Inject Into Bicep?


New Member
Ok, don't blow me out of the water for this one, but I am getting desperate. I need to get that 'peak' on my bicep, and no matter how I train them, my biceps just stay flat and bulky. I just measured my biceps and they are 19" L and 18 7/8" R so good size, but I NEED the PEAK!! I have read on several occasions that injecting straight into a certain muscle can assist it with growth, but is this true and can it be done to the bicep. I have only injected into the glutes, quads, and shoulders, and don't know anyone personally that does any differently. These muscles are already large, so it's hard to tell if it is true based on these. Also, I am assuming if I did, I would probably have to limit it to 1cc per bicep. I don't want to take myself out of commission for two weeks with a swollen bicep, so does anyone have any first hand experience?

Bonus: I uploaded a picture for all to view the "flatness". This is unflexed, but I should still see a roundness in the bicep. Meat, help me out bro!!!! :(


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I don't think steroids contribute to localized growth. IGF-1 supposedly does.

As far as training...maybe hammer curls and incline db curls could help.
I don't think steroids contribute to localized growth. IGF-1 supposedly does.

I have read that Winny does if injected locally......supposedly some of the pro do it.

As far as training...maybe hammer curls and incline db curls could help.

I already do hammer curls and incline bench curls, check out my profile pic.....large bulky arms.....sick of looking like a meated up Harley offense to HD riders out there! :) Thanks for the tip anyway bro! :D
Here's a bigger picture of my profile picture, my arms are big but just bulky. :mad:


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Huge Bicep Peaks - Outer Head Training

Gear may not be the answer here bro. Read this, and do a search on training may just need to modify your workout. :cool:

Good read, thnx BR. Problem is, I am already doing all of these. Last training session consisted of close grip bicep curls, hammer curls, incline bench curls, and rope hammer curls (on the machine), and I keep strict form (see attached hammer curl pic above). Just don't know what I am doing wrong and it's pissing me off!! :mad:
Good read, thnx BR. Problem is, I am already doing all of these. Last training session consisted of close grip bicep curls, hammer curls, incline bench curls, and rope hammer curls (on the machine), and I keep strict form (see attached hammer curl pic above). Just don't know what I am doing wrong and it's pissing me off!! :mad:

Your bicep head may not be short enough. I believe the shorter the bicep head the more of a peak you can develop.
I got the same arms. Big, well defined tris and flat bulky bis. May have to do a little research on the peptide side of the game to fix this one.
Ok, don't blow me out of the water for this one, but I am getting desperate. I need to get that 'peak' on my bicep, and no matter how I train them, my biceps just stay flat and bulky. I just measured my biceps and they are 19" L and 18 7/8" R so good size, but I NEED the PEAK!! I have read on several occasions that injecting straight into a certain muscle can assist it with growth, but is this true and can it be done to the bicep. I have only injected into the glutes, quads, and shoulders, and don't know anyone personally that does any differently. These muscles are already large, so it's hard to tell if it is true based on these. Also, I am assuming if I did, I would probably have to limit it to 1cc per bicep. I don't want to take myself out of commission for two weeks with a swollen bicep, so does anyone have any first hand experience?

Bonus: I uploaded a picture for all to view the "flatness". This is unflexed, but I should still see a roundness in the bicep. Meat, help me out bro!!!! :(

Yeah dude dont expect any localized growth. Peak is determined by genetics. I injected winny into my triceps and they swole up just from being flaired and in a few days the swelling went back down. Sust did the same.

EAT to get that bicep peak :D

Plus bicep injections aren't really all that comfortable lol..
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Meat, help me out bro!!!! :(

I wish I had better news for you, but its very unlikely that site injections will noticeably improve your bicep peak(site injections of AAS won't cause localized growth). It really boils down to your genetics. My left arm has an INSANE peak while my right arm only has a decent peak. I've been trying to correct this for years now(And I won't stop until the day I die! lol). The best shot you have(and what I personally do) is to inject igf directly into the peak on bicep day. Mark the peak while flexing, relax the bicep, then inject where the mark is(the mark moves considerably when relaxed). Good luck bro!
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You could always do the Greg Valentino!! ......


Well....on second thought.... :eek: maybe overkill
I wish I had better news for you, but its very unlikely that site injections will noticeably improve your bicep peak(site injections of AAS won't cause localized growth). It really boils down to your genetics. My left arm has an INSANE peak while my right arm only has a decent peak. I've been trying to correct this for years now(And I won't stop until the day I die! lol). The best shot you have(and what I personally do) is to inject igf directly into the peak on bicep day. Mark the peak while flexing, relax the bicep, then inject where the mark is(the mark moves considerably when relaxed). Good luck bro!

What time in relation to training?
What time in relation to training?

ASAP after you finish training. If i'm training at a gym more than 10-15 minutes away from my house i'll actually stick a preloaded slin pin in a small cooler and pin in my car before I leave.
ASAP after you finish training. If i'm training at a gym more than 10-15 minutes away from my house i'll actually stick a preloaded slin pin in a small cooler and pin in my car before I leave.

Thank for the info Meat, I will give it a try.......BTW, getting my MelanoTanII next month, can't wait to get started on it! :D
ASAP after you finish training. If i'm training at a gym more than 10-15 minutes away from my house i'll actually stick a preloaded slin pin in a small cooler and pin in my car before I leave.

Do you pin each head on each arm? (4 pins total?) Or just one pin location on each arm?
Do you pin each head on each arm? (4 pins total?) Or just one pin location on each arm?

You can split the dose and pin each arm if you want to(I wouldn't use more than 2 pins though. You don't need to pin each head). Personally, i've never met anyone with perfectly symmetrical arms so I would recommend pinning your lagging arm(that's what I do),
As everyone else said, it's all about genetics bro. You should try IGF and if that doesn't work you can give synthol a try. Synthol can be used sensibly with great results.

Oh, and one more thing, you're over doing it with your biceps bro. 2 bicep movements like incline dumbell curls and barbell preacher curls and and one hammer movement are enough. There is no need to do more than 9-12 sets for your arms. I used to do a lot of work as well but my arms started growing and taking shape with little work.

By no means i have bigger hands than you do, but my bicep peaks are freaky.
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have u done standing cable curls. pins all the way to the top?. plus u might want to lose the gloves??lol

bro ur thick as hell now i am sure u will find the right combo.

yates said he did no more them 3-6 sets of bis. of course he was doing messed up weight but, said bi are small and easy to over train.
