I’m New! Looking to LEARN!


New Member
I’m a 54 year old female. Widowed 5 years ago and let myself go to hell. Decided a year ago enough is enough - I needed my old body back. Unfortunately while I was grieving and eating and drinking I was moving through menopause. It was a whole lot to go through in a short period of time. I was huge - and I hated myself. In any event, I’ve lost 30 lbs.. Bust my ass in Pilates daily. I am strength training, doing cardio. I have 20 more lbs. to lose and want to explore peptides & tirz to get me back to where I was and keep me there. I’m also interested in micro needling peptides into my face to combat wrinkles and aging. I actually want to be better than I was at age 40 - that’s the goal. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! Lol!