Injectable superdrol SCIENCE/Experiences

I've been using oral superdrol PWO only for 2 weeks. I have a good amount of experience with the oral version, I haven't used injectable before.

40mg/ml injectable superdrol just arrived today.

Does anyone have any experience with the injectable version?

For example, thoughts on PWO timing/dosage/half life/strength compared to the oral version etc...

If I pin it pre-workout with my daily test shot with MCT carrier oil, will this affect the absorption? should I do it separately?

I really like superdrol, the only side effect I experience is hypoglycemia. (that means its hella strong, so it is what it is)

I've been using anadrol with it as well.
id start at 6-12mg preworkout and see how your response is.

Remember that the oral bioavailibility of superdrol is 50%, vs 100% with injectable.

It will indeed act like a rapid acting oral with no ester, bypassing first pass metabolism in the liver though, so there are some pros and cons there, like perhaps not getting certain metabolites and not stressing the liver as much as oral administration.
I saw this posted above, but I feel I got the same benefits from roughly half the amount IM as I’d need orally. I love the shit out of sdrol, but it agrees with my liver fine. Some people it messes them up, so YMMV. It helps to not have other vices like drinking and to have your diet in order etc.
Only thing changing injectable is the absorbtion increases to 120/180 minutes to peak concentration (oral is 60/90 minutes). Information provided by source producing that chemical compound.
id start at 6-12mg preworkout and see how your response is.

Remember that the oral bioavailibility of superdrol is 50%, vs 100% with injectable.

It will indeed act like a rapid acting oral with no ester, bypassing first pass metabolism in the liver though, so there are some pros and cons there, like perhaps not getting certain metabolites and not stressing the liver as much as oral administration.
I'm not a scientist or anything but I've always read that Sdrol is near 100% bioavalailable orally... they both hit me hard, never took less mg in inj. I'm curious to what dose the OP get to in order to be happy.

Oil did seem to give me less side effects. The lethargy still got to me though. Horrible!!!!
More anecdotal commentary than science but I have noticed cool improvement taking CoQ10 Ubiquinol, Pregnenolone, NAC, Chromium Picolinate. Probably good choosing nootropics along heavy gear honestly.


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