Infection??? Help!


Okay don't give me shit about my unflexed quads, been 4 days since I injected left quad pain peaked a day 3 but is subsiding, quad is hot and red, although swelling seems to be going down. Been checking myself out for a fever every few hours, so far I've stayed at 96. Also no signs of cyst.

I don't want to go to the doctor, do I have an infection? I would appreciate if someone can share some good info on infections on this thread, even if I don't have an infection I would still like to have a future reference.


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No doubt I will go to the doc. What the fuck are you waitting for ?

It happenned to me one time . I went to doc , explained what I did and prescribe me keflex .
Problem solve .

Should I just say I think my leg is infected and not mention any injection
Seems like the majority of your posts on meso concern quad injections that have somehow gone wrong. Time for a new hobby. You can always score some fish antibiotics off eBay if you are afraid to go to the doctor. Much like pharma grade AI a cycle of antibiotics is good to have on hand. GL
Seems like the majority of your posts on meso concern quad injections that have somehow gone wrong. Time for a new hobby. You can always score some fish antibiotics off eBay if you are afraid to go to the doctor. Much like pharma grade AI a cycle of antibiotics is good to have on hand. GL

My first quad injection had a ton of pip but after that I haven't had any issues up till now
Should I just say I think my leg is infected and not mention any injection
There's this agreement between you and your doc .
He cant tell your insurance or share any information regarding your use of steroids .

The only information that hes obligate to share share without doubts is when you got aids or when you have suicidal problems .

Be streight out. Explain . He might might give you a speech.
And yeah the sooner the better.
Be there tomorrow .
There's this agreement between you and your doc .
He cant tell your insurance or share any information regarding your use of steroids .

The only information that hes obligate to share share without doubts is when you got aids or when you have suicidal problems .

Be streight out. Explain . He might might give you a speech.
And yeah the sooner the better.
Be there tomorrow .

Well as long as I know the insurance won't hear about that's cool, still don't know if I want to tell him I'm on juice though
Just tell him. Doctors don't know everything, and aren't gods, but they are there to help.

Accurate information is important.

Forget pride/embarrassment. You won't get in trouble. Just be straight up for proper medical attention. It will help you not hurt you.
There is no agreement between your doc and the insurance company. If he puts "steroid abuse" on your chart, that could be a problem.

Just tell him you got poked by your grandma's sewing needle.
Should I just say I think my leg is infected and not mention any injection

Tell them you were walking in the woods and a thorn stuck you through your jeans.

Infected abcess happens all the time man, you can get them from a cat scratch, thorns etc.

Is the red area getting hard?
Doesn't patient confidentiality apply?

Don't believe so.

Best to just say a thorn or something poked you. My friends go hunting all the time and have had numerous infected abscesses from being in the woods getting poked by something.

If you catch the abcess early they will just give you a round of antibiotics. More than likely a shot since you are at the doctors office.
Tell them you were walking in the woods and a thorn stuck you through your jeans.

Infected abcess happens all the time man, you can get them from a cat scratch, thorns etc.

Is the red area getting hard?

Been stiff since the injection, but I'm thinking of saying I injected b12

