a full time bodybuilder my day was like this. Wake up 8am do 15 min cardio walking outside or treadmill depending on weather. Get back cook first meal, eat first meal, go back to sleep, wake up 11 and prep second meal, eat second meal, nap for 1 hour then wake up and lay there for a bit watch tv or something and prep 3rd meal, eat 3rd meal then wait 1 hr and go train for 1-2 hrs, get home make post training shake, prep 4th meal and eat 4th meal hour after, play games or watch tv or get laid, prep 5th meal, eat meal, wait 1 hr and take down shake and go to sleep. Its a lot of sleeping if your full on bulk mode.
I have lived the routine you described the past couple of years and live it currently, minus the 3-4 hours per day household maintenance lol. I replaced that with building a Harley daily lol.
70 days isn’t all that long but it can be a nice jumpstart into building a very solid routine of eating perfectly and working out optimally that can fit into your lifestyle better when things return to normal
This is a long game. Everyone is in a rush but building a quality physique takes many years even on high amounts of gear.
You mentioned adding 40% or forget it? 40% of what?
40% better structure and discipline that will serve you for years to come? Yes, maybe, if you use your time wisely and build very disciplined habits.
Then it will be worth it
If you mean 40% gains in only 10 weeks just from doing what you should be doing anyway than your higher then giraffe pussy.
Enjoy the freedom
Choose wisely
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I have lived the routine you described the past couple of years and live it currently, minus the 3-4 hours per day household maintenance lol. I replaced that with building a Harley daily lol.
70 days isn’t all that long but it can be a nice jumpstart into building a very solid routine of eating perfectly and working out optimally that can fit into your lifestyle better when things return to normal
This is a long game. Everyone is in a rush but building a quality physique takes many years even on high amounts of gear.
You mentioned adding 40% or forget it? 40% of what?
40% better structure and discipline that will serve you for years to come? Yes, maybe, if you use your time wisely and build very disciplined habits.
Then it will be worth it
If you mean 40% gains just from doing what you should be doing anyway than your higher then giraffe pussy.
Enjoy the freedom
Choose wisely
As in, if I can squeeze that much more out in this time vs if I focused on side hustles, day trading, weekend trips etc.

As is I still devote a couple hours 5-6 days a week to the gym and live a very healthy life, I just have a full plate of other stuff going on. Finishing up a doctorate, full time single dad, work, etc. so I end up sacrificing sleep quality and whatnot. I've not been able to sleep more than 8 hours a night (which is rare) since I was like 21, lol. Plus I give up things like float tanks, IR therapy, cold plunging, etc, anything that takes extra minutes out of my day.

I guess what I'm getting at, is it worth sacrificing a social summer and side income to solely focus on this for at least the next 10 weeks.

At the same time, 12 hours of sleep sounds almost like a sedentary lifestyle to me and makes me think it might bring it's own issues, especially if using gear that can play with lipids and such.
When I was a full time bodybuilder my day was like this. Wake up 8am do 15 min cardio walking outside or treadmill depending on weather. Get back cook first meal, eat first meal, go back to sleep, wake up 11 and prep second meal, eat second meal, nap for 1 hour then wake up and lay there for a bit watch tv or something and prep 3rd meal, eat 3rd meal then wait 1 hr and go train for 1-2 hrs, get home make post training shake, prep 4th meal and eat 4th meal hour after, play games or watch tv or get laid, prep 5th meal, eat meal, wait 1 hr and take down shake and go to sleep. Its a lot of sleeping if your full on bulk mode.
Does that much additional sleep make a massive difference in progress?

Like if you're getting 12 hours a day vs 6-7?
As in, if I can squeeze that much more out in this time vs if I focused on side hustles, day trading, weekend trips etc.

As is I still devote a couple hours 5-6 days a week to the gym and live a very healthy life, I just have a full plate of other stuff going on. Finishing up a doctorate, full time single dad, work, etc. so I end up sacrificing sleep quality and whatnot. I've not been able to sleep more than 8 hours a night (which is rare) since I was like 21, lol. Plus I give up things like float tanks, IR therapy, cold plunging, etc, anything that takes extra minutes out of my day.

I guess what I'm getting at, is it worth sacrificing a social summer and side income to solely focus on this for at least the next 10 weeks.
That is entirely up to you. If its a big priority to you then yes, if not then no. It might actually give you what you need to see if bodybuilding is something that is really important to you and something you want to do. Do you compete?
Does that much additional sleep make a massive difference in progress?

Like if you're getting 12 hours a day vs 6-7?
For me yes, I was really pushing hard at that point in my life eating a massive amount of food, pushing gear as high as I ever have topped out around 2.5 grams, 10iu gh, all the shit was maxed out. Its just somehting I wanted to do to see how far I could push my body. I dont regret it, it was fun and I love to see how far I can push myself. It depends on your goals, if your trying to get huge then yea sleeping in between meals and sleeping a good 8-10 hrs a night is going to help you grow.
That is entirely up to you. If its a big priority to you then yes, if not then no. It might actually give you what you need to see if bodybuilding is something that is really important to you and something you want to do. Do you compete?
No, and I have no real plans to. I live my life in the lab man, lol (neurobiologist).

I'm coming back into this after 4 years of dealing with colon adenocarcinoma. Finally able to get back into TRT a few months ago, slightly bumped the dose and added some primo in to get myself back to a state close to what I had before.

Athletically all I do anymore is BJJ and Muay Thai, used to be really into baseball though, played through NCAA if that tells you anything about previous physique/abilities.

Being totally honest it's entirely for ego after feeling and looking like shit for almost 4 years. I have extensive ped use/bodybuilding experience in the past though, including personal trainer/sports nutrition certs.

It's be cool to see how much I can do over the summer though, just as a personal accomplishment type deal.
For me yes, I was really pushing hard at that point in my life eating a massive amount of food, pushing gear as high as I ever have topped out around 2.5 grams, 10iu gh, all the shit was maxed out. Its just somehting I wanted to do to see how far I could push my body. I dont regret it, it was fun and I love to see how far I can push myself. It depends on your goals, if your trying to get huge then yea sleeping in between meals and sleeping a good 8-10 hrs a night is going to help you grow.
Word, appreciate the insight! I'll focus on getting at least 8-10 if not a full 12 the next few weeks.

I wish GBL was still easy to get a hold of for the mid day power naps, lol. I've thought about trying DSIP for it just to find out if it works for that. I just can't shut my brain off and sleep if I'm not raggedly exhausted.
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No, and I have no real plans to. I live my life in the lab man, lol (neurobiologist).

I'm coming back into this after 4 years of dealing with colon adenocarcinoma. Finally able to get back into TRT a few months ago, slightly bumped the dose and added some primo in to get myself back to a state close to what I had before.

Athletically all I do anymore is BJJ and Muay Thai, used to be really into baseball though, played through NCAA if that tells you anything about previous physique/abilities.

Being totally honest it's entirely for ego after feeling and looking like shit for almost 4 years. I have extensive ped use/bodybuilding experience in the past though, including personal trainer/sports nutrition certs.

It's be cool to see how much I can do over the summer though, just as a personal accomplishment type deal.
Oh ok in that case I would just focus on a good clean balanced diet, maybe 5 good meals and a shake depending on what youre doing now. If it was me I would just relax and not push too hard if youre currently not at your peak level right now. I thought you were saying like you wanted to push for 70 days hard! haha if it was me id just enjoy your free time and focus on healthy eating and relaxing, having fun in the gym, shit like that.
As in, if I can squeeze that much more out in this time vs if I focused on side hustles, day trading, weekend trips etc.

As is I still devote a couple hours 5-6 days a week to the gym and live a very healthy life, I just have a full plate of other stuff going on. Finishing up a doctorate, full time single dad, work, etc. so I end up sacrificing sleep quality and whatnot. I've not been able to sleep more than 8 hours a night (which is rare) since I was like 21, lol. Plus I give up things like float tanks, IR therapy, cold plunging, etc, anything that takes extra minutes out of my day.

I guess what I'm getting at, is it worth sacrificing a social summer and side income to solely focus on this for at least the next 10 weeks.

At the same time, 12 hours of sleep sounds almost like a sedentary lifestyle to me and makes me think it might bring it's own issues, especially if using gear that can play with lipids and such.
I don’t think you should slack on things but rather use the little bit of extra time you have to dial things in with the goal to fit those into your lifestyle when everything returns to normal in 10 weeks.
I am a trader and business owner but I have structured things so it takes very little of my time. I know day trading can be very time consuming, I stick to options trading with longer expiration dates to keep me from long hours at the computer. Just reviewing my watchlist and current positions takes very little time and doesn’t even need to be done daily.
Maybe making use of some of the things you don’t have time for normally will be a great way to see what the benefits are for you personally so you can find ways to structure in some of the things that make the biggest difference for you in regards to health and recovery.
But I wouldn’t completely slack on anything in hopes that anything you do in only 10 weeks will make a major difference.
When it comes to sleep. If you get used to 12 hours a night and then have to go back to 6-8 that is going to be rough lol.
8 is good. Try for 8 always is possible even when things pick up
I love a post workout nap between my post workout meal and lunch ha ha
Eating super clean and 6 meals a day while taking a moderate cruise will really make a noticeable change IF you hit they gym hard when your there. Progressive overload and don’t over train would be the way I would do it. Get good sleep, maybe take some magnesium to help. Vigorous steve has a sleep stack on YT somewhere. Just keep everything outside the gym low stress and enjoy your time. Keep the TV off and read etc.
I think maybe you should make a proper plan for yourself. 10 weeks is a good amount of time. Is 12 hours of sleep a little long? But I respect your choice.
I think maybe you should make a proper plan for yourself. 10 weeks is a good amount of time. Is 12 hours of sleep a little long? But I respect your choice.
I've got plenty of a proper plan running currently, lol. I just have a ton more flexible time for the next few weeks for it. I'm running a cycle anyways currently for the next 16 weeks still. You missed the point.

Not new to this by any means, all I'm getting at is I have the next 70 days totally free essentially, I can get as selfish as I want with it which hasn't happened for at least the last 7 years my kid has been around.