Injectable superdrol and winstrol hepatotoxicity?

For OP basically if you see "17a" in the nomenclature, it effects the liver no matter the method of administration. Even trest which is "7a" effects the liver since it alkylated but to a "lesser" different degree.
Come on dudes it ain't nerd science battle to show who's smarter at eating books for lunch...

All I can say is that injectable stromba (winstrol/stanozolol) is waaay more potent and doesn't mess up my stomach, appetite and is overall much better than tablets. Toxic? I fucking bet it is, I didn't use winstrol for health, I just make sure I don't abuse that shit. It was worth it as I was ripped and strong AF. I wouldn't use it anymore though, I have different goals rn. But it was all fun when looking back.
we know injectables come with less sides and “no” liver toxicity? But is ls that really true, or can they still damage your liver?
I read a study some years ago about the hepatotoxicity of Injectable and Oral Stanozolol

Injectable 50mg / day
Oral 50mg / day (single dose morning)

Injectable have more impact than the oral.

Superdrol are just Masteron with Methyl for oral use but not the same effect, the methyl version are more anabolic and give more side effect in generally and of course toxic particularly for the liver.

If it's your first cycle of Superdrol i think the best are to start with 10mg daily with liver / heart support and clean diet for helping your lipids.
When AnabolicXtreme had made the Superdrol he suggested being at 2500 calories per day from clean food.

- Superdrol 10mg daily (if possible morning)
- Taurin 7 to 10g daily
- Coq10 100 to 200mg daily
- Milk Thistle (with 80% Silymarin minimum) 400/500mg morning / midday / evening
- Fish Oil 5g to 8g daily
- Powder electrolyte rich in potassium

Superdrol are very powerful ... try to use it for 4 weeks max and continue the supplement for liver / heart with proper PCT, the gain from Sdrol if your diet are clean are only real gain, no excessive water retention, drain your body, give more vascularity / pump and lot strenght.

The lethargy come surely from the liver dammage, it's why supplement are very important.

Take Care & Be Safe !
bioscience or broscience?

If your argument is that injectable drugs are not mg/mg more available and therefore "stronger" at a certain dose I dunno what to say.

I've used both oral and injectable superdrol, Anadrol, and dbol. Injectable requires less mg for the same effect and typically less sides (as should be expected by skipping ingestion).
bioscience or broscience?

If your argument is that injectable drugs are not mg/mg more available and therefore "stronger" at a certain dose I dunno what to say.

I've used both oral and injectable superdrol, Anadrol, and dbol. Injectable requires less mg for the same effect and typically less sides (as should be expected by skipping ingestion).
No argument here it makes sense the injected would be stronger mg vs mg. There's no true studies on this stuff it's just acedotal experience and you have experience with it.
I know I am stupid by continuing this discussion, but here it goes...

Methyltrienolone is alkylated trenbolone. Injectible MTren would be the equivalent of injectible superdrol

Injectible superdrol is the SAME FUCKING THING like oral superdrol, just in a different method of administration.

So yes you are talking to a baby in the mirror, that is correct.

GD these kids today....
god damn it i forgot to post OR jesus christ it was a this or that question duuuuuude I meant to put OR are you saying its like tren isnt mtren or whatever the fuck i said god damn and why do you have a baby as your photo if its not you its confusing people probably
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I read a study some years ago about the hepatotoxicity of Injectable and Oral Stanozolol

Injectable 50mg / day
Oral 50mg / day (single dose morning)

Injectable have more impact than the oral.

Superdrol are just Masteron with Methyl for oral use but not the same effect, the methyl version are more anabolic and give more side effect in generally and of course toxic particularly for the liver.

If it's your first cycle of Superdrol i think the best are to start with 10mg daily with liver / heart support and clean diet for helping your lipids.
When AnabolicXtreme had made the Superdrol he suggested being at 2500 calories per day from clean food.

- Superdrol 10mg daily (if possible morning)
- Taurin 7 to 10g daily
- Coq10 100 to 200mg daily
- Milk Thistle (with 80% Silymarin minimum) 400/500mg morning / midday / evening
- Fish Oil 5g to 8g daily
- Powder electrolyte rich in potassium

Superdrol are very powerful ... try to use it for 4 weeks max and continue the supplement for liver / heart with proper PCT, the gain from Sdrol if your diet are clean are only real gain, no excessive water retention, drain your body, give more vascularity / pump and lot strenght.

The lethargy come surely from the liver dammage, it's why supplement are very important.

Take Care & Be Safe !
good advice but if i can add to this. I have noticed superdrol was very hard on me and i cant use the oral verison im going to try the injectable version in the futre but with harsh orals ive noticed if i take them before bed ill mitigate some of the shitty feeling idk just my opinion. now i dont take drugs that make me feel lethargic but i used to try and force it and i noticed this helped, just my opinion
Start at less than 10mg
ill probably get some slin pins and dose it as low as i can at first cuz superdrol fucks me up just the thought of those old mdrol pills makes me sick. idk maybe it wont work out it might not even be worth trying. I respond well to injectable oral tren but not so well to actual tren ( i get really aggressive and that causes depression) but like you said its a different drug. maybe superdrol just isnt in the cards for me. I have a bottle of injectbale methylstenbolone but have never used any because i know how toxic the oral form is. I wish someone had done a test and pulled bloods on an injectable like we are talking to see liver values. im sure its out there somewhere
good advice but if i can add to this. I have noticed superdrol was very hard on me and i cant use the oral verison im going to try the injectable version in the futre but with harsh orals ive noticed if i take them before bed ill mitigate some of the shitty feeling idk just my opinion. now i dont take drugs that make me feel lethargic but i used to try and force it and i noticed this helped, just my opinion
It's surely the effect on the liver, take the dose at morning and during all day liver support help a lot.

Before starting any oral, try to check your liver / heart value.

I'm remember when AnabolicXtreme produce the Superdrol 10 with only 10mg the user gained around 4 to 5kg of muscle with high def (of course with proper diet / training and hygiene of life) and he advised to take lot supplement for heart / liver and kidney support.

The same in the past when i used Dbol or Sdrol, the impact on the liver make me feel very bad and lot difficult to sleep, with a mix of lethargy and anxiety, but with some support this side effect reduce a lot.