Never got a response when you asked me to spell it out for you. Hope it was helpful.
I did not know of Spaceman's past, here.
To be honest, I would never have thought he was anything other than a regular member.
Nothing of what he does/writes here made me think he is a shill or has hidden interests (unlike various other people).
So, you have only just discovered he used to resell on Meso.
That is when his campaign against you started and it simply continued in the same way under the guise of a regular membership, without your knowledge.
You allege that he is still selling and so being a source and/or he is here as an advocate for the sources themselves. This is unethical.
At the time, the only thing he was making were orals.
He thought your testing ideas could not have any practical implementation or bring real quality improvements within the UGL landscape, so there would be no "true application" of what you proposed.
He regarded your demands and behaviour as a nuisance and self serving.
He still uses the same arguments to stop your project, now.
To be fair, if one looks at the responses from other sources and members back when you joined, they were as negative or even more negative and strongly against you as his.
He persevered in calling out his perceived uselessness of this protocol and his dislike for you as a forum user, whereas others still do not agree but avoid engaging or say so privately.
I personally think that he does not do so because is a Meso "member" and not a member.
You, Qsc or anyone else doing endotoxin, metals and whichever other test is in practical terms irrelevant to him.
But he objects, in principle, to its realistic impact on affecting the quality of raw materials and so questions what that data you bring can do, in practice.
As a homebrewer extraordinaire, I suppose that's his thing, now.
You have asked me to respond to you and this is the way I see it.
I might be wrong and his interactions with you are just down to what you say.
But from what I see he is a very smart man, he is here to share knowledge and he is always willing to have a say whenever harm reduction is concerned, or new members show wrong intentions.
So, I do not regard him as a "bad agent" but I also thing that the line must be drawn somewhere with all this, if you want to focus on your aim.
If he raises or has raised a valid point about what you wrote/do, it should be taken and acknowledged as that, not as "bad faith", or not valid because of where it comes from.
It can either be argued against simply because of what it says is wrong, or not.
You do not have to respond to him, in any case, since you believe he is not operating here legitimately.
State that once and for all and then ignore.
He has no power to stop what you do.
I think if the owner had any qualms about his conduct here (that he is still operating, without disclosing it), he would have been banned a long time ago, the same way others have been for their "suspicious " behaviour.
To be fair, after expressing his views and his disagreement with you on your threads, I thought the antagonism here had started to subside, until the "keep score" fiasco.
You two started it, so you two have to end this.