What are the best spots to inject?

Almost quads exclusively. I have like 5 sites per quad, so rotations are easy. Plus just sitting down and doing the shot is easy. Some guys report scar tissue but maybe that's genetic or due to injection technique. Years of doing this and no scar tissue ime.
Quads are my go to. Delts and triceps if I’m doing Ed or eod injections. I dotn fuck with glutes anymore after one too many bad experiences.
How can you fuck up glutes?
Because I’m a fucking baboon. Cant reach… “here’s good enough” 2 seconds later on the floor because I hit nerve. One time pulled out and blood shot across the room. I’m not squeamish but it scared the shit out of me at the time. And one time I had bad gear or just bad luck and it got what felt like a softball sized lump in my ass. Rolled over in my sleep and felt it burst. Next morning whole cheek was bruised. That one’s mostly on me but I haven’t injected there since. That was probably 2012. I feel like I’m more in control with quads and they’re big enough I can move around a bit. Also not contorting myself like a retired obese gymnast
Literally theres alot more random problems with glutes reported by people than delta

DELTS best.

Delts are easier than glutes. Quads are easier than both. No twisting and turning to get in a good position to pin with quads. Just sit down and go.