Incognito Blood Testing in Canada

yes will go on medical record.

lol naturopaths are hilarious (of course some can have good nutritional advice, but reading your blood like tea leaves is not science).. my fav was when a naturopath tried to convince me I had Rouleaux, showed me in his text book so much be true, but in fact it is a SERIOUS deadly problem and cant be diagnosed by looking at how your blood cracks when dries or putting in water and seeing blood cells move together like cereal in milk. They take REAL science and twist it which is what is called pseudoscience. like Chiro's can do physio type things that work but majority of what Chiro s do is based on aligning energy from the sky to move to the earth(look it up, thats founding principal of chiropractors). they don't align your spine even if take X-rays and convince of this, cracking your bones does release feel good chemicals though but thats about it. highly educated in nonsense. the scary thing now is with a days training they are injecting people with hydrogen peroxide and ozone(which as u know ozone is HIGHLY oxidative and very much kills everything it touches) the idea of course is that your body releases antioxidants to combat the damage, however of course its all used to try and repair damage by huffing or injecting ozone or peroxide. but again people FEEL something so think its works, somehow they forget you can cut yourself so your body releases healing compounds aswell and is EXACT same principal although arguably safer as we all know long term issues of what ozone causes. damaging lungs and veins is of course worse to damage than skin aswell.

sorry on a rant, just hate those idiots and its far more scary and damaging than just convincing people not to get cancer treatments or making injuries or illness worse. injecting peroxide with ZERO science, 1 day training..... WILD WILD SHIT. embolism anaphylaxis, not to mention lasting damage(we know if don't want a worse scar not to use peroxide as kills cells) and of course most dont have epi pens or know what to do in case of such things. PLUS they cost us all because charge insurance companies to often just make injuries worse or more chronic and people who really need help cant get it. but people think its a quick fix to feel better vs doing Physical therapy protocols daily. Or want someone to tell them they have something wrong with them like some sort of overgrowth or allergy but NO testing to actually diagnose. BUT they will tell 99.9% of people they are allergic to gluten, people stop eating bread so much be true, but maybe just maybe its the lessening carbs and roundup that are causing improvement. feel tired? first it was parasites in the 90s now its either lyme or gluten 9/10 times, the next is tomatoes..

anyhoo WAAAY off topic...
Pseudoscience.... taking fucking retards money since the dawn of time itself. The blood panel will be visible, but only diagnostic/routine will be labeled on it. Not likely to be a giant red flag. Also illegal for them to dog into it without provocation.
Pseudoscience.... taking fucking retards money since the dawn of time itself. The blood panel will be visible, but only diagnostic/routine will be labeled on it. Not likely to be a giant red flag. Also illegal for them to dog into it without provocation.
I should note they don't have to enter it on your file. They are not doctors. Mine never did fyi. They offer no real value or treatment or service.
7 years in seminary isn't education it is dogmatic nonsense. Like chiropractic medicine, homeopaths ect. Fucking hilarious you are ignorant to this.
It's just something I've never wasted time with.
I don't need some idiot giving me bs advice.

But when you guys mentioned one I was like fuk maybe I can do a one week course.

Nope, these nuts spend 7 years getting nutty.
I should note they don't have to enter it on your file. They are not doctors. Mine never did fyi. They offer no real value or treatment or service.

hmm interesting, as normally it is added via the lab and nothing to do with the DR as payed for by the province... BUT I suppose if province is not paying and the naturopath pays than maybe thats why?
as far as I know, a doc can see you’ve had blood work done but they don’t have access to the blood work unless you’ve released it. I know when I was getting put on trt, one of the mens clinic looked in the system and told me I get a lot of blood work done. He just saw the doctors names that ordered it. Couldn’t see what was being tested, or any results.
Even trt sucks here.
I've tried jackhealth(garb) onmen(rip off) and the others sounded the same.

There's got to be some Doctors in Canada that will help out I'm just yet to find one.

I'd be happy getting just Estrogen checked.
I am having a similar issue. Family doc says I am healthy and fit, so he won't test my hormones. All the naturopaths that test hormones here want 900+ bucks for an initial consult and follow up, for a finger prick lab test.

The barriers to running a proper cycle with labs is extremely frustrating, especially in comparison to our neighbours to the south.

Best I could find is a private lab that charges approximately 100-120/biomarker. So checking test and E2 costs about 250, so to test pre, intra, and post is an additional 750.

Cannot fucking win in this country sometimes. But hey, free healthcare and all that is pretty good, so I shouldn't be bitchin.
Best I could find is a private lab that charges approximately 100-120/biomarker. So checking test and E2 costs about 250, so to test pre, intra, and post is an additional 750.

Cannot fucking win in this country sometimes. But hey, free healthcare and all that is pretty good, so I shouldn't be bitchin.
Thing about the private labs is that are are not so private, from what I have been able to find in this period of time. Every single place I’ve come across that offers bloodwork independently writes requisitions only. (Except one service I found that does blood draws at your home.)

All of these services still end up with you (or your blood) at a place like DynaLife where your results become accessible.

For the sake of testing incognito this is no good.

I would be okay with dropping some coin so I could get mid cycle bloodwork at least. Since I haven’t come up with any solutions around the threads query, it might just be a matter of getting one of these places to offer a lab requisition that only tests E2, prolactin, ect. At least that would avoid elevated Testosterone levels being shared in the system.

Happy to see that some conversations are happening around this lately. We might just come up with a solution yet.

PS. @CanMando
We pay a lot for our healthcare, it’s just part of our ridiculously high tax levels. Ha
@cdoubleu I agree with you completely. However, I just had an ankle surgery here, upfront costs were 0, a similar procedure and hospital stay in the US would have been 30k USD. Grateful I didn't have to pay that unexpectedly.

I like your idea of remaining low key by only testing certain biomarkers, definitely something I will consider during cycle.
@cdoubleu I agree with you completely. However, I just had an ankle surgery here, upfront costs were 0, a similar procedure and hospital stay in the US would have been 30k USD. Grateful I didn't have to pay that unexpectedly.

I like your idea of remaining low key by only testing certain biomarkers, definitely something I will consider during cycle.
Yah if surgery was ever involved, that is a good point.
you prob can have it sent to usa for testing obv will cost more but contact lyfelabs and other services they may be able to help line it up.