Vials smelling weird

I should clarify, I didn't order that. I only ordered stuff that according to the lab doesn't contain guaiacol. Are you suggesting that guaiacol has been transferred to the surface of the other vials?
I’d ask them directly. I’d say off the information provided yes that’s what you are smelling. Especially if they have items that contain it.
Would you consider this normal or a sign that something is off?
I’d be certain the item it’s on doesn’t contain it first. But I think it’s uncommon. There is another vendor here that had cross contamination of guaiacol seemingly unknowingly. Guaiacol seems to just be an item that sticks to everything. Some have a better smell for it.
I’d ask them directly. I’d say off the information provided yes that’s what you are smelling. Especially if they have items that contain it.
Rhetorical question here but how are mother fuckers getting oils mixed up with others? That sounds like some reckless shit to me. I know, I know…”It’s all about the money.”
Rhetorical question here but how are mother fuckers getting oils mixed up with others? That sounds like some reckless shit to me. I know, I know…”It’s all about the money.”
I’m not sure if it’s mixing up or just being around items containing.
Rhetorical question here but how are mother fuckers getting oils mixed up with others? That sounds like some reckless shit to me. I know, I know…”It’s all about the money.”

I believe in the case of Axle labs some time ago it came down to residual oil left in lines from one batch to the next.

Not exactly dealing with the standards of Pfizer (or even Purina) here,
Rhetorical question here but how are mother fuckers getting oils mixed up with others? That sounds like some reckless shit to me. I know, I know…”It’s all about the money.”

Cross-contamination. Use the same tubing without fully flushing them when switching compounds or just not using separate setups for each compound.

Usually easily remedied once it's pointed out.
I believe in the case of Axle labs some time ago it came down to residual oil left in lines from one batch to the next.

Not exactly dealing with the standards of Pfizer (or even Purina) here,
Still shouldn’t have happened in my opinion but I get it.
Cross-contamination. Use the same tubing without fully flushing them when switching compounds or just not using separate setups for each compound.

Usually easily remedied once it's pointed out.
Should be using a fresh set up every time.
Have any of you guys ever had to deal with off-smelling vials?
I’m late but I’m using this source too. I actually ordered something with guaiacol in it. I’ll start by saying the rest of my vials don’t smell anymore and neither do the oils, so I don’t think it’s a cross contamination issue.

The tren no ester and guaiacol in it smell a ton. I don’t mind it, it’s a chemically sweet woody smell. The sealable bag that the vials came in smells an absolute shitton. I cleaned my whole vials with a swab when I disinfected the top and in a couple weeks the smell was gone. I’ve kept the bag to keep the tren no ester in because it seems whatever storage container that vial is in will pick up the guaiacol smell and not let go.

Looks like he might have stored a few of your vials with some guaiacol containing ones. The actual oil shouldn’t be contaminated at all.