Injectable superdrol SCIENCE/Experiences

I disagree. IMO, proviron is extremely underrated. Probably one of the most versatile compounds, because of what is does. It binds to shbg in a way most compounds don't and in return Freeing up more Test which is what we aim to achieve especially in a growth phase, or a bulk
I noticed that Proviron fits great with 19-nors.
Check for GGT and Bilirubine not AST ALT those don't give you any info about SD.
I can tell you that with 40mg SD daily for 5weeks had no problems on liver, the problem was shitting (was shitting like a goat) and staying awake.

I will never touch that again for offseason.

If you like the look just stack Anadrol with 1/3 1/5 of Winstrol instead.
I.E. 100 Drol + 20-40 Winny daily
dude - can i please check if you are talking about injectable winny/adrol? Or oral? Maybe it doesnt matter?

I have combined oral adrol and var before - it feels good, but never winny - so I am interested to know more
dude - can i please check if you are talking about injectable winny/adrol? Or oral? Maybe it doesnt matter?

I have combined oral adrol and var before - it feels good, but never winny - so I am interested to know more
Sorry, I am talking about oral Anadrol and oral Winstrol.

I tried to make both in MCT wtihout super solvents without any success.
Super solvents are super bad for out body and i stay away from them, i just use 1-2%BA and 15-20%BB.