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I just wanted to clear the air here in regards to the issue with the Jano tests and what really happened. Long story short, back in the spring I had promised Infinity I would get a couple of their compounds tested and share the results with them. I have never personally dealt with Jano but had a buddy who said that he had and was familiar with his whole process. I asked if he could do me a solid and send them in for testing and he agreed to do so. Well when he sent the results back to me he told me that he didn‘t want his personal information disclosed and therefore had blocked it all out. Never once did I question it or personally go on to Jano’s site to check the codes because I thought I could trust the guy. Obviously that wasn’t the case and we all now know what really happened. I question if he’s ever even used Jano before because he should have known better and that people could still check them using the codes and view all the information he had blocked out ‍♂️.

But Infinity Labs 1000% had nothing to do with any of this. I take full responsibility and am definitely embarrassed by all these issues this has caused for everyone involved. First and foremost I would like to apologize to whomever’s reports were taken, Infinity Labs and the whole Meso community. Regardless of what my name tag says, I’ve been apart of this forum for almost 7 years now. While I may not post a lot, I am very familiar with both a lot of the sources as well as members on here.
Thank you for coming out to clarify the facts
Maybe we are all victims of this misunderstanding,

In short, after reading the comments of the two supporters, if there are still people who think that I am a liar, or that I intentionally steal other people’s test reports, then we can think that this person is either stupid or has bad intentions.
Hello, sir, I apologize to you about the test report.
I made a mistake at work, but I didn't intentionally steal your test report
If I were that kind of villain, I would not steal yours, nor would I be stupid enough to steal the oil report to serve as my tablet report.
If my negligence has caused you any trouble, I apologize to you.
if there are still people who think that I am a liar, or that I intentionally steal other people’s test reports, then we can think that this person is either stupid
So now were stupid? You’re batting 1.000 today junior.
Hello, sir, I apologize to you about the test report.
I made a mistake at work, but I didn't intentionally steal your test report
If I were that kind of villain, I would not steal yours, nor would I be stupid enough to steal the oil report to serve as my tablet report.
If my negligence has caused you any trouble, I apologize to you.
Okay, cool

So you're not a fraud

Just incompetent and negligent
So why would anybody buy injectable drugs from an incompetent moron?
You don’t need to buy injections from me because I sell tablets, just kidding,lol

Because people who have the courage to admit their mistakes have the ability to solve problems
Also because people who ignore facts and confuse right and wrong are more terrifying than incompetent people. There are many such people in this field.
infinity's list of facts:
- virgin birth of jesus
- stolen and heavily edited lab reports caused by accidentally falling down the stairs
You don’t need to buy injections from me because I sell tablets, just kidding,lol

Because people who have the courage to admit their mistakes have the ability to solve problems
Also because people who ignore facts and confuse right and wrong are more terrifying than incompetent people. There are many such people in this field.
So we are got an admission of your mistakes but how about a thorough explanation, time frame, and road map of your ability to make things right? Maybe do the bare minimum in respect to harm reduction and pay for ALL your own testing before yanking community tests? Perhaps you would even go so far as making an appropriate intro or even follow ANY of the expectations of vendors here. But I doubt it, you will most likely just bump your own dead thread, try to funnel people to your 3rd party marketing platform to obfuscate your misdeeds and lack of testing, and not allow uncensored reviews of your products and service in a place that can hold you accountable.
Thank you for coming out to clarify the facts
Maybe we are all victims of this misunderstanding,

In short, after reading the comments of the two supporters, if there are still people who think that I am a liar, or that I intentionally steal other people’s test reports, then we can think that this person is either stupid or has bad intentions.
thank you sir ,I am learning English ,lol

If you believe there is a disconnect with the language barrier try posting in your native language, insulting an entire user base you are trying to separate from their money does not seem like a great marketing tactic. At this point we at least know you are acting on brand.
We can provide cash on delivery service for sponsors here,
We can ship the goods first and the customer will pay after receiving the package
We can provide cash on delivery service for sponsors here,
We can ship the goods first and the customer will pay after receiving the package
COD sounds like a wet dream for law enforcement. They do a controlled delivery and get you because you sign for it. As a bonus, they get you to pay them cash. Not much defense on those charges...
We can provide cash on delivery service for sponsors here,
We can ship the goods first and the customer will pay after receiving the package
Ok so let me get this straight. You stole lab reports from 2 sponsors on here. Now you want to sell them your untested products?

Besides MonsterMan you might be the dumbest source on Meso.
I don't admit the stealing you mentioned. My client has clarified the facts above.
There's one thing sadder than having someone talk about you behind your back, and that's having no one talk about you
So no matter how you attack me in vain, I still feel at peace inside.
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