IM VS SUBQ Testosterone


New Member
What is everyone's thoughts on Subq vs IM for Test. I am currently injecting subq with with 1/2 27 guage needles. Filling them isn't to bad by just back filling them. And it feels better than using a harpoon I think my clinic had me using a 25 Guage 1 1/2 needle. My levels didnt change much except estrogen went down but that might of been by changing from pinning twice a week to every other day.
29g 0.5 inch insulin pin works great even with TE without BB (pretty viscous). I go VG/DG. Shallow IM for me (but could be SQ for someone else).
Test can be injected either way but…….. I tried it and it just didn’t feel like it was working and also kept getting huge welts for like 5 days so I said fuck that and back to stabbing myself in the ass
Test can be injected either way but…….. I tried it and it just didn’t feel like it was working and also kept getting huge welts for like 5 days so I said fuck that and back to stabbing myself in the ass
Also I was taking 500 mg of test I got bloodwork done and my test levels were only 770 so either that just didn’t absorb worth a crap fir whatever reason or the source was bad which isn’t very likely
23G Needle inject IM for Oilbased AAS. Peptides can be injected Subq. with an insulin needle.

Don't fear the needle!
From what I hear taking a SubQ shot is best in small amounts and if need be multiple pins per shot in other locations.
I also seen some videos on all AAS being shot sub q with no issues. Anyone have any experience with subq for like Primo or mast?
From what I hear taking a SubQ shot is best in small amounts and if need be multiple pins per shot in other locations.
I also seen some videos on all AAS being shot sub q with no issues. Anyone have any experience with subq for like Primo or mast?

Yes, i'm doing subq since November. Started with test only in TRT+ dose and since March i'm doing test+primo for my actual cycle. Everything goes smooth until now, no pain, no lumps, no redness.. I know some other members here doing test primo npp with no problem at all. I'm pinning in my buttcheeks and slightly towards the hips, i try to hit different spots to avoid scar tissue or lumps.
Test and primo subq? Are you pinning all in one barrel? What pin gauge and length do you use
Also what the ratio of test to Primo.
Sub Q is not how testosterone oil is suppose to be administered.

It causes pain, lumps, unknown changes to absorption and half lives.

Go IM, much less of a hassle and PIP free
Test and primo subq? Are you pinning all in one barrel? What pin gauge and length do you use
Also what the ratio of test to Primo.

Yes, i mix in a sterile vial 3,9 ml test and 4,5 ml primo and draw 0,4ml every day. It yields on 325 test and 150 primo per week. I draw and pin with 29G half inch insulin syringe. Everything is going great. If i end up having any sort of issues with subq I'll switch to IM, probably delts and VG.
I recently switched to daily IM shots with a 31 g insulin needle

wish I would have done this from day 1. quick, painless and apparently is more "stable" for blood levels

tried subq and maybe my technique was bad but i always had red inflamation and lumps
That’s awesome feedback. I swear folks will just shoot down any other way of injecting as if we’re not in the age of information.
I recently switched to daily IM shots with a 31 g insulin needle

wish I would have done this from day 1. quick, painless and apparently is more "stable" for blood levels

tried subq and maybe my technique was bad but i always had red inflamation and lumps
31 gauge?! How long is that pin?
31 gauge?! How long is that pin?

I just rotate through the 3 heads of my delts and each glute

never had any signs of redness or swelling

literally dont even feel the pin go in. heard the boys on bro chat talk about it and gave it a whirl. game changer

this is on a cruise dose. i imagine if i ever blast again ill need to switch to something bigger

I just rotate through the 3 heads of my delts and each glute

never had any signs of redness or swelling

literally dont even feel the pin go in. heard the boys on bro chat talk about it and gave it a whirl. game changer

this is on a cruise dose. i imagine if i ever blast again ill need to switch to something bigger
This is exactly me on a blast, so lazy to find any other sites lol. 5/8 on the delts, you can spread 3 1ml shots can easily ed if you want lol.
29g 1/2" into the delts is a shallow IM if you're not morbidly obese and as painless as subQ, Best of both worlds.

If you want to minimize discomfort and avoid scarring(to keep those sites useable as long as possible) spend some time to get a quality precision needle, which will be far sharper and with a smoother surface that will inflect less micro trauma on the tissue by tearing.

BD Eclipse series is ideal, no more expensive than the Chinese made crap on Amazon, and well worth the effort to acquire. It's makes more of a difference than you'd think just changing brands would. They feel like a gauge or two smaller than they actually are.
I was doing shallow IM with MCT or EO , ED.

The scar tissue built up.

I use castor oil for everything and pin a 1” 23g once a week, way better
I was doing shallow IM with MCT or EO , ED.

The scar tissue built up.

I use castor oil for everything and pin a 1” 23g once a week, way better

If you're using a 23g drill bit ofc you'll get scar tissue. That size pin should be reserved for taking tissue core samples at autopsies. I have over 1000 injections split between delts hitting the same quarter sized area and have never had to reposition because scar tissue is in the way. To be fair I also never inject more than 1ml at a time. More than that would require a different muscle.