IM VS SUBQ Testosterone

29g 1/2" into the delts is a shallow IM if you're not morbidly obese and as painless as subQ, Best of both worlds.

If you want to minimize discomfort and avoid scarring(to keep those sites useable as long as possible) spend some time to get a quality precision needle, which will be far sharper and with a smoother surface that will inflect less micro trauma on the tissue by tearing.

BD Eclipse series is ideal, no more expensive than the Chinese made crap on Amazon, and well worth the effort to acquire. It's makes more of a difference than you'd think just changing brands would. They feel like a gauge or two smaller than they actually are.
You’re the second person who recommended BD brand.

I just rotate through the 3 heads of my delts and each glute

never had any signs of redness or swelling

literally dont even feel the pin go in. heard the boys on bro chat talk about it and gave it a whirl. game changer

this is on a cruise dose. i imagine if i ever blast again ill need to switch to something bigger

I've never seen 5/8 on 31G. Can you post a pic or link to those syringes? Above 29G i can't find anything bigger than 1/8

You’re the second person who recommended BD brand.

I use BD too, microfine the 29G 1cc
23 guage WTF that’s some terminator savagery. Gosh that must hurt like heck

Only the first inch or two hurts. Once you push that blunt harpoon past the fascia, some large worm sized blood vessels, and give it an extra shove to get through the crunchy scar tissue buildup you might find some tender glute ready to absorb 3ml of gear goodness, you've forgotten about the self mutilation and discomfort.
I've never seen 5/8 on 31G. Can you post a pic or link to those syringes? Above 29G i can't find anything bigger than 1/8
There are 1/2" and 1" 30 gauge luer lok needles and plenty of brands make 1/2" 30g insulin needles. But above 30 gauge I'm not sure I've ever found anything longer than 5/16" (8mm).
I use BD too, microfine the 29G 1cc
BD does seem to make the best needles. At least that I've used.
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I've never seen 5/8 on 31G. Can you post a pic or link to those syringes? Above 29G i can't find anything bigger than 1/8

I use BD too, microfine the 29G 1cc
Does the oil even flow through a 29? I use subq with a 27G. Have tried a 28 and it was SLOWWWW even after heating the oil.
Does the oil even flow through a 29? I use subq with a 27G. Have tried a 28 and it was SLOWWWW even after heating the oil.
Through a 29? Definitely. It’s obviously slower but certainly does. How much of what concentration are you drawing?
Does the oil even flow through a 29? I use subq with a 27G. Have tried a 28 and it was SLOWWWW even after heating the oil.

I've pinned for months test E in castor oil with 29G, with a little heating it went in easy. Now with grapeseed oil and MCT i don't even heat it, i pin straight away and it goes in fast, i'm trying to not push hard and go in very fast as this might create a pip or lump. 0,4ml in 6-8 seconds aproxx it's not that bad
Im using easytouch off of amazon. 27G or 28 1/2". Have done .4 up to .8 ML in one go of Test E 250 in MCT oil (heated). Wondering if its worth getting some BD syringes from a diabetic supply if theyre better?
Im using easytouch off of amazon. 27G or 28 1/2". Have done .4 up to .8 ML in one go of Test E 250 in MCT oil (heated). Wondering if its worth getting some BD syringes from a diabetic supply if theyre better?

Yes they're worth the extra effort. You won't go back to other brands after you try them.

If you really want to step it up get these:

Also BD 27g 1:2" 1ml but better in every way than an insulin syringe.