infinitylabs, tabs and raws are available in USA warehouse, legit product, the best price

Lol unfortunately you are not somebody like Liska, and therefore I dont care to tell you anything about what you call a "random lab" (your obviously aren't in deep enough, or maybe you just have shit judgment, if you don't know where this company came from) or anything else for that matte. Don't get it fucked up though, I know exactly how to use my judgment and do my due diligence on a source before I purchase. Which is exactly why I have never, and we'll never be scammed. However it could also be because I'm beyond going to some forum in search of a new source. Anyway If you want any kind of answer, then you need to talk to me like a man is supposed to talk to another man. With respect. Until then don't even reply.

I know you're new, but I'm old school. So keep in mind these forums were originally made so that members could help each other out. Not so that some new member can come on talking down to another member. That doesn't help anybody. At all.
Where’s the emoji for a clown ?!
I just wanted to clear the air here in regards to the issue with the Jano tests and what really happened. Long story short, back in the spring I had promised Infinity I would get a couple of their compounds tested and share the results with them. I have never personally dealt with Jano but had a buddy who said that he had and was familiar with his whole process. I asked if he could do me a solid and send them in for testing and he agreed to do so. Well when he sent the results back to me he told me that he didn‘t want his personal information disclosed and therefore had blocked it all out. Never once did I question it or personally go on to Jano’s site to check the codes because I thought I could trust the guy. Obviously that wasn’t the case and we all now know what really happened. I question if he’s ever even used Jano before because he should have known better and that people could still check them using the codes and view all the information he had blocked out ‍♂️.

But Infinity Labs 1000% had nothing to do with any of this. I take full responsibility and am definitely embarrassed by all these issues this has caused for everyone involved. First and foremost I would like to apologize to whomever’s reports were taken, Infinity Labs and the whole Meso community. Regardless of what my name tag says, I’ve been apart of this forum for almost 7 years now. While I may not post a lot, I am very familiar with both a lot of the sources as well as members on here.
I just wanted to clear the air here in regards to the issue with the Jano tests and what really happened. Long story short, back in the spring I had promised Infinity I would get a couple of their compounds tested and share the results with them. I have never personally dealt with Jano but had a buddy who said that he had and was familiar with his whole process. I asked if he could do me a solid and send them in for testing and he agreed to do so. Well when he sent the results back to me he told me that he didn‘t want his personal information disclosed and therefore had blocked it all out. Never once did I question it or personally go on to Jano’s site to check the codes because I thought I could trust the guy. Obviously that wasn’t the case and we all now know what really happened. I question if he’s ever even used Jano before because he should have known better and that people could still check them using the codes and view all the information he had blocked out ‍♂️.

But Infinity Labs 1000% had nothing to do with any of this. I take full responsibility and am definitely embarrassed by all these issues this has caused for everyone involved. First and foremost I would like to apologize to whomever’s reports were taken, Infinity Labs and the whole Meso community. Regardless of what my name tag says, I’ve been apart of this forum for almost 7 years now. While I may not post a lot, I am very familiar with both a lot of the sources as well as members on here.

You gave your friend money to do the test or what?

You send him the pills to do the testing too? I don't get it.

I don't even know where people found this source to begin with. I don't see it active on any forum back then.
Also to be quite frank. You fucked the source

These labs are small time labs who bust their ass. Stole the report. Yes you are held liable and I don't believe the "friend" story.

The source is liable too.

What did you get out of it? Credit?
I just wanted to clear the air here in regards to the issue with the Jano tests and what really happened. Long story short, back in the spring I had promised Infinity I would get a couple of their compounds tested and share the results with them. I have never personally dealt with Jano but had a buddy who said that he had and was familiar with his whole process. I asked if he could do me a solid and send them in for testing and he agreed to do so. Well when he sent the results back to me he told me that he didn‘t want his personal information disclosed and therefore had blocked it all out. Never once did I question it or personally go on to Jano’s site to check the codes because I thought I could trust the guy. Obviously that wasn’t the case and we all now know what really happened. I question if he’s ever even used Jano before because he should have known better and that people could still check them using the codes and view all the information he had blocked out ‍♂️.

But Infinity Labs 1000% had nothing to do with any of this. I take full responsibility and am definitely embarrassed by all these issues this has caused for everyone involved. First and foremost I would like to apologize to whomever’s reports were taken, Infinity Labs and the whole Meso community. Regardless of what my name tag says, I’ve been apart of this forum for almost 7 years now. While I may not post a lot, I am very familiar with both a lot of the sources as well as members on here.
They still have no testing for said product, shitty prices, and lie. If the source cared about their presence here they would spend money on testing and at least fulfill the minimums of what users expect in an intro. The actions they took at the beginning with stolen tests to try and make money were bad, but failing to even try to do the right thing after the fact is worse. Infinity Labs 1000% had everything to do with this because they did not do their due diligence on looking up SOMEONE ELSES test and instead valued the most important aspect of this forum (testing, transparency, and harm reduction) the least. It seems they would rather be a paid sponsor elsewhere so they are protected.
You gave your friend money to do the test or what?

You send him the pills to do the testing too? I don't get it.

I don't even know where people found this source to begin with. I don't see it active on any forum back then.
Yes to both questions. I’ve known them for several years, originally from BOP. They used to manage another company called China Powders, and then maybe a year or two ago branched off and started Infinity Labs.
Also to be quite frank. You fucked the source

These labs are small time labs who bust their ass. Stole the report. Yes you are held liable and I don't believe the "friend" story.

The source is liable too.

What did you get out of it? Credit?
I agree and honestly feel bad about the whole situation. I can’t change your mind about what you do or don’t believe happened but that is really what transpired. I did not receive nor do it to receive a credit. All I was just trying to do was help them out since I had a good rapport with them, and also for my own knowledge/benefit of knowing if their tabs were properly dosed.
Nobody cares !!! This source is dead, just like Purity. All of a sudden like you… they have don’t OG here trying to give them props. Lol, it funny that you guys think we are just a bunch of dumb asses.
They still have no testing for said product, shitty prices, and lie. If the source cared about their presence here they would spend money on testing and at least fulfill the minimums of what users expect in an intro. The actions they took at the beginning with stolen tests to try and make money were bad, but failing to even try to do the right thing after the fact is worse. Infinity Labs 1000% had everything to do with this because they did not do their due diligence on looking up SOMEONE ELSES test and instead valued the most important aspect of this forum (testing, transparency, and harm reduction) the least. It seems they would rather be a paid sponsor elsewhere so they are protected.
When I said that they 1000% didn’t have anything to do with it, I meant that they didn’t personally alter those reports. Everyone is entitled to their opinions in regards to how other things were handled not related to this issue. Hindsight is 50/50 and I’m sure moving forward they will do their due diligence.
Yes to both questions. I’ve known them for several years, originally from BOP. They used to manage another company called China Powders, and then maybe a year or two ago branched off and started Infinity Labs.
The fact I don't see any activity prior to until recently with these stolen lab tests are a red flag to me.
They're done after the test situation. Best thing they can do is go get actual fucking product testing, change the company name and start all over. Somewhere else.
I'm curious if anyone spots the problem so here's just the relevant parts
he didn‘t want his personal information disclosed and therefore had blocked it all out.
he should have known better and that people could still check them using the codes and view all the information he had blocked out ‍♂️.
I’ve been apart of this forum for almost 7 years now.
I am very familiar with both a lot of the sources
Thank god these clowns are
hulk hogan wwe GIF
I just wanted to clear the air here in regards to the issue with the Jano tests and what really happened. Long story short, back in the spring I had promised Infinity I would get a couple of their compounds tested and share the results with them. I have never personally dealt with Jano but had a buddy who said that he had and was familiar with his whole process. I asked if he could do me a solid and send them in for testing and he agreed to do so. Well when he sent the results back to me he told me that he didn‘t want his personal information disclosed and therefore had blocked it all out. Never once did I question it or personally go on to Jano’s site to check the codes because I thought I could trust the guy. Obviously that wasn’t the case and we all now know what really happened. I question if he’s ever even used Jano before because he should have known better and that people could still check them using the codes and view all the information he had blocked out ‍♂️.

But Infinity Labs 1000% had nothing to do with any of this. I take full responsibility and am definitely embarrassed by all these issues this has caused for everyone involved. First and foremost I would like to apologize to whomever’s reports were taken, Infinity Labs and the whole Meso community. Regardless of what my name tag says, I’ve been apart of this forum for almost 7 years now. While I may not post a lot, I am very familiar with both a lot of the sources as well as members on here.
Lmao this is pure Bullshit from a bull megadosing Tren and E2.

Dude who the hell gives one flying fuck? You really think you did something here.

I guess this dumbass lab hired his buddies that spoke clearly better english to create the most long winded BS stories ever told. Ive heard better stories from crack addicted dipshits at the gas station who's car "ran out of gas when going to see blah blah gotta make it back to StupidTown blah blah"

Its alright man you tried. We aren't supposed to know you're a full of shit shill liar, so you can keep spamming paragraphs. But uhh, ill save you the trouble, literally 0% are going "oh gosh darn golly, gee willikers, well i guess that settles it, ill give them my money now!! " know why? Because we do know you're a full of shit shill. You lose. Good day sir.
Lose Willy Wonka GIF
No brother. Listen by no means am I siding with them whatsoever. In fact if it's true that they stole your report knowingly, and nebermind posted it, then yes 100% they should be banned from this fucking forum. I've had my lab report stolen by other companies in the past, so I feel your pain if those were your reports brother. Yes please don't anybody take this the wrong way. I'm not siding with anybody. All I was saying is that I did business with them before, and they treated me right. Unfortunately that is all that I cannot cosign for. I wish I could come on here, and tell you that they are or are not scammers or like you said selective scammers, but i can't, and therefore i won't. I just hope to God they're not, but time will tell....

@Liska I've seen you on here for years and I know for a fact that you are a well respected member of this forum, so there is no way in hell I would ever side with any one or any company who just posted a stolen lab report over you. Just know that...
Thank you so much my friend
You spent so much time and writing on me,
And what you said is to the point.