Source QC and C of A (do you have one?)

@carbon adams
Looks like I'm a little late, as I was typing this out I see you guys have more posts you seem to agree on. I apologize if this is "so an hour ago." But I just wanted to respond, for posterity:

The lunatics run the asylum here bro. Keep that in mind, I'll get back to it in a minute.

You make a solid argument. One that I have also considered and respect you for expressing.

A solid argument is one thing, but, when you make a personal attack on someone—like calling someone a "bitch"—do you think you deserve a "thumbs up" for that?
If someone disagrees with you—like many have with readalot—is it really necessary to add a personal attack for that? We can just disagree and leave it at that.

Nonetheless, I appreciate and respect you for coming at me the way you just did.

What readalot is doing has brought alot of heat on him... because what he's asking takes people out of their comfort zone. Primarily, the UGLs.

"The underground" and testing, etc. havn't always been around. I'm sure it took a lot of collaboration and effort to get here, right?

When I first found Meso, I couldn't believe it. "No F-ing way." But, here we are. Get whatever you want—num... num. And, its tested? Lab results? Rip off reports? "Hell yeah!"

I remember a much different time: when it was hard to find a connection, unsure of fake stuff, theives running off with money. That's all changed. Why?

Because, there's strength in numbers... our numbers. We, the lunatics—that's me, you, the members—and this is our asylum. We run this place, not the UGLs. I think readalot knows this. We make or break a UGL. We want testing, we get testing, or they get NO business. We want pretty pink labels, we get them, or whatever.

If you had a choice between pharma and UGL—cost is the same—which would you choose? Of course pharma, right?

So, a fellow lunatic has a great idea. Essentially, "pharma" grade "sauce" for the asylum. It doesn't seem impossible—actually, easily possible. All it takes is a little more of an expense. I calculate it's a drop in the bucket. I don't think it will add to the cost one bit, as some have conservatively projected. These UGLs are not making thousands of dollars, or tens of thousands—try, hundreds of thousands... QSC millions... from us. Do you realize how many members and "guests" visit our asylum every day? Thousands. UGLs make a ton of cash, and all we ask is they give us what we are paying them for.

"Oh, its going to cost too much." "Oh, it's not necessary, we've done enough testing." Who says? The UGL? So what, do more.

If we stay together, we get what we want. Our strength— our control—is by sticking with each other—supporting our common cause: harm reduction. There are no winners & losers here. Either we ALL win, or we ALL lose.
What readalot is doing has brought alot of heat on him... because what he's asking takes people out of their comfort zone.

Nothing to do with comfort zone. Posting in every thread about some bizarre Infinity Testing Protocol™ is ridiculous. It has nothing to do with harm reduction. Excessive testing & costs for something that was never a problem in the first place.

I am not going to quote it, just copy the bits.
I don't want to see that name on my post to you.
But here:

"The more he talks about it more I realized how It is officially flawed from the start.
Holc tests from sources can be cherry picked or different then their whole batch.
What makes you think the same can’t happen with the sterility testing and heavy metal testing.
Sure they can send in clean samples but there is no proof that the rest of their batch is clean and sterile. So sources sending in heavy metal and sterility testing for each batch won’t change shit about the standards of the ugl market at all.(a)
Thats first and foremost."

Why bother with hplc?
What is wrong with us, expecting purity tests from these people?
They can just send a clean sample and sell you some other poo they got hanging around.
Stuff tested from customers?
Still can't be sure, obviously, just in case they are shills, or it was just pot luck they got a good one or something.
And so yes, with sterility, they will just do a clean vial to send and piss inside the rest, to send out to us.
Cin cin.

"Now some more reasons why it’s flawed:
If .22 filter makes gear sterile and heavy metal free and they have been doing that the last 10-20 years they will not continue to test for something that hasn’t been an issue the last two decades. It will be a one and done type of thing or maybe 2x a year type of thing.
why would they continue to do it for every batch when they haven’t in the last 10-20 years . it would be evident at that point this is nothing new or alarming and doesn’t need to be tested for."

Those crafty little .22 filters get that heavy metal crap out of it.
All of it. Death Metal and Trash Metal too, of course.
I would have thought Speed Metal would be a little difficult to filter through that, but I will stand corrected.

"Also, technically janoshik is not accredited by the USA fda or dea, therefore the sterility and heavy metal testing he will do technically mean nothing More than that of UGL standard, correct ?
So readalot wouldn’t even be satisfied, since it wouldn’t be accredited by the fda or dea or whatever he bases most of his sterility testing studies off of."

Hehe, this we must repost everywhere.
Ugl cannot get Fda approval so scrap all tests.
Why bother with Jano, anyway, if the DEA does not approve.
Come on now.
Jano is trash.

"As for what I would do if I found out the sources I used had impurities- I’d continue to monitor my bloodwork and see if there are any alarming anomalies and go from there- what else is there to do ?"

He should 100% continue down his chosen path.
And stop bothering everyone else with the bs he spreads everywhere.

But there is 1 more thing...
This guy is a legend.

This is his reply to Carbon Adams saying that bacteria in samples may not be that important:

Spouting off about how "maybe it isn't bad?!???" like you know something. You don't.

Don't espouse idiot shit that can and has gotten people harmed by bad gear in the past.

Injecting microbially contaminated gear is an idiot idea that only congenital morons would think might be "no as worrying".

This is a harm reduction board you absolute fucking lamp.

Love you.
He is an absolute fucking lamp that also called Declan a source account, because he was chasing Changland for tests.
Say no more.

All the people that chase HIM around the forum.
Those gay bitches.
F’ that is right man! Who would spend extra money for that bullshit crap without a C o A?? Like what the heck are you doing ? As far as I’m concerned you’re injecting ugl from a compounding pharmacy right now.

Ummm hello…. Whats wrong with Stanford or Opti ? They are the longest standing US domestic sources here with no bad reports at all, you don’t have to worry about customs either.

Why haven’t you tried them yet ?
Hey I usually try my damndest to be civil but in your case I just can't. You are the walking breathing embodiment of what's wrong with this place. Long on confidence and quite short upstairs. Head back to your source knobing where your brain can rest and your mouth can continue its service.
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Hey I usually try my damndest to be civil but in your case I just can't. You are the walking breathing embodiment of what's wrong with this place. Long on confidence and quite short upstairs. Head back to your source knobing where your brain can rest.
Brother. I don’t know if you noticed. But I said I support yet your idea a few times.

But you literally just can’t shut the tuck up about it. You are slowly but surely ruining your project. And it’s all your own fault.

I tried to tell you the other day respectfully just stop talking about it every half hour. And you still couldn’t do that.

Now where we are sir ? You’re getting very very upset and I wouldn’t be surprised if your emotions are high right now and you’re shedding some tears behind your computer screen (maybe the e2 is thru the roof with the high Deca ?

You would get more satisfaction joining a legal research firm or company or something and pushing for the government to allow consumers to get their drugs tested for such tests at an fda regulated testing site with no legal punishment

You are quite literally trying to turn UGL pharma into big pharma and it just never is going to happen. I’m sorry.
Even though I’ve seen you join in with Iris and readalot to dislike or laugh at all my posts whenever you have the chance I’ll give you an answer.

The more he talks about it more I realized how It is officially flawed from the start.

Holc tests from sources can be cherry picked or different then their whole batch.

What makes you think the same can’t happen with the sterility testing and heavy metal testing.

Sure they can send in clean samples but there is no proof that the rest of their batch is clean and sterile. So sources sending in heavy metal and sterility testing for each batch won’t change shit about the standards of the ugl market at all.(a)

Thats first and foremost.

Now some more reasons why it’s flawed:

If .22 filter makes gear sterile and heavy metal free and they have been doing that the last 10-20 years they will not continue to test for something that hasn’t been an issue the last two decades. It will be a one and done type of thing or maybe 2x a year type of thing.

why would they continue to do it for every batch when they haven’t in the last 10-20 years . it would be evident at that point this is nothing new or alarming and doesn’t need to be tested for.

Also, technically janoshik is not accredited by the USA fda or dea, therefore the sterility and heavy metal testing he will do technically mean nothing More than that of UGL standard, correct ?

So readalot wouldn’t even be satisfied, since it wouldn’t be accredited by the fda or dea or whatever he bases most of his sterility testing studies off of.

Thinking every batch should be tested for heavy metals and sterility is complete asinine and useless. Based off (a) primarily.

He has one hope left. That we come to find out .22 filter is not good enough and they need to find other filters.

But it’s already been proven .22 filters are good enough.

As for what I would do if I found out the sources I used had impurities- I’d continue to monitor my bloodwork and see if there are any alarming anomalies and go from there- what else is there to do ?
You litter this thread with utter retarded bullshit. Did you read what you wrote here? You really don't know do you? Damn!
If we stay together, we get what we want. Our strength— our control—is by sticking with each other—supporting our common cause: harm reduction. There are no winners & losers here. Either we ALL win, or we ALL lose.
Quite frankly brother man, if I may ?

The only people that have stuck together about this are you , Iris , and readalot.

And all three of you attack and gaslight anyone who brings valid points as to why readalots project isn’t going to work

And that’s cool if you guys are best pals or best buds or lovers or whatever the relationship is that you guys have.

But it’s just not even worth responding back to you guys anymore.

I mean you guys can’t even defend yourselves by yourself. You need all three of you together at all times.

I really wish you guys the best with this dream of yours. I just don’t see it happening or making any difference to what we already have.

Iris claims doing bloodwork after finding out your source has impurities is not a good idea , he referred to it as a “chosen path” as like some stupid idea that is a failure.

What was it that little retard iris thought would be a better idea to do after finding out you used something with impurities? Can the little twat fuck bitch explain ?

I mean you guys just can’t even make valid arguments anymore.

:Forget to add sampei has now joined your fantasy team. There you go fellas. Got the fantasy squad growing.
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Nothing to do with comfort zone. Posting in every thread about some bizarre Infinity Testing Protocol™ is ridiculous. It has nothing to do with harm reduction. Excessive testing & costs for something that was never a problem in the first place.
I apologize if I have too many, but I just have a waterfall of questions: Did you read my entire post? Or even the rest of that paragraph? Are you a UGL? Is your gripe excessive posts? Excessive tests? Excessive costs? Have you done a cost analysis? If so, please share.

If it's excessive and unnecessary, I can live with that... but, should I take your word for it blindly?
Quite frankly brother man, if I may ?

The only people that have stuck together about this are you , Iris , and readalot.

And all three of you attack and gaslight anyone who brings valid points as to why readalots project isn’t going to work

And that’s cool if you guys are best pals or best buds or lovers or whatever the relationship is that you guys have.

But it’s just not even worth responding back to you guys anymore.

I mean you guys can’t even defend yourselves by yourself. You need all three of you together at all times.

I really wish you guys the best with this dream of yours. I just don’t see it happening or making any difference to what we already have.

Iris claims doing bloodwork after finding out your source has impurities is not a good idea , he referred to it as a “chosen path” as like some stupid idea that is a failure.

What was it that little retard iris thought would be a better idea to do after finding out you used something with impurities? Can the little twat fuck bitch explain ?

I mean you guys just can’t even make valid arguments anymore.

:Forget to add sampei has now joined your fantasy team. There you go fellas. Got the fantasy squad growing.
Have I attacked you? If you don't understand or don't agree, or don't think it will work... that's great. I thought we were having a discussion. I see it's gotten out of hand. I don't need to defend myself. I don't need to do anything. I can pull my prick and rub jello all over it. That doesn't affect you does it? I can read on, read another thread, whatever, and not lose any sleep whether you agree or not. Are you going to lose sleep over virtual me?
Have I attacked you? If you don't understand or don't agree, or don't think it will work... that's great. I thought we were having a discussion. I see it's gotten out of hand. I don't need to defend myself. I don't need to do anything. I can pull my prick and rub jello all over it. That doesn't affect you does it? I can read on, read another thread, whatever, and not lose any sleep whether you agree or not. Are you going to lose sleep over virtual me?

I am not going to bother, anymore.
Maybe English is not his first language but it's the case for many of us and yet we do not twist and turn what one writes, like he does.
Chosen path becomes = not a good idea
Everyone is being gaslight yet nobody is being ignored.
He doesn't even know what it means.

So, I shall not engage, because it just creates aggravation.
Everyone can see what he does, it's not a matter of opinion.
And for the record, I am not "ganging up" with or against anyone.
If I agree and share an idea or opinion with someone great, otherwise I will say what I think.
Are there people I prefer to communicate with, because there is affinity?
Of course.
But it is the same irl. Why should it not be the same here?

I am trying to look at what everyone is saying, with regards to sterility testing, and I have written that.
It is a good idea but I also see the amount of resistance against it.
I would like everyone to compromise somewhat and come together.
But that is wishful thinking, especially when you consider individuals like the one you have replied to.
For Readalot to be called a scammer, just to be insulted over his "campaign" and for new people to see this going down, I have to say I am not particularly happy.
He does not deserve it. But it's all really high pitched and edgy, right now.
Maybe he does not mind being called all the names under the sun, but it is quite sad and people being hostile to one another never creates a good environment.
@carbon adams
Looks like I'm a little late, as I was typing this out I see you guys have more posts you seem to agree on. I apologize if this is "so an hour ago." But I just wanted to respond, for posterity:

The lunatics run the asylum here bro. Keep that in mind, I'll get back to it in a minute.

You make a solid argument. One that I have also considered and respect you for expressing.

A solid argument is one thing, but, when you make a personal attack on someone—like calling someone a "bitch"—do you think you deserve a "thumbs up" for that?
If someone disagrees with you—like many have with readalot—is it really necessary to add a personal attack for that? We can just disagree and leave it at that.

Nonetheless, I appreciate and respect you for coming at me the way you just did.

What readalot is doing has brought alot of heat on him... because what he's asking takes people out of their comfort zone. Primarily, the UGLs.

"The underground" and testing, etc. havn't always been around. I'm sure it took a lot of collaboration and effort to get here, right?

When I first found Meso, I couldn't believe it. "No F-ing way." But, here we are. Get whatever you want—num... num. And, its tested? Lab results? Rip off reports? "Hell yeah!"

I remember a much different time: when it was hard to find a connection, unsure of fake stuff, theives running off with money. That's all changed. Why?

Because, there's strength in numbers... our numbers. We, the lunatics—that's me, you, the members—and this is our asylum. We run this place, not the UGLs. I think readalot knows this. We make or break a UGL. We want testing, we get testing, or they get NO business. We want pretty pink labels, we get them, or whatever.

If you had a choice between pharma and UGL—cost is the same—which would you choose? Of course pharma, right?

So, a fellow lunatic has a great idea. Essentially, "pharma" grade "sauce" for the asylum. It doesn't seem impossible—actually, easily possible. All it takes is a little more of an expense. I calculate it's a drop in the bucket. I don't think it will add to the cost one bit, as some have conservatively projected. These UGLs are not making thousands of dollars, or tens of thousands—try, hundreds of thousands... QSC millions... from us. Do you realize how many members and "guests" visit our asylum every day? Thousands. UGLs make a ton of cash, and all we ask is they give us what we are paying them for.

"Oh, its going to cost too much." "Oh, it's not necessary, we've done enough testing." Who says? The UGL? So what, do more.

If we stay together, we get what we want. Our strength— our control—is by sticking with each other—supporting our common cause: harm reduction. There are no winners & losers here. Either we ALL win, or we ALL lose.
well done , i agree 100%, we are definitely stronger in numbers , and although certain members are " ALOT more passionate about the sterility tests etc" it doesn't necessarily mean there intention should be ridiculed and mocked, albeit its the case, i wouldn't mind the extra tests done, however all this has just solidified the fact that my future ( any week now) home brewing excursions will make me less apt to buy anymore ugl stuff, oils anyway,,,