Incognito Blood Testing in Canada


Well-known Member
Hey Gents,

I’m looking to see if anyone has found a method to blood test in the Great White North that would remain private?

I’m using Onmen for baseline bloods and confirmed with them this week that results are within the system and accessible throughout the healthcare system.
That’s fine right now, but I want to avoid that when I’m getting bloodwork while I’m on cycle. I also don’t want to skip out on bloods while on.

Any thoughts?
its not illegal to use steroids there right? just to buy them?

That’s right; use isn’t illegal, but pretty much anything else that involves having them is.

Legality isn’t the issue, I’ve got everything I need on hand. What I’m looking to avoid is, getting black balled by doctors who would have access to records.

I guess I’m the only Canuck who cares about this shit? Ha
except bc passed a rule all drugs are decriminalized as long as under 3 grams or something so 100% legal there.

only one I can think of is those ones at pharmacies that can be sent away not in prov care system logs, but expensive and use spite I think so prob hard to compare, less accurate? or google at home hormone test.

im not sure what ur worried about? u think a dr won't give u trt if abused steroids in the past? or not be your dr anymore?

I imagine if went to a different province that could work? obv a pain.
except bc passed a rule all drugs are decriminalized as long as under 3 grams or something so 100% legal there.

only one I can think of is those ones at pharmacies that can be sent away not in prov care system logs, but expensive and use spite I think so prob hard to compare, less accurate? or google at home hormone test.

im not sure what ur worried about? u think a dr won't give u trt if abused steroids in the past? or not be your dr anymore?

I imagine if went to a different province that could work? obv a pain.
Interesting, I’ll have to look into this Pharmacy test.
They way I’m seeing it atm is that wherever you might get your requisition, you still have to provide a healthcare card at the testing facility. Then she’s in the system.

I’m not worried about being denied trt and that. I just don’t want records that show obvious steroid use.

We all know the stigma behind use, if I can avoid that it would be cool. Sure health care practitioners won’t deny care, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t put you on the back-burner or change the way they would treat you, after gaining that knowledge.

Either way - it is what it is. I’ll work around it.
ya I am not super familiar but costs alot I think and is similar idea to 23 and me not associated with HC system, but can get hormones checked... u could look into this outside pharmacy too, im sure those mail in bowel cancer testing places...

looks like MAN ONT and qc u can get private bloods obv better than the saliva I would assume.
I'd love to know.
Onmen wants bw every 70 days
So can't blast.
And wtf is 100mg/wk.

The big problem is if you are flagged as steroid user they can deny life insurance here to my understanding.

Super frustrating.
I'm interested to know if you found a solution ?
Nothing solid yet. I’ll still be doing some digging and update the thread if I find something.

I’m finding that those that advertise “private labs” are still dealing with the middle men that put everything in the system.
Does Onmen directly provide test? If so anyone have a link to them I'm in Canada have a script for Test E but l the pharmacies are out due to a " shortage" and nobody knows when they'll have Delatestryl again.
why go through a clinic for access to a pharmacy? lol call around, sometimes pharmacists dont give a shit to try and get it for you as waste of time. still cheaper to get it compounded at a compounding pharmacy than paying for a clinic. may be able to request carrier oil even ;) from my understanding those clinics have very limited RXs and will give cyp or cream and thats it as far as test. talk with your Dr to get a larger RX to save on compounding fees.. good luck!

also to original thread there is a new service that you mail in a drop of blood, need to purchase a subscription though and need woman panel for estradiol.. some new MIT tech, fairly accurate but I think limited on which tests, however can do work arounds to get everything else that matters less to have on your healthcard. forget the name sorry, but im sure enough details to google.
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Does Onmen directly provide test? If so anyone have a link to them I'm in Canada have a script for Test E but l the pharmacies are out due to a " shortage" and nobody knows when they'll have Delatestryl again.
They would send it to you by mail, but I believe you would have to go through their initial processes to get to that point. Questionnaire, blood testing, and then a consultation.

So far I have only used them up to the blood testing requisition to get the panels I wanted, instead of pulling teeth with one of our lovely doctors.

Their name has since changed to Science & Humans, so you should be able to search them up.
also to original thread there is a new service that you mail in a drop of blood, need to purchase a subscription though and need woman panel for estradiol.. some new MIT tech, fairly accurate but I think limited on which tests, however can do work arounds to get everything else that matters less to have on your healthcard. forget the name sorry, but im sure enough details to google.
Drop of blood doesn’t seem like it would be enough for them to carry out the test, no? That part sounds a bit fishy.

All I have been able to find, at least available in my province, are testing requisition services. They all go through the same channels as Onmen.

If accurate, that would be a good option to avoid any red flags.
I work for giant corps and deal with everything from benefits to discharges.

Here's what I know For sure;

Failed Results
If you test outside the normal range for testosterone.

They can deny benefits and life insurance and it does happen.
Dr's can and will turn you away.

Tell you 150 send 100mg script
Charge crazy amount to do nothing
Use them for script then go see Dr to keep it going.

Testing Estradiol
I am yet to find private test.
However my new doctor is OK testing Estradiol and knows little about trt.
Won't raise to 150 but I will send for testing upon request.
So don't request on blast.

Basically I'm.yet to find a test during a blast.
If anyone finds one please share
This is why we can't monitor our health better, so much hurdles just to check our health parameters.

yes will go on medical record.

lol naturopaths are hilarious (of course some can have good nutritional advice, but reading your blood like tea leaves is not science).. my fav was when a naturopath tried to convince me I had Rouleaux, showed me in his text book so much be true, but in fact it is a SERIOUS deadly problem and cant be diagnosed by looking at how your blood cracks when dries or putting in water and seeing blood cells move together like cereal in milk. They take REAL science and twist it which is what is called pseudoscience. like Chiro's can do physio type things that work but majority of what Chiro s do is based on aligning energy from the sky to move to the earth(look it up, thats founding principal of chiropractors). they don't align your spine even if take X-rays and convince of this, cracking your bones does release feel good chemicals though but thats about it. highly educated in nonsense. the scary thing now is with a days training they are injecting people with hydrogen peroxide and ozone(which as u know ozone is HIGHLY oxidative and very much kills everything it touches) the idea of course is that your body releases antioxidants to combat the damage, however of course its all used to try and repair damage by huffing or injecting ozone or peroxide. but again people FEEL something so think its works, somehow they forget you can cut yourself so your body releases healing compounds aswell and is EXACT same principal although arguably safer as we all know long term issues of what ozone causes. damaging lungs and veins is of course worse to damage than skin aswell.

sorry on a rant, just hate those idiots and its far more scary and damaging than just convincing people not to get cancer treatments or making injuries or illness worse. injecting peroxide with ZERO science, 1 day training..... WILD WILD SHIT. embolism anaphylaxis, not to mention lasting damage(we know if don't want a worse scar not to use peroxide as kills cells) and of course most dont have epi pens or know what to do in case of such things. PLUS they cost us all because charge insurance companies to often just make injuries worse or more chronic and people who really need help cant get it. but people think its a quick fix to feel better vs doing Physical therapy protocols daily. Or want someone to tell them they have something wrong with them like some sort of overgrowth or allergy but NO testing to actually diagnose. BUT they will tell 99.9% of people they are allergic to gluten, people stop eating bread so much be true, but maybe just maybe its the lessening carbs and roundup that are causing improvement. feel tired? first it was parasites in the 90s now its either lyme or gluten 9/10 times, the next is tomatoes..

anyhoo WAAAY off topic...
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